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interlude [Interlude L2J] Fully FRESHED and WIPED Line][Age DeathWhisper PvP

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We are going to keep the server down till the company finishes what they are doing with our rootserver.They told us it will be down for 1-2 hours.We are in the same position as you are..waiting..


Keep it cool, cya


Official topic: http://l2deathwhisper.com/forum/index.php?topic=706


XxRxX man you shod make olympiad with normal ghear or make a special ghear for only olympiad!! the fighters win evry time how can i beat i fighter with summoner for example its imposible


mpika stn srvr kai m t edixne ola aspra kai t filou m t vrike virus kai ekane sinexia rr t pc t (apo t virus ekane mono t rr)

Dn exeis perasei swsta to patch.Pes tou filou s na apenergopoihsei to antivirus.1 fora 8a xreiastei meta 8a einai ok.


Amazing server XxRxX, Good Job!


And the best is No FuCk1ng LaG.


Keep this server on the top ;)

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