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[Request] Biggest pvp server with most people on?


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EDIT: What do people think about that Azure L2: Nanaki server? It's only 15x rates but is it any good?


Is nice server , but for newbies is hard because of crazy economy.(old server)

If you know how to make fast money and you are active , join the server   



EDIT : No Items donates , you can only donate for 2nd , 3rd class change + parts of subclass and noble quests

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L2Elixir is Off ;)

Dude the rates are 6x....

the largest server at the moment is lineage.ro for sure

Yeah I saw they have 7k people on but the rates are even worse, 4x... I wish it was mid-rate...

I'm searching too one mid-rate pvp server but nothing found atm...

I'm searching for server with no donations for weapons, armors or balanced donations, no custom items, populited, somethink like pvpx... It can be C4, C5, or interlude..

I don't even care much about the donation part, just want a good mid-rate pvp server.

I've checked alot of servers now but I can't find anything...

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Hi, I came back after 2 years of not playing L2. I used to play L2Extreme and L2Revenge.

There were alot of people on it like 10k or something. I want to know if there are any servers like that still around? A server where it's crowded everywhere and alot of pvp/pk? And towns are full of shops and such?

Can anyone please tell me? Thanks.


l2 revenge.. sweet memories 


i remember that there people where runing around with +25 weapons and +16 armors and jewels:))

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Survival have the old corrupted l2-eternal..and it sucks around 500players on..there's two servers that gonna be on soon..L2forever that's going to wipe and make interlude..and l2menace already have a nice community..and there's also the l2-eternal (now at l2universe or smthg like that, that have a big community-->after this server open, ppl will leave survival, since the database is the same, but it better gm (not the shitty cutie and jon)

But there's no any high rate with 2k ppl playing..atm

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Alright I'm going to give the lowrated L2Dex a try...

I tried walker right away but got banned on another IP, so I guess you're unable to use walker there.

But has anyone tried other cheats like editting the npcdata-e.dat or using L2Control/ACP without getting banned?

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Klaas lineage.ro have 7k online player O_o would have more then offical server teon www.lineage2.com is cant be,lier.......


well belive it cause its true! I played dex... and i know.

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