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interlude [L2J]L2Hermes x300


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For those who understand

  • Chronicle: Interlude
  • Platform: Java
  • Based on Pain-Team
  • Source code: yes.

    Project site: L2Hermes.ru

    OPENING: 30 July 20.00 GMT+3
    Beta test is already available



  • Chronicle: Interlude
  • Exp x300
  • Adena x10 (Only Ketra and Varka , other locations have a reduced rate )
  • Quest Drop x50 
  • Quest Drop Reward x20
  • The main currencies of the project:
    AdenaAdena - a drop from monsters.
    Festival adenaFestival Adena -  drop from champions (Ketra \ Varka), drop from raid bosses, epic bosses, exchange from adena at the rate of 500k - 1FA and vice versa, reward for pvp, reward for events.
    Coin Of LuckCoin Of Luck - Donations, drop from Hermes Boss, FA exchange in GM shop at the rate of 100 FA - 1 COL 



  • The GM shop contains weapons and armor up to S grade inclusive.
  • Armor and weapons from SA up to grade A inclusive, you can purchase for a nominal fee in adena.
  • A and S grades are on sale for adena, but much more expensive.
  • S grade weapons are sold without CA.
  • Added a new type of weapon, armor and jewelry - Dynasty
  • Obtained by exchanging a similar type of equipment sharpened to the maximum value with a surcharge in the form of Etc coin of fair i00 0.jpgFestival Adena

  • Dynasty weapons are exchanged with the transfer of HP.
  • Dynasty weapons have unique dual Soul Crystal characteristics. To insert, you need 164 Gemstone S and two types of Soul Crystal level 13 . ( Green + Blue )

    Dynasty weapon 
dynohammer.png  dynosword.png  dynostaff.png







Dynasty Armor 

Dynasty Armor has similar characteristics with minor changes to such sets as Draconic Leather Armor, Imperial Crusader Set, Major Arcane Robe (+ Dark Crystal) .

DynoLight.png   DynoHeavy.png   dynorobe.png  


Dynasty jewerly  

Dynasty jewelry has no additional characteristics other than the M.Def value increased relative to the Tateossian.


Tateossian standard values:
Tateossian Ring - 48
Tateossian Earring - 71
Tateossian Necklace - 95





  • From the start, the character has 36 (+4) buff slots available.
  • The premium section is available only with a premium account.
  • Cat / horse buffs and some resists are available for free
  • Buffer has a profile system.
  • Available classic buffer in cities in the form of NPC and Alt + B (Community)
  • Alt + B (Community) is available in any character state except combat mode and in all locations including Epic zones. (HP CP MP Recovery is not available)


  • There is a classic auction on the server, available for sale and purchase: Weapons, Armor, Jewelry, Epic and others.
  • In it you can find filters with popular active and passive weapon skills.
  • There is a filter for sharpened things.


  • The global teleport is designed to facilitate gameplay and will take you to the most popular locations from any city.
  • Also available in Community (Alt-B)


  • 1st and 2nd professions are available for free
  • 3rd profession available for adena (15kk)
  • NPCs for obtaining a profession are installed in the main cities
  • The master class is available by command in the chat .classmaster
  • Sub-class without a quest, free, 5 sub-classes are available.


  • A and S grade enchant scrolls  (Crystal Scroll)  cannot reset the current enchant of an item.
    If an equipment is unsuccessfully enchanted, its current enchant value is not reset. 
  •  You can get enchant scrolls like  Crystal Scroll  in the following way:
    Knock out from RB; Knock out bosses from Epics;
    Exchange quest items 4 or 5 lvl quest Alliance with Ketra Orcs or Alliance with Varka Silenos
    4 lvl - A grade, 5 lvl - S grade )
  • Limit of sharpening for weapons  +16 ; Armor and Jewelry  +12 .
  • The chance of sharpening is static, for weapons  45% .
  • The chance of enchanting armor and jewelry is  65% .
  • Safe sharpening values are standard.
  • In the Monastery of Silence location, the Etc blessed scrl of ench wp a i04 0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade A) scroll has been added to the drop. 
    This scroll RESETS the enchant of the weapon until it is safe.
  • Etc blessed scrl of ench wp a i04 0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade A) enchant chance  -  70% .


  • A clan is created at level 8. The maximum number of clans in the Alliance is 1.
  • Clan skills are available to all clan members.
  • The maximum number of people in a clan is 18
  • To learn clan skills, you only need reputation.
  • Clan reputation is obtained by killing Orfen, Core and RB from the list below.
  • The cost of 1 clan skill is 500 reputation.
  • With the help of the .clanbonus command, the Clan leader can activate a bonus in the form of 1500 Reputation.
  • We do not have any bonuses for moving a clan.


  • Skill1323 0.jpg Noblesse Blessing - Has a static rollback and read speed.
  • Skill1425 0.jpg Purification Field - has a static cooldown of   minutes. Does not require Spell Force charges
  • Skill1427 0.jpg Flames of Invincibility  - Has a static cooldown of  30  minutes. Does not require charges. Spell Force
    Works according to mechanics from the chronicles above. The invulnerability effect is canceled when using an attack / skill.
  • Skill0395 0.jpg Heroic Miracle - Has a static cooldown of  15  minutes. The duration of the skill has been reduced to  15  seconds.
  • Skill0396 0.jpg Heroic Berserker - Has a static cooldown of  15  minutes. Duration reduced to  60  seconds.
  • Skill1374 0.jpg Heroic Valor - Has a static cooldown of  20  minutes. Duration reduced to  60  seconds.
  • Skill0313 0.jpg Snipe - Has a static cooldown of   minutes. Duration reduced to  60  seconds.
  • Skill0004 0.jpg Dash - Duration  15  seconds, static cooldown -  25  seconds.
  • Skill 286 1.jpg Provoke - Does not cause aggression from players, but changes the target to a provocateur.
  • icon skill0024 Burst Shot - Increased range and power. Added to the Ghost Sentiel profession.
  • icon skill1256 Heart of Paagrio - Increases the HP recovery efficiency of all members of the alliance. icon skill1307Prayer)
  • icon skill1360 Mass Block Shield - Acts like DEBUFF, does not remove the Shield buff  icon skill1040.
  • icon skill1361 Mass Block Wind Walk - Acts like DEBUFF, does not remove the icon skill1204 WindWalk buff  
  • icon skill1344 Mass Warrior Bane - Acts like DEBUFF, does not remove  icon skill1204 WindWalk and icon skill1086 Haste buffs  .
  • icon skill1345 Mass Mage Bane - Acts like DEBUFF, does not remove icon skill1085 Acumen and  Empower buffs  icon skill1059.
  • icon skill1071 Surrender To Water - and similar skills, do not replace  icon skill1182 Resist Aqua and similar ones.
  • Skill1028 0.jpg Might of Heaven - Can be used on more monsters than just undead. Reduced pvp damage by 50%.
  • Skill1220 0.jpg Skill1175 0.jpg Skill1178 0.jpg Blaze \ Aqua Swirl \ Twister - Deal damage to high level monsters. 
  • Most combat and lowering skills (debuffs) have PTS-Like mechanics, have a balanced cooldown, and speed of pronunciation.


         New Olympiad system:

  • Classes from the list below received additional buffs at the beginning of the battle.
  • Participants of the Olympiad are not able to move until the start of the fight.
  • The standard buff Wind Walk \ Haste is not listed.
  • Disabled Item Skill: Celestial Shield
  • * - Classes that have not received changes.

    Skill0261 0.jpg Duelist - *
    Skill1356 0.jpg Hierophant - *
    Skill1406 0.jpg Arcana Lord - *
    Skill0361 0.jpg DreadNought -  Skill0268 0.jpg Song of Windicon skill0364 Song of Champion
    Skill0406 0.jpg Phoenix Knight - icon skill0271 Dance of Warrior
    Skill0283 0.jpg Hell Knight - icon skill0267 Song of Wardingicon skill0271 Dance of Warrior
    Skill0445 0.jpg Adventurer -  icon skill0364 Song of Championicon skill0304 Song of Vitality, icon skill1352 Elemental Protection
    Skill0313 0.jpg Sagittarius - icon skill1242 Death Whisper, icon skill0380 Guidance, icon skill0274 Dance of Fireicon skill0304 Song of Vitality, icon skill0364 Song of Champion
    Skill1339 0.jpg Archmage - icon skill1048 Blessed Soul, icon skill1243 Bless Shield, icon skill1389 Greater Shield, icon skill1085 Acumen, icon skill0378 Empower, icon skill0304Song of Vitality
    Skill1129 0.jpg Soultaker - Skill0268 0.jpg Song of Windicon skill1352 Elemental Protection, icon skill1085 Acumen
    Skill1335 0.jpg Cardinal -  Skill0268 0.jpg Song of Wind, icon skill1352 Elemental Protection, icon skill1048 Blessed Soul


    Skill1407 0.jpg Elemental Master - *
    Skill1355 0.jpg Eva Saint - *
    Skill0351 0.jpg Eva Templar - icon skill0267 Song of Warding, icon skill0269 Song of Hunter
    Skill0437 0.jpg Sword Muse - icon skill0274 Dance of Fire, icon skill0271  Dance of Warrior
    Skill0446 0.jpg Wind Rider - icon skill0364 Song of Championicon skill0304 Song of Vitality, icon skill1352  Elemental Protection
    Skill0413 0.jpg Moonlight Sentinel - icon skill1242 Death Whisper, icon skill0380 Guidance, icon skill0274 Dance of Fire, icon skill0304 Song of Vitality, icon skill0364Song of Champion
    Skill1265 0.jpg Mystic Muse - icon skill1048  Blessed Soul, icon skill1243 Bless Shield, icon skill1389 Greater Shield, icon skill1085 Acumen, icon skill0378  Empower, icon skill0304Song of Vitality

                                           Dark Elf

    Skill1408 0.jpg Spectral Master - *
    Skill0279 0.jpg Shillien Templar - icon skill0267 Song of Warding, icon skill0269  Song of Hunter
    Skill0367 0.jpg Spectral Dancer - icon skill0269 Song of Hunter, icon skill0304 Song of Vitality
    Skill0447 0.jpg Ghost Hunter - icon skill0364 Song of Champion,icon skill0304 Song of Vitality, icon skill1352 Elemental Protection
    Skill0414 0.jpg Ghost Sentinel -icon skill1242 Death Whisper, icon skill0380Guidance, icon skill0274 Dance of Fire, icon skill0304 Song of Vitality, icon skill0364 Song of Champion
    Skill1341 0.jpg Storm Screamer - icon skill1048 Blessed Soul, icon skill1243  Bless Shield, icon skill1389 Greater Shield, icon skill1085 Acumen, icon skill0378 Empower,
     icon skill0304 Song of Vitality
    Skill1357 0.jpg Shillen Saint - icon skill0268 Song of Wind ,icon skill0304 Song of Vitalityicon skill0269 Song of Hunter, icon skill1085 Acumenicon skill0274 Dance of Fire

    Skill0176 0.jpg Titan -- *
    Skill0050 0.jpg Grand Khauatari - *
    Skill1427 0.jpg Dominator - *
    Skill1363 0.jpg Doomcryer - icon skill0268 Song of Wind


    Skill0348 0.jpg Fortune Seeker - icon skill0268 Song of Windicon skill0274 Dance of Fire
    Skill0301 0.jpg Maestro - icon skill0268 Song of Windicon skill0274 Dance of Fire



  • The period of the Olympiad is 2 weeks. Olympiad Launch August 2 
    (First Heroes  August 15  ) 
  • New heroes every 1st and 15th day of the month.
  • The weapon of heroes according to the characteristics of P.Atk \ M.Atk is equal to S grade weapon +16, respectively.
  • Limit the maximum enchant equipment +6
  • Reworked hero skills for a more balanced play.
  • Hero skills are available on Sub-Classes.
  • Accessory hero cap i00 0.jpg - Wings of Destiny Circlet will give its owner  File: Skill1323 0.jpg Noblesse Blessing  [Passive]
  • The minimum number of participants to run is 3
  • Class battles are disabled.


  • From the start of the server, epic bosses are dead.
  • Accessory ring of core i00 0.jpg Core - Resp every day from 17: 00-18: 00 *
    (Reward for killing -  Etc_bloodpledge_point_i00_0.jpg 1000 points clan reputation)
  • Accessory earring of orfen i00 0.jpg Orfen - Resp every day from 18: 00-19: 00 *
    (Reward for a kill -  Etc_bloodpledge_point_i00_0.jpg1000 clan reputation points)
  • Accessory ring of queen ant i00 0.jpg Queen Ant - 80LvL; Resp every day from 20: 00-20: 30 *
  • Accessory necklace of frintessa i00 0.jpg Frintezza - Resp every Tuesday from 20: 00-21: 00
  • Accessory earring or business i00 0.jpg Zaken - 80LvL; Resp every Wednesday from 21: 30-22: 00 *
  • Accessory ring of baium i00 0.jpg Baium - 80LvL; Resp every Thursday from 21: 00-22: 00
  • Accessory earring of antaras i00 0.jpg Antharas - Resp every Friday from 22: 00-23: 00
  • Accessory necklace of valakas i00 0.jpg Valakas - Resp every Saturday from 22: 00-23: 00
  • All epic bosses in the drop have:
    codex.jpg - Giant's Codex 
    961 Etc scroll of enchant armor i01 0.jpg  - Crystal Enchant Scrolls  (A \ S; Armor \ Weapon)
    Etc mineral unique i03 0.jpg  - Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 76
    1113123.png - Nephilim Lord
  • Issuance of clan reputation on the last blow, provided that at least 10% damage is done.
  • *  -  The minimum chance of dropping epic jewelry from epic bosses is  60%.
  • *  - Doors open for 5 minutes at 21.30 Moscow time 


To raid bosses like:

  • Varka's Commander Mos
  • Varka's Hero Shadith
  • Varka's Chief Horus
  • Ketra's Chief Brakki
  • Ketra's Hero Hekaton
  • Ketra's Commander Tayr

    Respawn RB from the list - 6 hours.


  • Added drop:
    Etc coin of fair i00 0.jpg - Festival Adena [60-100] 100%
    topls.jpg - Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 76 [3-6] - 100% 
    codex.jpg - Giant's Codex [1-4] - 100%
    cppotion.jpg - Greater CP Potion [2000] - 100%
    961 - Crystal Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-grade) - [1-2] - 100%
    961 - Crystal Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-grade) - [2-4] - 100%
    Etc scroll of enchant armor i01 0.jpg - Crystal Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-grade)  - [2-4] - 100%
    Etc scroll of enchant armor i01 0.jpg - Crystal Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-grade)  - [2-4] - 100%
    Etc_bloodpledge_point_i00_0.jpg - Clan Point - Clan reputation for learning clan skills - 250
  • Loot from bosses falls to the ground, it can be raised by the group that caused the most damage.
  • Issuance of clan reputation on the last blow, provided that at least 10% damage is done.
  • Raid bosses from the list below have Etc adena i00 0.jpg Adena (46kk -91kk ) и Etc bead silver i00 0.jpg Gemstone S ( 15-30 ) in the drop
  • Спойлер
    • Flamestone Giant Hestia,
    • Guardian Deity of the Hot Springs
    • Last Lesser Giant Glaki
    • Ember
    • Respawn RB from the list - 3 hours.



  • Sieges every week on Sunday at 16.00 Moscow time
  • Each of the besieged castles adds 3 clan skills to its owner
    (applies to all clan members)
  • Accessory crown i00 0.jpg - Lord's Crown will give its owner  File: Skill1323 0.jpg Noblesse Blessing  [Passive]
    and the Clan Gate skill  , which summons clan members to their Leader, a 10 minute cooldown.

  • The reward for the successful capture of the castles is Etc_coins_gold_i00_0.jpg50 COL and the Unique costume which is not for sale in the GM shop.
    Not transferred, not thrown away, not sold, not deleted.
    The reward appears in the clan warehouse after a successful siege of the castles Rune, Giran, Aden. 
  • Спойлер

    Suit appearance














    24044916308_dc5e13f672_o.png37896685621_0ab1613973_o (1).png


  • 3 Castles are admitted to the Sediments: 
  • Rune
    shield.png  Castle Shield +5% P.Def;
    Skill0379 0.jpg   Castle Barrier +5% M.Def;
    3046  Castle Resist +10% Water\Wind\Fire Resist;
  • Giran
    3043  Castle Movement +6 Speed;
    3026  Castle Might +7% P.Atk;
    3042  Castle Death Whisper +10% Crit.Power;
  • Aden
    3036  Castle Fortitude +15% Stun\Shock Resist;
    3035  Castle Empower  +5% M.Atk
    3034  Castle Body +500 Max HP.



  • Tyrannosaurus  - has in the drop  topls.jpg - Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 76 [1 pcs.] - 60% chance  .
  • The premium account does not affect the chance or the number of Life Stones dropped.

  • Tyrannosaurus has buff scrolls in the droplist, which in turn repeat the characteristics of active LS skills, the chance of dropping without a premium account will be 3% , with a premium account 4.5%.
  • DynoScrolls.jpg

  • Scrolls have stucktype = augment , replace each other, as well as chance and active HP skills. This means that there can be only 1 of this kind of buff on a character, regardless of how it was obtained using a scroll or an augmentation skill.
    The scroll lasts 20 minutes . The static casting time is 1.5 seconds.

  • Just from  Tyrannosaurus to drop 5% probability there subject: Etc head of gazk i00 0.jpgGazkh
    Who gives the opportunity to get on the road with the king of all dinosaurs - Sailren.
    The king of the dino island can also reward you with buff scrolls with an increased drop rate and an increased amount.

  • Sailren's respawn time is 1 hour.
  • Only the leader of the group who has the item
    Etc head of gazk i00 0.jpgGazkh

    in his inventory can teleport to  Sailren  , the item is transferred. In order to teleport everyone inside, you need to be in close proximity to the leader of the group.

    The standard quest is disabled.

  • A little story about the raid on Sailren:  l2vika.ru
  • On  Tyrannosaurus,  you can upgrade your  4629 Soul Crystal  from   level 10  to  level 13 with a 35% chance for the finishing one .
  • NPC Jurek with a quest for pumping CA is additionally installed at the entrance to the cave.
  • The monsters on the "dark" side of the island are devoid of aggression.


  • Only Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 76 are present on the server topls.jpg 
  • Chance to catch skill =  10%
  • Characteristics of the main LS skills:

    Active skills:

    • Skill1388 0.jpg Duel Might +16% P.Atk. in PvP by  20 minute's
    • Skill1059 0.jpg Empower +25% M.Atk. by  20 minute's
    • Skill1036 0.jpg Magic Barrier +23% M.Def. by  20 minute's
    • Skill1068 0.jpg Might +12% P.Atk. by  20 minute's
    • Skill1040 0.jpg Shield +19% P.Def. by  20 minute's
    • Skill1303 0.jpg Wild Magic +100% Mag.Crit.Rate. by  20 minute's

    Passive skills:

    • Skill1388 0.jpg Duel Might +12% P.Atk. in PvP 
    • Skill1059 0.jpg Empower +19% M.Atk. 
    • Skill1036 0.jpg Magic Barrier +16% M.Def. 
    • Skill1068 0.jpg Might +9% P.Atk. 
    • Skill1040 0.jpg Shield +12% P.Def. 
    • Skill1303 0.jpg Wild Magic +60% Mag.Crit.Rate. 

    Chance Skills:

    • Skill1388 0.jpg Duel Might +16% P.Atk. in PvP by  2 minute's
    • Skill1059 0.jpg Empower +25% M.Atk. by  2 minute's
    • Skill1036 0.jpg Magic Barrier +23% M.Def. by  2 minute's
    • Skill1068 0.jpg Might +12% P.Atk. by  2 minute's
    • Skill1040 0.jpg Shield +19% P.Def. by  2 minute's
    • Skill1303 0.jpg Wild Magic +100% Mag.Crit.Rate. by  2 minute's


  • The quest is standard, the quest chain is standard.
  • Drop quest items 50 pcs. with a chance of 60%.
  • Drop  Etc molar white i00 0.jpgEtc mane i00 0.jpg (Teeth \ Hair) for 20 s of the mob.
  • The exchange rate for  Etc horn i00 0.jpgEtc seed green i00 0.jpg (Seeds and Horns) is standard.
  • For convenience, NPCs for the Alliance quest have been added to the hostile locations.
  • After completing lvl 3 quests, you will be able to purchase CPU cans and Elixirs.
  • After completing lvl 4 quests, you will be able to purchase A grade sharpening scrolls.
  • After completing the 5 lvl quest, you will be able to purchase the S grade sharpening scrolls.
  • There is no penalty for killing an allied mob.


  • Since S grade weapons are sold without SA to insert a crystal, you need a
     Etc bead silver i00 0.jpg Gemstone (S-grade)
  • All 4 RB  Shadow of Halisha  have in the drop  Etc bead silver i00 0.jpg Gemstone (S-grade) from 45 to 85 pieces.
  • Etc bead silver i00 0.jpg Entrance Pass to the Sepulcher   are sold in the GM shop for adena.
    Quest  Relics of the Old Empire  - disabled.
  • Call time and interval are standard.
  • The minimum number of group members to enter is 3 people.



  • Respawn time: daily from  22:00  to  23:00
  • Location: Pavel Ruins
  • Implemented a PvP zone inside the "well"
  • The restore is disabled.
  • 2 Teleport Points available with Global Gatekkeper or Alt + B
  • Loot from the boss falls to the ground, it can be raised by the group that caused the most damage.
  • Drop:
    Etc coin of fair i00 0.jpg - Festival Adena [80-120] 100%
    Etc_coins_gold_i00_0.jpg - Coin of Luck [2-5] 100%
    codex.jpg - Giant's Codex [4-8] 100%
    Etc mineral unique i03 0.jpg - Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 76 [20-50] 100%
    1113123.png - Nephilim Lord [1] 50%
    a466r-i0juq.png - Shield of Imperial Warlord Zombie [1] 50%

  • Спойлер


    4a2416ffbee8e473670f897a1bfc883c (1).gif






On both sides of the stairs in the Town of Goddard, siege monitoring crystals and epic bosses are installed.

Each epic boss has a teleport point view and an inside view.


By choosing a teleport, you can control the camera and select the angle you need.




The Town of Goddard has a teleport to the PVP Farm zone.


5 types of monsters and 5 types of drops, respectively. Moderate chance and quantity.

Etc coin of fair i00 0.jpg  - Festival Adena
Etc mineral unique i03 0.jpg  - Top Grade Life Stone 76
codex.jpg  - Secret Book of Giants
Etc bead silver i00 0.jpg  - Gemstone S
Br cp potion i01 0.jpg  - Greater CP Potion





  • To obtain the status of Noblesse you need
    Etc permit card i00 0.jpg Noblesse Certificat +  Etc adena i00 0.jpg 100kk Adena

  • Etc permit card i00 0.jpg Noblesse Certificat is  received by the group that last hit to Flame Of Splendor Barakiel.
  • Conditions for obtaining a certificate of 76+ lvl, you can use the main class.
  • The standard quest is disabled.
  • The respawn interval is 6 hours.


  • T v T  - Run every 3 hours.
    Award to the winning team:
    Etc mineral unique i03 0.jpg - Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 76 [1]
    Etc coin of fair i00 0.jpg - Festival Adena [15]
    Br cp potion i01 0.jpg - Greater CP Potion [250]
  • Disabled skills: Skill0313 0.jpgSnipe, Skill1418 0.jpgCelestial Shield
  • Added Event Defense buff Significantly increases character stats for 6 seconds. Decreases running speed.Skill0110 0.jpg
  • The reward is given at 0 kills, there is protection from the AFK.
    Warrior buff profile has   blessq.jpg Blessing of Queen and  malara.pngFLu 4 lvl
    Mage buff profile has   malara2.png Malaria4 lvl
    Magic crit power on TvT = x2.5 (Standard = x4)
  • The event is held randomly in one of 5 locations.
  • Last Hero  - Launch 2 times a day: 12.30 Moscow time and 18.30 Moscow time.
    Winner's reward:
    Accessory hero cap i00 0.jpg - Hero status for 6 hours.
    Br cp potion i01 0.jpg - Greater CP Potion [500]
    Etc coin of fair i00 0.jpg - Festival Adena[50]Healing 
    skills and invitation to the group are prohibited.
    War buff profile has blessq.jpg Blessing of Queen, malara.png FLu 4 lvl, icon skill1352 Elemental Protection
    Mage buff has malara2.png Malaria4 lvl
  • Location: Colosseum


  • On sale there are only things that do not affect the gameplay, accessories, consumables, etc.
  • There will never be heroism, LS skills, epics, equipment and similar items on sale.
  • The services of changing the base, painting the title / nickname, nobility, resetting the Olympiad points, etc. are available.
  • You can buy Coin Of Luck by making a voluntary donation in your Personal Account
  • Coin of Luck - can be obtained by playing. 1 COL - 100FA. Exchanger in the GM shop.
  • COL cost - 0.5 USD


  • Premium account affects only 2 indicators:
       Drop Adena Rate + 50%  (Without PA x10 with PA x15)
       Exp Rate + 50%  (Without PA x300 with PA x450)

  • Works in a party, provided that all members of the group have a Premium Account activated.
    Otherwise, the total rate is divided by the group.
    For example, there are 2 characters in a group, one has a PA, the other does not.
    No party, for a character with PA, a drop from adena mob, for example, 150 adena, for a character without PA, 75 adena.
    In a group, these characters will have a drop of 112 adena.

  • Premium account allows you to use the premium buff section


  • Server chat commands :
    .epic .rb .menu .classmaster .myinfo .gvg
  • Added Block Buff and Escape skills to all characters
  • The maximum chance of a magic crit is 40% (OFF-Like)
    You can view the current chance of a magic crit and other characteristics of a character by using a command in the chat .myinfo
  • Added Skill1323 0.jpg Noblesse Blessing skill for the Cardinal profession 
  • For the profession Ghost Sentiel added the skill   icon skill0024 Burst Shot
  • All Disease levels in Hot Springs have level 4 characteristics.
  • Etc reagent blue i00 0.jpgMana Potions have a static cooldown of 6.6 seconds and restore 1000 MP.
    The cost of Mana Potions in GMshop has a dynamic cost and will increase daily. 
    This solution will help to keep the main currency of the Adena server in price and not lead to its surplus.
  • Etc super mp potion i05 0.jpgElixir of Mental Strength - Recover 10 times more MP. (S-Grade = 4200MP \ 5 min) Sold in the GM shop.
  • Skill1354 0.jpgArcane Protection = Skill1415 0.jpgPaagrios Emblem
  • P.Def. shield insignificantly affects the power of damaging the arrow hitting the shield.

    Project site: L2Hermes.ru


Edited by L2Hermes
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ngl server looks unique and decent.Will try it for sure.


p.s images for dyn etc doesnt work. Also when srv start cant find any info.

Edited by idoomsong1337
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17 minutes ago, idoomsong1337 said:

ngl server looks unique and decent.Will try it for sure.


p.s images for dyn etc doesnt work. Also when srv start cant find any info.


hes already informed on discord he will try to fix all the broken images.

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Put some dates please. Which date your server is opening for BETA and which date your server opening for GRAND OPENING.


Edited by Vision
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3 hours ago, idoomsong1337 said:

ngl server looks unique and decent.Will try it for sure.


p.s images for dyn etc doesnt work. Also when srv start cant find any info.


There is a problem with filters from constant DDoS to the project site, someone has very nothing to do.

As soon as I release the filtering rules, the images will work correctly.

While you can use VPN from Russia \ Ukraine xD

I will try to solve it soon.

Thank you very much, I am trying very hard to make a good project)
The development took more than 1 year of daily work before the first launch.

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Good mentality behind these features; right off the bat you can tell that you're putting a lot more effort than the typical PvP server we're all used to (maybe that's why you're getting DDOS'd by the losers).


That being said, I'm a bit skeptical about the Olympiad and how Dynasty (Armors and SAs) & Custom Buffs will work in practice. I mean, I get it, you're trying to balance out the Olympiad on Interlude. Hopefully my scepticism is unwarranted and it works out well. Regardless, it's interesting so definitely worth trying. 

Another thing is that a bi-weekly Olympiad on a PvP oriented server in 2021 is a bit ambitious, but then again, why not, you're going for something different so perhaps these features can increase the lifespan of the server, overall. 

Either way, good luck with your project. Looks good. 

Edited by Mr_Zero
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7 hours ago, Mr_Zero said:

Good mentality behind these features; right off the bat you can tell that you're putting a lot more effort than the typical PvP server we're all used to (maybe that's why you're getting DDOS'd by the losers).


That being said, I'm a bit skeptical about the Olympiad and how Dynasty (Armors and SAs) & Custom Buffs will work in practice. I mean, I get it, you're trying to balance out the Olympiad on Interlude. Hopefully my scepticism is unwarranted and it works out well. Regardless, it's interesting so definitely worth trying. 

Another thing is that a bi-weekly Olympiad on a PvP oriented server in 2021 is a bit ambitious, but then again, why not, you're going for something different so perhaps these features can increase the lifespan of the server, overall. 

Either way, good luck with your project. Looks good. 


This is awesome, thank you! 🤩
I am very glad that someone understands the essence of my idea) I am an ordinary player who spent 15 years of his life on this game. A long time ago I fell in love with her, and I am trying to embody in my project those feelings that once made me stay awake at night and wake up early in the morning.

Unfortunately, no one will give you money just like that and no one is interested in being an investor with a share of less than 60% of the profit. Namely, these conditions force the owners to make full donate projects, where you can buy everything and even more.

I really hope that I will be able to bring the project to a high level with small budgets in order to preserve the initially conceived economy.

As for the Olympiad, the last test start in March for 70 people showed that the Olympiad works great and in the arenas one could find many professions that on a typical server do not enter the arena themselves.

Regarding Dynasty, this is done to increase the life of the project, in order to improve the standard Interlude equipment to the maximum enchant level, it will take about 3-4 days for the most persistent guys. It will take another 1-2 days to farm the required amount of coins to exchange Interlude equipment for a dynasty. And then you need to enchant the dynasty 😃

At the Olympiad, Dynasty is not available, therefore, for those who will go to the arenas, it is necessary to have additional standard equipment for the Olympiad.

In any case, such words of support are worth working for. Thank you so much! 😘

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really good server and administration aswell you wont find any corruptions i can confirm he cares for the community and his own server i will be playing today there give it a try!


Topic moved on live servers good luck!

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On 7/16/2021 at 8:50 AM, L2Hermes said:


This is awesome, thank you! 🤩
I am very glad that someone understands the essence of my idea) I am an ordinary player who spent 15 years of his life on this game. A long time ago I fell in love with her, and I am trying to embody in my project those feelings that once made me stay awake at night and wake up early in the morning.

Unfortunately, no one will give you money just like that and no one is interested in being an investor with a share of less than 60% of the profit. Namely, these conditions force the owners to make full donate projects, where you can buy everything and even more.

I really hope that I will be able to bring the project to a high level with small budgets in order to preserve the initially conceived economy.

As for the Olympiad, the last test start in March for 70 people showed that the Olympiad works great and in the arenas one could find many professions that on a typical server do not enter the arena themselves.

Regarding Dynasty, this is done to increase the life of the project, in order to improve the standard Interlude equipment to the maximum enchant level, it will take about 3-4 days for the most persistent guys. It will take another 1-2 days to farm the required amount of coins to exchange Interlude equipment for a dynasty. And then you need to enchant the dynasty 😃

At the Olympiad, Dynasty is not available, therefore, for those who will go to the arenas, it is necessary to have additional standard equipment for the Olympiad.

In any case, such words of support are worth working for. Thank you so much! 😘

15 years nice , but why you try so hard, look at L2Reborn he lunched on bugged l2j with daft idea that not allow more that 1 acc per IP and not even buy protection for  the bots and people playing and donate. on this crap :). 

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Hi MaxCheaters
A week has passed since the launch of the x300 project, it was extremely difficult, but I am not afraid of all sorts of problems.

The project is still alive and welcomes new players and parties with open arms.

There is a start bonus system for all new characters.



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