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L2 Website Clan registration script easy to install

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This script allow Clan leaders to subscribe their clans for various server usage. It is very easy to install and configure and the usage is very dynamic meaning the customer can update most of the visual features of the output.


Price: 60$ 



- Clan leaders to subscribe their clans for various server usage

- Clan listing table

- Sessions to prevent spamming, if enabled will not allow the same client to resubscribe if a period of time did not passed

- Configuration file controlling most of the plugin features

- Safe mysqli connection class with prepared statements to prevent SQL injections




- Php version 5.6 or later (suggested 7.0) because use/namespace were introduced in php5.3 and straight brackets arrays were introduced in php5.6


More informations on the pictures below.


1. Clean design(using bootstrap in example but plugin has it's own css style file that can be easy modified to fit your website)



2. Form validations based on config file and configurable session spam prevention, do not require captcha







3. Various configurations to fit your needs(config file protected to be read by server only, requires mod rewrite enable)



4. Copy/Paste installation just put the plugin directory in your website root(can be inside a document as well just need to make sure to edit the autoload to point the rict path)




If you are interested in buying this scritp or you want more informations about it do not hesitate to contact me on DISCORD


Edited by Mr_Darky94
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  • Mr_Darky94 changed the title to L2 Website Clan registration script easy to install
14 hours ago, xdem said:

Nice design and cool price tag, although I can't wait till website devs in this forum drop PHP for Tomcat and Java masterace

I'm currently more focused on codeigniter but will probably start checking NodeJS soon as well.


I'm currently codding this website 



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