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L2JNW Devs Revive - Wtf? Just look... :)


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If you dont understand whats this all about --> read below




At least give it a read! :) The topic deserves it! :P

If you already wanna flame me for something at least do it on PM.. :P



Edit: THIS is a java dev team not a new server x.x

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[bG]Не съм чак толкова добър девелопер и затова немога да ти помогна с проекта ти... Но все пак ти пожелавам всичко най хубаво и успех с проекта ти. Ще се радвам да съм част от населението на твоя сервер и веднага щом серверати отвори аз ще вляза да се позабавлявам. За сега мога само успех да ти кажа!


[ENG] It's worth to be part of his project. I think his idea is good , and to tell the truth many people have tried to do it... Although ... it always failed....And it was because lack for experienced Developers [serious too] ... I cannot help him to build such a new world, but im sure going to be part of it once it opens. for now... I wish you find experienced developers/programmers so you can start creating it.


Good Luck and mostly Have Fun.

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This idea is Tottally Cool..


First of all. Cause L2J C4 Doesnt Exist Anymore.. And if it is  , It's NOT Workin..


Anyway , Good Luck WIth Your Project :)

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L2NW? Wasn't that an attempt to create a bugless /retail-like version of L2j and open a server with it? Can't actually remember. But mate, if you wanna start something like that, you gotta search for deVs on your own... MxC is NOT a place for public requests ( I doubt this was a public request anyway :P)


Btw, welcome back jaff mate  8)

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L2NW? Wasn't that an attempt to create a bugless /retail-like version of L2j and open a server with it? Can't actually remember. But mate, if you wanna start something like that, you gotta search for deVs on your own... MxC is NOT a place for public requests ( I doubt this was a public request anyway :P)


Btw, welcome back jaff mate  8)


Nope its an old "attempt" to restart a project which long time ago started making a totally different world. What i mean? I mean an open source server files and client files which are totally making different the L2 World..


#Stefoulis15 L2JC4 does exist and we can provide a full source files.

#HaCkz0r [bG]Това е dev team който работи върхо не виждан проект до сега, прочети какво съм писал вътре за разбереш. :) [EN] This is a dev team on a project which was never seen until now, read what i have posted in the forum.

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mate , by saying Doesnt exist i mean that it's not working.. anyway my mistake!


btw , i would like to help ya

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Got it! :) Taken in the DP Dev group. ;)


Find me in msn


I've added ya but it seems that u are not online...


can u add me? ? cause maybe i've done sth wrong :S

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Why working on c4?That's totally stupid,sorry my friend but who want's to spend HOURS developing a C4 server?C4 is totally bugged,gl with your project but you'll have to work for HOURS(!!!) to fix all the bugs.Better start another client and ye i totally agree with stefoulis,c4 packs are fucked up ;)

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mate we are not creating a server or sth..


we are creating a whole NEW C4..


I Mean , There will be lots of modifies on client + on server..

u'll just see. :P

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mate we are not creating a server or sth..


we are creating a whole NEW C4..


I Mean , There will be lots of modifies on client + on server..

u'll just see. :P

That's what i meant..who will join a C4 Java server with unlimited bugs?Well i wish you gl,even if i think that you'll fail ;D

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with unlimited bugs?


mate.. that's our main purpose.. Fixing Those Bugs.. THat Makes C4 So.. "UnWanted" or sth..


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I Mean , There will be lots of modifies on client + on server..


That do you mean?Example the server will have Icarus weapons or Raid Bosses like Beleth etc?This will be cool but...

I think this will be hard and maybe as fakoykas said it will cause a lot of bugs :P


Good luck to your project ;)

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That do you mean?Example the server will have Icarus weapons or Raid Bosses like Beleth etc?


Well , I Don't Really Know About The Client Side.. We Have To Decide.. Icarus Weapons Are The Easiest Shit ...


We Have To Check The Server Side First..

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omg omg.. stopp with those noobish comments.. as i see none of you read the topic link i gave here!!!


1. This wont be server

2. Its will be open source project

3. It wont be C4 anymore

4. It wont be Lineage 2 anymore

5. It will be based on Lineage 2 Engine

6. Fixing bugs idea is taken as well of course.

7. Read everything again.

8. Read the fcking topic. :P


Thats why its called -> L2J New World... because -> Textures/weapons/armors/items/quests/NPCs and etc will be FULLY changed and modded... i agree its at least an year work for at least our first stable pack but i dont want to fck up this project too! It has been started and it has been never dismissed so i dont have anything on my way to restart him and make something unique which none of you have ever seen in his WHOLE life!!! And as stefoulis told me on msn "so.. we are making a new mmorpg?" yes .. something like that! As i said based on lineage 2 engine! And stop talking bull**its!

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