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Precompiled pack , build ant problem



Hello guys,

I got that precompiled pack with the source code but i cant build it,

i got some errors showing up in eclipse's console and i want to know if its possible to be fixxed


                      warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 7

                       BUILD FAILED
                       C:\Users\Personal Pc\Desktop\SERVER\L2jFrozen_GameServerL2Server\build.xml:65: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.



 When i open the build there is a line which is selected in the build.xml file  :



                       <javac destdir="${build.classes}" includeantruntime="false" optimize="on" debug="on" source="1.7" target="1.7" encoding="utf-8" nowarn="off">


Can i do something about that?



Edited by Entropy
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3 hours ago, Entropy said:

Hello guys,

I got that precompiled pack with the source code but i cant build it,

i got some errors showing up in eclipse's console and i want to know if its possible to be fixxed


                      warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 7

                       BUILD FAILED
                       C:\Users\Personal Pc\Desktop\SERVER\L2jFrozen_GameServerL2Server\build.xml:65: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.



 When i open the build there is a line which is selected in the build.xml file  :



                       <javac destdir="${build.classes}" includeantruntime="false" optimize="on" debug="on" source="1.7" target="1.7" encoding="utf-8" nowarn="off">


Can i do something about that?



Looks like you are using L2jFrozen, i recommend you update to L2jFrozen 1.5 which is improved version of L2jFrozen.

Information about L2jFrozen 1.5: https://l2devsadmins.net/reynaldev/index.php?board=66.0
Guide to install L2jFrozen 1.5: https://l2devsadmins.net/reynaldev/index.php?board=92.0

Edited by Reynald0
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On 1/26/2020 at 1:35 AM, Nightw0lf said:

If you can find there something that helps, post me.

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On 1/28/2020 at 3:35 PM, Entropy said:

If you can find there something that helps, post me.

you can atleast try to use it... not even tried to use it... google.. search... this errors are so easy to solve but you are not even try to search... i found this is why i've send you the links

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