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How to fix it ?



Login server and Game server start succesfly. When  type ID + password , I see my server but after click "ok"  there is noting happend.

Edited by GalaXyMaN
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39 minutes ago, GalaXyMaN said:

I still do not know what you mean ?

you plan to spend money and use this server files?

(if you can answer this you will propably understand what i mean)

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Some people would spend this money on alcohol, others on cigarettes,
I want to put a server. Even if it is money thrown away, I will not cry.
This is to be a server for people who don't have much time to play.
Not for typical farmers.
I just want to ensure server stability in advance, so that people can be sure that,
they are not wasting their valuable time on a server that will shut down in a month or two.
It may not make sense to you and many others, but for me it is a small fulfillment of my own self.
Edited by GalaXyMaN
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Not sure on which aCis version Eola is built on, but you shouldn't use it, only for the sake there are already better versions of aCis.


Customs are customs and can be added back, but I doubt you will be the one fixing retail gameplay.


For instance I fixed 2 very old L2J (= shared towards almost all L2J forks) exploits in 380 and 381, I fixed 4sep behavior (chest exploit) at 379, 383 got sit/stand fixed related to shop system, 374 got mass ressurection exploit fix upon BossZone and retail clan transfersystem, which fix an exploit, etc...


Well, if you aren't up to date, your server is, anyway, vulnerable.

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5 hours ago, GalaXyMaN said:

Some people would spend this money on alcohol, others on cigarettes,
I want to put a server. Even if it is money thrown away, I will not cry.
This is to be a server for people who don't have much time to play.
Not for typical farmers.
I just want to ensure server stability in advance, so that people can be sure that,
they are not wasting their valuable time on a server that will shut down in a month or two.
It may not make sense to you and many others, but for me it is a small fulfillment of my own self.

so you know its bad but you still do it, i cant cure brain damage but i warned you

Edited by Nightw0lf
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You misinterpret my words. I know that for some people this is bad and unprofitable but I just want to do it.

Anyway, thank you for the instruction and common sense.

Edited by GalaXyMaN
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3 minutes ago, GalaXyMaN said:

You misinterpret my words. I know that for some people this is bad and unprofitable but I just want to do it.

you say exact thing as i say, you need to see a doctor.

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