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Reporting Coolness.


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Web design scam.

We started nice and easy , said what I need and he said how much time he needs to deliver. He never finished his job and he was ignoring me a lot .
Its been over 30 days already , Im getting impatient and angry.
When I asked my money back he begged to continue the job and do more things that I asked but I refused and wanted a refund.
He never refunded me so I started a dispute on paypal and around 15 days later I got my money back.

He already had -3 reputation when I started working with him but a good web designer that didnt have time to work with my project send me to this guy.

This is the whole conversation till the last day that he finally stopped talking to me. I want this guy banned , so he stops scamming.

I was angry in the latest messages so excuse my saltiness.


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i maked for you few version, and after, you write here this message. You have earned money back, what do you want from me? All times i sent you changes. All times i answer you. Why you think about me what i scammer? I have some diffucult period in my life but every time i sent you new changes you sent me new. 

Moderator, please delete this message. This guy have files and he got money back. I don't scammer.

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39 minutes ago, Coolness said:

i maked for you few version, and after, you write here this message. You have earned money back, what do you want from me? All times i sent you changes. All times i answer you. Why you think about me what i scammer? I have some diffucult period in my life but every time i sent you new changes you sent me new. 

Moderator, please delete this message. This guy have files and he got money back. I don't scammer.

show a photo with the refund 

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I have posted all the conversation in the first post , and celestine banned you , why are you unbanned.

And second you didnt refund me as said , paypal decided to send me the money back after I started a dispute .

Dont lie dude.

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Now I see  @DenArt Designs which is really irrelevant cause of the reasons:

" * if you read the situation @Coolness was trying to restore the money but it was not in hes hand to make it happen so everybody should understand "

You cant see the dates but he was trying to fix his mistakes after I asked a refund after 15 days of little to non existant progress.

* when you send money to paypal you need to wait couple of days to see the transfer 8/6/2018 friday paypal will see money propably on monday this means today and weekend hes friend will not be able to deliver (His friend)

What do you even mean here? The tranfer has already be done at this date by paypal. He DIDNT add money HE DIDNT REFUND.

* @sotid asked money back out of the blue but this is why 50% is given in front so if you dont like the work (the person who worked lost his time but keeps 50%) and you dont pay the other 50% and you part ways.

Out of blue? this is what you ended up reading on our conversation? 50/50? .

First of all he told me 50% 50% at the beginning and I told him ok , but as long he doesnt have paypal he came to an agreement to send all the money at the beggining. So I sent the 100% of the cost and second I asked for a refund exactly 30 days after I sent the money and before I even start a dispute 20/5 to be precise after a whole lot of ignoring from him.

Date I paid:


Date I asked for a refund:



Date I got my money back from paypal and not from him, he stopped talking to me at 22/5 :


* @sotid on the first 2 images you ask him to make you new website because you dont like yours so he gave you a new website and you make him throw it to trash. (the deal is off here)

Read again. I didnt ask for a new website, I asked for an improvement to look better and more professional.
And he didnt gave me a new website , he only showed me a header , the very beggining of his progress.



He didnt start the code at this point he only made this , if he made it alone : l2 interlude l2 high five in the same image lol.

As told I asked for an improvement , even though that wasnt the problem the problem started later on when he was ignoring me and he didnt do any work at all.

* he say ok to continue on YOUR psd he work continusly he is polite in every way and never said no i dont do this he was working on everything under new conditions in new PSD this is not easy task so you have to understand the 2-3 days is not apply here this is custom work with new rules.

Sure it was a misunderstanding , and still that wasnt the problem and ofc I understand I didnt ask him to finish the project in 2 days  he said he will in around 4 days, I started "crying" after 20 days into the project with a ready to go psd that was given.

* then you ask him a tone of changes each day NOTE that an animation is not easy task when you make it you might hit a mistake you need to redo it so another 2-3 hours (for those who dont understand and think design is easy or you do this and that and voila a website is born.


I didnt ask for any changes , just a preloader that I forgot to mention at the beggining . I didnt ask for an animation at all it was his choise to make it but I said as long you want to make one do one for the eyes.

* he end up to make you 2 websites because your fault land page is extra cost normaly and its called landpage because its another page that the viewer lands first there then select what he wants forum second server etc. (EXTRA design => extra work => extra time)

He didnt make 2 websites , he made one. Second the land page is the preloader I assume and I told him from the very beginning but he forgot, plus extra work you said? The preloader can be coded in 5  minutes for someone with knowledge .
As you like posting small videos go watch a video on how to setup a preloader, with a tutorial it will take around 10 mins for someone with 0 knowledge .

* after all this work you dispute him in bad way and you make his friend pay the price and you make him be the bad guy on his friend and get him ban here, without giving him chance to redeem him self or speak for him self ( @Celestine just banned him without letting him speak for him self when he was clearly try to redeem since when is that happening here?)

Many people have been banned like this in the past. He is not the first one not the last one , there was proof and he got banned , not sure why are you even try to defend him.


PS 1: i talk about this because gamers.cl is stolen template from my work and i know how the animation work


PS 2: second you understand that he delayed because making a PSD to html is so easy you just need some hours and the guy to make it 


PS 3: the guy didnt scam the deal changed and you asked stuff twice the value for the same price .
As said the only thing I added extra is the preloader.


PS 4: unban because he is not a scammer he was there till the very end to make even more work for free to redeem him self

Sure -3 reputation , ignoring the client all the time , and waking up when he hears for a refund *totally not a scam*


Already explained that its been 30 days.



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1 hour ago, sotid said:

" * if you read the situation @Coolness was trying to restore the money but it was not in hes hand to make it happen so everybody should understand "

You cant see the dates but he was trying to fix his mistakes after I asked a refund after 15 days of little to non existant progress.

you are aware that there is another person he needs to contact in order to give you the money back there can be complications on this issue because you cant know where the money transfered after you send them, you should be more flexible on that and more understanding if you wanted your money back.


1 hour ago, sotid said:

* when you send money to paypal you need to wait couple of days to see the transfer 8/6/2018 friday paypal will see money propably on monday this means today and weekend hes friend will not be able to deliver (His friend)

What do you even mean here? The tranfer has already be done at this date by paypal. He DIDNT add money HE DIDNT REFUND.

in the images you give you show you say in 8/6/2018 (friday) that you ask money or dispute so i could not know more because you just provided that information


1 hour ago, sotid said:

* @sotid asked money back out of the blue but this is why 50% is given in front so if you dont like the work (the person who worked lost his time but keeps 50%) and you dont pay the other 50% and you part ways.

Out of blue? this is what you ended up reading on our conversation? 50/50? .

First of all he told me 50% 50% at the beginning and I told him ok , but as long he doesnt have paypal he came to an agreement to send all the money at the beggining. So I sent the 100% of the cost and second I asked for a refund exactly 30 days after I sent the money and before I even start a dispute 20/5 to be precise after a whole lot of ignoring from him.

in the chat you did it looks like he is working on your demands 


1 hour ago, sotid said:

Date I got my money back from paypal and not from him

paypal gives his friend negative amount of -100euro + -16euro for the refund so his friend now is -116 euro because of the dispute to be clear on that.


1 hour ago, sotid said:

* @sotid on the first 2 images you ask him to make you new website because you dont like yours so he gave you a new website and you make him throw it to trash. (the deal is off here)

Read again. I didnt ask for a new website, I asked for an improvement to look better and more professional.
And he didnt gave me a new website , he only showed me a header , the very beggining of his progress.


i know what you asked but when you talked its like you wanted a new website because you dont like yours there the misunderstanding started because we agree his english is bad, so he gave a preview.


1 hour ago, sotid said:

He didnt start the code at this point he only made this , if he made it alone : l2 interlude l2 high five in the same image lol.

As told I asked for an improvement , even though that wasnt the problem the problem started later on when he was ignoring me and he didnt do any work at all.

it was a preview dont judge i've made worse and same same with all clients to explain that this will be changed that will be changed its how the work is done so lets avoid judge the preview there is no point on that.


1 hour ago, sotid said:

* he say ok to continue on YOUR psd he work continusly he is polite in every way and never said no i dont do this he was working on everything under new conditions in new PSD this is not easy task so you have to understand the 2-3 days is not apply here this is custom work with new rules.

Sure it was a misunderstanding , and still that wasnt the problem and ofc I understand I didnt ask him to finish the project in 2 days  he said he will in around 4 days, I started "crying" after 20 days into the project with a ready to go psd that was given.

well you have to agree that you was asking him even small details like the eyes when was misplaced then a preview was in html format or PSD format how he show you? (i ask because from what i understand there was a third person that was compiling the PSD to html output this is also time consuming assuming the developer was available so he can give you the preview no?) in conclution maybe this is how the days passed (without the sad week he had)


1 hour ago, sotid said:

* then you ask him a tone of changes each day NOTE that an animation is not easy task when you make it you might hit a mistake you need to redo it so another 2-3 hours (for those who dont understand and think design is easy or you do this and that and voila a website is born.


I didnt ask for any changes , just a preloader that I forgot to mention at the beggining . I didnt ask for an animation at all it was his choise to make it but I said as long you want to make one do one for the eyes.

i missed this one i thought it was on your demandings but i am sure he lost time on that but it was free work (kudos on that)


1 hour ago, sotid said:

* he end up to make you 2 websites because your fault land page is extra cost normaly and its called landpage because its another page that the viewer lands first there then select what he wants forum second server etc. (EXTRA design => extra work => extra time)

He didnt make 2 websites , he made one. Second the land page is the preloader I assume and I told him from the very beginning but he forgot, plus extra work you said? The preloader can be coded in 5  minutes for someone with knowledge .
As you like posting small videos go watch a video on how to setup a preloader, with a tutorial it will take around 10 mins for someone with 0 knowledge .

i've read in the photos somewhere you said that he made 2 websites but you wanted this preloader (its landing page not preloader) he obviously didnt understand it too (i charge it extra 50 to 100) what preloader does is when you open a page you see some animation, you mention this on the photos "something like to select server" this called landing page


1 hour ago, sotid said:

* after all this work you dispute him in bad way and you make his friend pay the price and you make him be the bad guy on his friend and get him ban here, without giving him chance to redeem him self or speak for him self ( @Celestine just banned him without letting him speak for him self when he was clearly try to redeem since when is that happening here?)

Many people have been banned like this in the past. He is not the first one not the last one , there was proof and he got banned , not sure why are you even try to defend him.

proof of what ofc i will defend him because he did a work for you and then you got the money he was (still) working all this time or trying at least to make the work (i was trying to avoid saying this but actually you did the scam here) if you want my oppinion because you have the work he did and you got the money back.



1 hour ago, sotid said:

PS 1: i talk about this because gamers.cl is stolen template from my work and i know how the animation work


i saw in your screens the logo of http://gamers.cl it was discussed in your chat and since the website is never shown or any animation my thoughts was that this is the animation but you said it was the eyes so this is clear now.


1 hour ago, sotid said:

PS 2: second you understand that he delayed because making a PSD to html is so easy you just need some hours and the guy to make it 

i've read that he has a dev to make the PSD to html for the preview each time you wanted to see the progress so the factors for you to see a progress was the following

1) the developer was available

2) the compile time from psd to html takes (depends on computer) some times +-1hour



1 hour ago, sotid said:

PS 3: the guy didnt scam the deal changed and you asked stuff twice the value for the same price .
As said the only thing I added extra is the preloader.

i think its clear that you asked for a landing page i made clear earlier but i saw you asked also the preloader with animation he said ok i would ask at least twice (my actual prices) but again he said ok.


1 hour ago, sotid said:

PS 4: unban because he is not a scammer he was there till the very end to make even more work for free to redeem him self

Sure -3 reputation , ignoring the client all the time , and waking up when he hears for a refund *totally not a scam*

i got -2 reputation from a guy who got banned (not because of me) after he used bad language against me. the reputation he has i search it was by the same guy and -1 because of you, you propably dont know what " ignoring the client all the time" means and i hope you never find out, i didnt see the last part you mention can you clarify this?



1 hour ago, sotid said:

Already explained that its been 30 days.

you dont count that he had a preview on time but was missunderstanding then forced to work on PSD 

there are 2 factors that he also explained he had a sad situation in his life you cant know how a person reacts when is losing somebody, and second i think he was still available to work and even offered for free so you dont dispute him (i didnt check if that was done after or before the dispute) and he was polite and ready to work.


he came here to ask to delete the post he didnt even ask for money or ban for the dispute that he worked so far so i am with him on this one and i am sure from what said until now he will understand the half i never seen a scammer in his chatting with you, in your place i would try to see if he can do the work with the 50% again (if you both agree ofc) then ask him how much he need for the spesific details you want and if the preview is ok for you after he work then trade 50% with files, i think is the best way to solve this and best case for both of you to be happy.


PS: he is competitor for me and my work but i stand with him because from what i see he is legit guy.

Edited by DenArt Designs
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Coolness is not a scammer. He is a designer, not coder. He tried to helped many times with site issues. In the end he send his contact and everything is fine. Sotid you should be banned for all this mess you made. 

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Coonless banned from celestine at first. Me and denarts talked to skype , Im not answering anymore to this topic , its on the hands of moderators @Celestine


Johnboy13 btw if thats your reasoning you should have been banned a long time ago.


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got a misunderstanding. I sent the money to the card to my friend, and he had to send the money back sotid. But he forgot to do it and it turned out such a story. We figured out sotid, I have no complaints about him and he has me too

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Yes apparently the scammer is his friend lol. Too bad that coolness didnt inform me about him sending the money .


Still unprofessional on his part on many ways.

I guess issue solved.

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