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20 hours ago, LightFusionMain said:

hah obvious lies ?

U(or Юрий https://bit.ly/2qFtpTT ) posted topic on zone-game.info describing conversation between akumu and pcoder (from fake account) u also posted partial source code of Adrenaline.

U are using guard.des(sources old version)  stolen from akumu( as he described it in one of post's not so long ago - here https://bit.ly/2OD7wy4  ) 

I clearly know what i'm saying, your certificate doesn't prove anything, u could allways download and execute non certified app , via your guard.des, u only got certf on your .exe , keep fooling people somewhere else, don't use his trojan protection !


So, first of all, what makes you think its Yuri? You got some sord of magic eye? 

Guard.des isn't stolen its published, some basic code was taken to save time when it was needed about 3 years ago, since then there's maybe 1% of the code remains. but who cares, its not licensed or TMed, nobody cares. If you're gonna take part of our guard.des for your project - I won't say a thing, go ahead, its 5% of the whole guard work.


As for the certificate, another proof that you're a sad sad person that's trying to build your conspiracy theory out of the butt. our protection files consistent of two(2) files. Dsetup.dll and Dsetup.u the l2.exe is retail, we don't change any file out there. You've confused yourself with again, akumu. 


3rd of all and might be the most important one, why would you on defence of corrupted akumu? Go ahead and flame him about the mess he created in l2 world, giving bots so much power on his 5/2 deal while lying about 99% of his work. None of my team are responsible for that leak, but hell it was a light on the market situation, and now - l2 is bot dying, be a shame of yourself and your money loving boys.


Do your homework better.  

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5 minutes ago, SGuard said:

So, first of all, what makes you think its Yuri? You got some sord of magic eye? 

Guard.des isn't stolen its published, some basic code was taken to save time when it was needed about 3 years ago, since then there's maybe 1% of the code remains. but who cares, its not licensed or TMed, nobody cares. If you're gonna take part of our guard.des for your project - I won't say a thing, go ahead, its 5% of the whole guard work.


As for the certificate, another proof that you're a sad sad person that's trying to build your conspiracy theory out of the butt. our protection files consistent of two(2) files. Dsetup.dll and Dsetup.u the l2.exe is retail, we don't change any file out there. You've confused yourself with again, akumu. 


Do your homework better.  

haha retard so now u say "maybe 1% of code remains" ? Are u rly stupid ? u confirm that u use stolen code from akumu....

That confirms that u used trojan to get those files , and again u could easly do that to anyone who use your shitty trojan protection, good luck fooling someone else retardo,


Do your homework better.


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Man you're so out of earth. 

we confirmed years ago that portion of open source was taken to save time.


Regarding the trojan, now look, I'll do that in only 1 word.

Any protection that use the openURL packet have a theoretical ability to control your pc if you don't limit it properly. (the openURL is a sign that this feature embedded in, and tons tons tons of legit software are using this native and common code). Yet I'm telling you that, because we don't steal any of our client's information and honest about everything we do. 

Can you do same about you and the people you're trying so hard to defend?

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I dont defend anyone , not that shitty smartguard, is that just u did this before - u stole other people work, and use as base for your own product ( that u get money of ) .

Not sure about akumu, if he could possibly do that he dont got many reasons as he got monopoly, but u did that once before just to break his monopoly, and u would do it more with some other people if u find something interesting, thats what people should be aware of, u and strix guard.


Don't waste 300-500$ on akumu, scriptguard, or strix, better invest it on making own customs protection, or get activeAnticheat( those guys value reputation and have great expirence other then l2 ) don't create problems by installing trojan protections.

thats all i have to say. 



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Man I guess you have 0 idea how protection is built.

That guard.des doesn't have shit in it. Its literaly 1% of all protection work, that's why I'd never care if you said I'm gonna create a new protection and will take ur guard.des as a helpful tool. Go ahead. I'm inviting you in this business so you can feel whats going on and how its done.

Regarding sguard, we don't pose any security threat to any of our customers and their players, I'm simply telling it straight - we don't care about what you have to hide on ur PC. Our job is to create a healthy environment with most service we can provide.

Do you hear me saying that we're the best? No, probably we aren't the best and I totally agree making a custom protection will work better for any medium server up to 500 online, but people don't have 200$ to spend on an annual license, how do you want them to spend more for a custom one? How do you want them to buy AA which is not bad but still bypassable and for a major price. So atm there's no solid solution on the market.


If you're not some pawn of some other party, then speak up your mind clearly. You don't know where that leak came from, as I told many people - its easy to blame us on that, but it wasn't us there're a lot of angry people out there.

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