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Hi all, i have just a question. It is possible to restrict all items (armor,weapons,etc etc) and leave just 1 type or armor to access in zone? I mean for VoiceCommand teleport?


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6 minutes ago, InFocus said:

I change with L2PcInstance that `player` , now error is in ItemInstance 



Don't click the "Change to L2ItemInstance" cause your PC will explode.

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3 minutes ago, Kara` said:


Don't click the "Change to L2ItemInstance" cause your PC will explode.

Wel wel, i have laptop I7 Gen 7 :) octa core? :)

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God. Don't change anything.

You have/had the warning - information, because you didn't used the method anywhere. So eclipse is marking it as not used, pointless, meaning you can remove it. Once you use the method, warning is gone. 

That method is supposed to be inside your voiced command file. If you plan to use it globally, paste it inside pcinstance and make it public.

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27 minutes ago, Kara` said:

SweeTs for fucking god sake do something..  the guy is amateur as fuck its not about java anymore 2 pages we tell him to change Player to L2PcInstance and he can't realise it. 

Yea, it's about brain cells or rather lack of them :D

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God.. Can't you see the file uses activeChar word? Open you eyes, look on other lines. You are not learning.

God x2, you changed player to activeChar for message and you didn't find out that you should change player to activeChar for the method call. Face palm.

And again, why the fack you have after that check bracket {} without an if statement?! You are creating brackets and errors like crazy. God help this guy. 

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and i have in L2PcInstance 

private static final boolean checkItemGrade(L2PcInstance player, int slotId)
		final L2ItemInstance item = player.getInventory().getPaperdollItem(slotId);
		if ((item != null) && (item.getItem().getCrystalType() == CrystalType.S))
			return true;
		return false;

Why it not complete?

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Bcs you paste the method God's know where. I already told you, the method MUST BE INSIDE the file you try to edit. 

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1 minute ago, SweeTs said:

Bcs you paste the method God's know where. I already told you, the method MUST BE INSIDE the file you try to edit. 

       I put command Here 1
if (command.startsWith("easy"))
		I put command Here 2
					if (!activeChar.isNoble())
						activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true);
       I Put Command Here 3
					if (!(activeChar.getLevel() < 80))
						activeChar.sendMessage("You have been teleported to easy zone ");
						activeChar.teleToLocation(89006, 27373, -15691);
					_reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay);
       Or I Put command Here 4?

Can tell me please?

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Wtf... It's a method, God. Paste it out of bypass. Rofl.

If you fail doing it i won't help you anymore as it's waste of time, TOTAL waste of time. Worse than a 10 y old kid. 

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your shit code








If you can't understand simplest thing, trash eclipse and give us a break. 

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