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Drop list panel



OK, i add Runes for boost drop rates, Now, Who can explain me where i can find this drop setting, when I run Rune drop to be modified here. For exemple. I add rune for boost Drop Rate with 200%, and when i have rune in inventory, this window isn't modified. How i can do this? With Rune Drop i have 6,684-13,646 and without Rune drop 6,684-13,646. SO it's same. How i can do?


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You got droplist here...as i remember rune is giving some status in rates..

If this list is x1 in Config drop rate you will have with rune rate more chance drop and not increased droplist..

  • 0

Find code of community board responsible for the display, check the code if it's missing the rune rate or not. Most likely it's missing it. 

  • 0

Ok sir, i find this

 * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 L2J DataPack
 * This file is part of L2J DataPack.
 * L2J DataPack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * L2J DataPack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package handlers.bypasshandlers;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.cache.HtmCache;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.handler.IBypassHandler;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.Elementals;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Object;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Spawn;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2World;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.drops.DropListScope;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.drops.GeneralDropItem;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.drops.GroupedGeneralDropItem;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.drops.IDropItem;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.items.L2Item;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.util.HtmlUtil;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.util.Util;

 * @author NosBit
public class NpcViewMod implements IBypassHandler
	private static final String[] COMMANDS =
	private static final int DROP_LIST_ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 10;
	public boolean useBypass(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, L2Character bypassOrigin)
		final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command);
		if (!st.hasMoreTokens())
			_log.warning("Bypass[NpcViewMod] used without enough parameters.");
			return false;
		final String actualCommand = st.nextToken();
		switch (actualCommand.toLowerCase())
			case "view":
				final L2Object target;
				if (st.hasMoreElements())
						target = L2World.getInstance().findObject(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()));
					catch (NumberFormatException e)
						return false;
					target = activeChar.getTarget();
				final L2Npc npc = target instanceof L2Npc ? (L2Npc) target : null;
				if (npc == null)
					return false;
				NpcViewMod.sendNpcView(activeChar, npc);
			case "droplist":
				if (st.countTokens() < 2)
					_log.warning("Bypass[NpcViewMod] used without enough parameters.");
					return false;
				final String dropListScopeString = st.nextToken();
					final DropListScope dropListScope = Enum.valueOf(DropListScope.class, dropListScopeString);
					final L2Object target = L2World.getInstance().findObject(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()));
					final L2Npc npc = target instanceof L2Npc ? (L2Npc) target : null;
					if (npc == null)
						return false;
					final int page = st.hasMoreElements() ? Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()) : 0;
					sendNpcDropList(activeChar, npc, dropListScope, page);
				catch (NumberFormatException e)
					return false;
				catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
					_log.warning("Bypass[NpcViewMod] unknown drop list scope: " + dropListScopeString);
					return false;
		return true;
	public String[] getBypassList()
		return COMMANDS;
	public static void sendNpcView(L2PcInstance activeChar, L2Npc npc)
		final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage();
		html.setFile(activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/mods/NpcView/Info.htm");
		html.replace("%name%", npc.getName());
		html.replace("%hpGauge%", HtmlUtil.getHpGauge(250, (long) npc.getCurrentHp(), npc.getMaxHp(), false));
		html.replace("%mpGauge%", HtmlUtil.getMpGauge(250, (long) npc.getCurrentMp(), npc.getMaxMp(), false));
		final L2Spawn npcSpawn = npc.getSpawn();
		if ((npcSpawn == null) || (npcSpawn.getRespawnMinDelay() == 0))
			html.replace("%respawn%", "None");
			TimeUnit timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
			long min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
			for (TimeUnit tu : TimeUnit.values())
				final long minTimeFromMillis = tu.convert(npcSpawn.getRespawnMinDelay(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
				final long maxTimeFromMillis = tu.convert(npcSpawn.getRespawnMaxDelay(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
				if ((TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(minTimeFromMillis, tu) == npcSpawn.getRespawnMinDelay()) && (TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(maxTimeFromMillis, tu) == npcSpawn.getRespawnMaxDelay()))
					if (min > minTimeFromMillis)
						min = minTimeFromMillis;
						timeUnit = tu;
			final long minRespawnDelay = timeUnit.convert(npcSpawn.getRespawnMinDelay(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
			final long maxRespawnDelay = timeUnit.convert(npcSpawn.getRespawnMaxDelay(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
			final String timeUnitName = timeUnit.name().charAt(0) + timeUnit.name().toLowerCase().substring(1);
			if (npcSpawn.hasRespawnRandom())
				html.replace("%respawn%", minRespawnDelay + "-" + maxRespawnDelay + " " + timeUnitName);
				html.replace("%respawn%", minRespawnDelay + " " + timeUnitName);
		html.replace("%atktype%", Util.capitalizeFirst(npc.getAttackType().name().toLowerCase()));
		html.replace("%atkrange%", npc.getStat().getPhysicalAttackRange());
		html.replace("%patk%", npc.getPAtk(activeChar));
		html.replace("%pdef%", npc.getPDef(activeChar));
		html.replace("%matk%", npc.getMAtk(activeChar, null));
		html.replace("%mdef%", npc.getMDef(activeChar, null));
		html.replace("%atkspd%", npc.getPAtkSpd());
		html.replace("%castspd%", npc.getMAtkSpd());
		html.replace("%critrate%", npc.getStat().getCriticalHit(activeChar, null));
		html.replace("%evasion%", npc.getEvasionRate(activeChar));
		html.replace("%accuracy%", npc.getStat().getAccuracy());
		html.replace("%speed%", (int) npc.getStat().getMoveSpeed());
		html.replace("%attributeatktype%", Elementals.getElementName(npc.getStat().getAttackElement()));
		html.replace("%attributeatkvalue%", npc.getStat().getAttackElementValue(npc.getStat().getAttackElement()));
		html.replace("%attributefire%", npc.getStat().getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.FIRE));
		html.replace("%attributewater%", npc.getStat().getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.WATER));
		html.replace("%attributewind%", npc.getStat().getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.WIND));
		html.replace("%attributeearth%", npc.getStat().getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.EARTH));
		html.replace("%attributedark%", npc.getStat().getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.DARK));
		html.replace("%attributeholy%", npc.getStat().getDefenseElementValue(Elementals.HOLY));
		html.replace("%dropListButtons%", getDropListButtons(npc));
	public static String getDropListButtons(L2Npc npc)
		final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
		final Map<DropListScope, List<IDropItem>> dropLists = npc.getTemplate().getDropLists();
		if ((dropLists != null) && !dropLists.isEmpty() && (dropLists.containsKey(DropListScope.DEATH) || dropLists.containsKey(DropListScope.CORPSE)))
			sb.append("<table width=275 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>");
			if (dropLists.containsKey(DropListScope.DEATH))
				sb.append("<td align=center><button value=\"Show Drop\" width=100 height=25 action=\"bypass NpcViewMod dropList DEATH " + npc.getObjectId() + "\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Calculator_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Calculator\"></td>");
			if (dropLists.containsKey(DropListScope.CORPSE))
				sb.append("<td align=center><button value=\"Show Spoil\" width=100 height=25 action=\"bypass NpcViewMod dropList CORPSE " + npc.getObjectId() + "\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Calculator_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Calculator\"></td>");
		return sb.toString();
	public static void sendNpcDropList(L2PcInstance activeChar, L2Npc npc, DropListScope dropListScope, int page)
		final List<IDropItem> dropList = npc.getTemplate().getDropList(dropListScope);
		if ((dropList == null) || dropList.isEmpty())
		int pages = dropList.size() / DROP_LIST_ITEMS_PER_PAGE;
		if ((DROP_LIST_ITEMS_PER_PAGE * pages) < dropList.size())
		final StringBuilder pagesSb = new StringBuilder();
		if (pages > 1)
			for (int i = 0; i < pages; i++)
				pagesSb.append("<td align=center><button value=\"" + (i + 1) + "\" width=20 height=20 action=\"bypass NpcViewMod dropList " + dropListScope + " " + npc.getObjectId() + " " + i + "\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Calculator_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Calculator\"></td>");
		if (page >= pages)
			page = pages - 1;
		final int start = page > 0 ? page * DROP_LIST_ITEMS_PER_PAGE : 0;
		if (end > dropList.size())
			end = dropList.size();
		final DecimalFormat amountFormat = new DecimalFormat("#,###");
		final DecimalFormat chanceFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00##");
		int leftHeight = 0;
		int rightHeight = 0;
		final StringBuilder leftSb = new StringBuilder();
		final StringBuilder rightSb = new StringBuilder();
		for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
			final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
			int height = 64;
			final IDropItem dropItem = dropList.get(i);
			if (dropItem instanceof GeneralDropItem)
				addGeneralDropItem(activeChar, npc, amountFormat, chanceFormat, sb, (GeneralDropItem) dropItem);
			else if (dropItem instanceof GroupedGeneralDropItem)
				final GroupedGeneralDropItem generalGroupedDropItem = (GroupedGeneralDropItem) dropItem;
				if (generalGroupedDropItem.getItems().size() == 1)
					final GeneralDropItem generalDropItem = generalGroupedDropItem.getItems().get(0);
					addGeneralDropItem(activeChar, npc, amountFormat, chanceFormat, sb, new GeneralDropItem(generalDropItem.getItemId(), generalDropItem.getMin(), generalDropItem.getMax(), (generalDropItem.getChance() * generalGroupedDropItem.getChance()) / 100, generalDropItem.getAmountStrategy(), generalDropItem.getChanceStrategy(), generalGroupedDropItem.getPreciseStrategy(), generalGroupedDropItem.getKillerChanceModifierStrategy(), generalDropItem.getDropCalculationStrategy()));
					GroupedGeneralDropItem normalized = generalGroupedDropItem.normalizeMe(npc, activeChar);
					sb.append("<table width=332 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 background=\"L2UI_CT1.Windows.Windows_DF_TooltipBG\">");
					sb.append("<tr><td width=32 valign=top><img src=\"L2UI_CT1.ICON_DF_premiumItem\" width=32 height=32></td>");
					sb.append("<td fixwidth=300 align=center><font name=\"ScreenMessageSmall\" color=\"CD9000\">One from group</font>");
					sb.append("</td></tr><tr><td width=32></td><td width=300><table width=295 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>");
					sb.append("<td width=48 align=right valign=top><font color=\"LEVEL\">Chance:</font></td>");
					sb.append("<td width=247 align=center>");
					sb.append(chanceFormat.format(Math.min(normalized.getChance(), 100)));
					for (GeneralDropItem generalDropItem : normalized.getItems())
						final L2Item item = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(generalDropItem.getItemId());
						sb.append("<table width=291 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 background=\"L2UI_CT1.Windows.Windows_DF_TooltipBG\">");
						sb.append("<tr><td width=32 valign=top>");
						sb.append("<img src=\"" + item.getIcon() + "\" width=32 height=32>");
						sb.append("</td><td fixwidth=259 align=center><font name=\"hs9\" color=\"CD9000\">");
						sb.append("</font></td></tr><tr><td width=32></td><td width=259><table width=253 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>");
						sb.append("<tr><td width=48 align=right valign=top><font color=\"LEVEL\">Amount:</font></td><td width=205 align=center>");
						MinMax minMax = getPreciseMinMax(normalized.getChance(), generalDropItem.getMin(npc), generalDropItem.getMax(npc), generalDropItem.isPreciseCalculated());
						final long min = minMax.min;
						final long max = minMax.max;
						if (min == max)
							sb.append(" - ");
						sb.append("</td></tr><tr><td width=48 align=right valign=top><font color=\"LEVEL\">Chance:</font></td>");
						sb.append("<td width=205 align=center>");
						sb.append(chanceFormat.format(Math.min(generalDropItem.getChance(), 100)));
						sb.append("%</td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td width=32></td><td width=259>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>");
						height += 64;
					sb.append("</td></tr><tr><td width=32></td><td width=300>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>");
			if (leftHeight >= (rightHeight + height))
				rightHeight += height;
				leftHeight += height;
		final StringBuilder bodySb = new StringBuilder();
		String html = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/mods/NpcView/DropList.htm");
		if (html == null)
			_log.warning(NpcViewMod.class.getSimpleName() + ": The html file data/html/mods/NpcView/DropList.htm could not be found.");
		html = html.replaceAll("%name%", npc.getName());
		html = html.replaceAll("%dropListButtons%", getDropListButtons(npc));
		html = html.replaceAll("%pages%", pagesSb.toString());
		html = html.replaceAll("%items%", bodySb.toString());
		Util.sendCBHtml(activeChar, html);
	 * @param activeChar
	 * @param npc
	 * @param amountFormat
	 * @param chanceFormat
	 * @param sb
	 * @param dropItem
	private static void addGeneralDropItem(L2PcInstance activeChar, L2Npc npc, final DecimalFormat amountFormat, final DecimalFormat chanceFormat, final StringBuilder sb, final GeneralDropItem dropItem)
		final L2Item item = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(dropItem.getItemId());
		sb.append("<table width=332 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 background=\"L2UI_CT1.Windows.Windows_DF_TooltipBG\">");
		sb.append("<tr><td width=32 valign=top>");
		sb.append("<img src=\"" + item.getIcon() + "\" width=32 height=32>");
		sb.append("</td><td fixwidth=300 align=center><font name=\"hs9\" color=\"CD9000\">");
		sb.append("</font></td></tr><tr><td width=32></td><td width=300><table width=295 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>");
		sb.append("<tr><td width=48 align=right valign=top><font color=\"LEVEL\">Amount:</font></td>");
		sb.append("<td width=247 align=center>");
		MinMax minMax = getPreciseMinMax(dropItem.getChance(npc, activeChar), dropItem.getMin(npc), dropItem.getMax(npc), dropItem.isPreciseCalculated());
		final long min = minMax.min;
		final long max = minMax.max;
		if (min == max)
			sb.append(" - ");
		sb.append("</td></tr><tr><td width=48 align=right valign=top><font color=\"LEVEL\">Chance:</font></td>");
		sb.append("<td width=247 align=center>");
		sb.append(chanceFormat.format(Math.min(dropItem.getChance(npc, activeChar), 100)));
		sb.append("%</td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td width=32></td><td width=300>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>");
	private static class MinMax
		public final long min, max;
		public MinMax(long min, long max)
			this.min = min;
			this.max = max;
	private static MinMax getPreciseMinMax(double chance, long min, long max, boolean isPrecise)
		if (!isPrecise || (chance <= 100))
			return new MinMax(min, max);
		int mult = (int) (chance) / 100;
		return new MinMax(mult * min, (chance % 100) > 0 ? (mult + 1) * max : mult * max);

Now, tell me how i can find drop rate with rune. In L2PcInstance.java?

  • 0

The method you have to debug is sendNpcDropList.


27 minutes ago, InFocus said:

Now, tell me how i can find drop rate with rune. In L2PcInstance.java?

No idea, not a H5 user. You have to find that config and include it in the calculation. Maybe check the item itemhandler, potentially the config you are looking for is there, as you have to set the rune rate.

  • 0

I understand, Pfuu, it is hard for me to find that. I have that item with drop rate in L2PcInstance and looks like that

case DROP:
				if (getInventory().getItemByItemId(23093) != null)
					return 6.0f; /** 500% */

i don't know where is another that rates

  • 0

Looking on that code the rate is hard-coded, 500%. So, you can create a getter method to return the data exact code, almost, and include it in the droplist. 

  • 0
Posted (edited)

here is a how to get

private int something;


public getValueOfSomething()

       return something;


Edited by Nightw0lf
  • 0

Thank you Night, i have this float

public float getBonus(BonusType type)
		switch (type)
			case EXP:
				if (getInventory().getItemByItemId(23099) != null)
					return 6.0f; /** 500% */ /**Rune drop 500%**/

If i put this it is ok?

  • 0

Method is plain wrong. Don't create it. Simply add that getBonus check to the calculation - where it display the actual droprate. 

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