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.report Command for Acis 372

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Hello one month ago i made this small command .report for acis 372 and i would like now to share it. You can use it on other players that you think they are botting with reuse time 15min (you can change it).



Gms will be notified with petition like this.




In order this command to work you gonna need this captcha (or Caparsos).



 Some credits to:  Evie Frye  he helped me with the reuse time.

Edited by Zacapa
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  • first you do checks about target and THEN, as LAST you check target instance, (no)logic
  • while you do some GM checks, then what's the point of sending GM message while there is no GM online? Put it under boolean
  • if (!command.equalsIgnoreCase(_voicedCommands[0])) return false; redundant code
  • final WorldObject CurrentTarget = activeChar.getTarget(); and final Player bot = CurrentTarget.getActingPlayer(); also redundant code - what's the point of the cast to WorldObject and then AGAIN to Player, rofl?
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Instead of gm msg you can put a log folder and msg will be always readable...i think its better way to read it its my opinion..

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5 minutes ago, Reborn12 said:

Instead of gm msg you can put a log folder and msg will be always readable

Could be as alternative way IF the GM is not online, but what if you don't have access to the files? What if you simply don't log and check the log folder?

The best option is to use petition system or even community board letter.

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3 hours ago, SweeTs said:

Could be as alternative way IF the GM is not online, but what if you don't have access to the files? What if you simply don't log and check the log folder?

The best option is to use petition system or even community board letter.

Yes why not..im always checking the logs thats why i said that

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I would love to see a share from someone based on bot's features.. example instant drop 25 useless items (arrow is good enough) with 40 range for each in order to make a path and check if the player will instant pick up them when the mob die and follow the path... 

Features like this (not only this) could be a good antibot.. captchas are terrible :D


@onTopic as you updating your topic I have to say good job

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31 minutes ago, melron said:

instant drop 25 useless items (arrow is good enough) with 40 range for each in order to make a path and check if the player will instant pick up them when the mob die and follow the path...

If the player pick em all or half of them, or so, mark as a bot? But what if server is auto pickup - they won't use pick up option on da bot, so I guess that's pointless. And if items drop on the ground then it's kinda mess, legit player have to pick manually proper drop :D

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9 minutes ago, SweeTs said:

If the player pick em all or half of them, or so, mark as a bot? But what if server is auto pickup - they won't use pick up option on da bot, so I guess that's pointless. And if items drop on the ground then it's kinda mess, legit player have to pick manually proper drop :D

Even if the server is autopick up the bot is not so smart to deactivate the pick up option... it needs manual configuration... So you have chances... :D. SmSmart things can be done to catch them as for example the following one: a mob when spawning in the world have some delay before a player will be able to target it (you can check that when only the full animation of it is displaying properly then you can) but the bot ignoring that and targeting mobs instant ;) so here is one  more thing to catch them :D

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the best practice is to keep silent data about botting no captchas no shit, you get reports? low the exp values for a day low the drop values for a day also no need popups and monkeys, well that will work best with statistical against the world's players report values.


exp/drops are examples for the monkeys you can use it for pvp gain 0 or w/e as punishment that does not affect me from playing or leaving the server, permantly.

Edited by Nightw0lf
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