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interlude [L2J] Project LIPO


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The server is offline for maintenance . Database problems were found.


Downtime: +4-8 hours, until everything is cleaned.


PS: If you know an adena exploit or anything, report it to me. Perma hwid bans will be applied and all corrupted items will be deleted.


Discord: https://discord.gg/VyFKNGK

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Project LIPO - The Prologue is Online!


Join our community, growing every day! https://discord.gg/VyFKNGK


Download (new patch): http://projectlipo.com/download/

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If you're looking for something different inside the l2 scene.


Hop to our discord and ask our community if Project LIPO is worth it. ;)


Discord: https://discord.gg/VyFKNGK

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The server will close in 2 days (28.7.2018).


Sadly the gameplay was not for 2018 and it lacked the most important thing, Faction PvP. The good news are that many things were fixed, balanced and the PvP issue will be solved with mercenary/contract killing quests and probably some other things such as rank ladder which were supposed to come after The Prologue.


We have formed a good community, players saw something here but unfortunately it didn't work out the first try. I shall go back to work and give it a go after summer, with the improved gameplay and hopefully with all of you too!


Join our community: https://discord.gg/VyFKNGK

Edited by IpotoniC
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm gonna weight in a little bit here.

What I've noticed about the project at first glance, was the lack of content that it provided. It felt like a dumbed down classic server seeing how limited the skills and classes were. No buff classes, hardly any debuffs to influence PvE and PvP which results in awful class balance. 


To put class balance into perspective, take a look at the Ranger and the Paladin:

Ranger: Only one 3rd class offensive skill (Lethal Shot)


Paladin: Angelic Icon, Soul of Phoenix, Shield Slam, Touch of Life and a Servitor (Dark Panther)



Also because of the lack of buffs, the gameplay is just awful, low attack speed, low damage values, slow combat and general pacing. This also goes against the general idea of a faction server, since those are usually inclined to include High Rate/PvP features like full buffs.

Another thing that bothers me is game progression. There are quests that require you to kills dozens of mobs which are 10+ levels below your own, making quests not only uninteresting, but also extremely boring. The lack of AoE play is also a huge turn off, and only encourages solo play. 

I know that it's a one man project, and @IpotoniC is doing a good job, but he has some ideas that will simply never work with today's people. One of the main features that  people look for in custom servers is finding ways to avoid the chore of questing and grinding the traditional way. Forcing people through a quest line is one way to get people to instantly close the client and leave.

There are many interesting features like mining, fishing and stuff, I'm not gonna get into those because they have potential to be awesome with the right tweaks.


So yeah, I always like seeing custom projects that are well thought-out, most of  them are interesting, but a lot of times the DEVs are so disconnected with the playerbase that it feels like they're trying to make a general RPG in RPGMaker rather than a fully functional MMORPG experience.

I wish you luck, I will definitely try the server out once you launch later this year or whenever you decide to, but please consider moving  towards faster PvP-oriented gameplay rather than a classic-feel server where no matter your level, you will always feel like a low level character.

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3 hours ago, Apathy said:

I'm gonna weight in a little bit here.

What I've noticed about the project at first glance, was the lack of content that it provided. It felt like a dumbed down classic server seeing how limited the skills and classes were. No buff classes, hardly any debuffs to influence PvE and PvP which results in awful class balance. 


To put class balance into perspective, take a look at the Ranger and the Paladin:

Ranger: Only one 3rd class offensive skill (Lethal Shot)


Paladin: Angelic Icon, Soul of Phoenix, Shield Slam, Touch of Life and a Servitor (Dark Panther)



Also because of the lack of buffs, the gameplay is just awful, low attack speed, low damage values, slow combat and general pacing. This also goes against the general idea of a faction server, since those are usually inclined to include High Rate/PvP features like full buffs.

Another thing that bothers me is game progression. There are quests that require you to kills dozens of mobs which are 10+ levels below your own, making quests not only uninteresting, but also extremely boring. The lack of AoE play is also a huge turn off, and only encourages solo play. 

I know that it's a one man project, and @IpotoniC is doing a good job, but he has some ideas that will simply never work with today's people. One of the main features that  people look for in custom servers is finding ways to avoid the chore of questing and grinding the traditional way. Forcing people through a quest line is one way to get people to instantly close the client and leave.

There are many interesting features like mining, fishing and stuff, I'm not gonna get into those because they have potential to be awesome with the right tweaks.


So yeah, I always like seeing custom projects that are well thought-out, most of  them are interesting, but a lot of times the DEVs are so disconnected with the playerbase that it feels like they're trying to make a general RPG in RPGMaker rather than a fully functional MMORPG experience.

I wish you luck, I will definitely try the server out once you launch later this year or whenever you decide to, but please consider moving  towards faster PvP-oriented gameplay rather than a classic-feel server where no matter your level, you will always feel like a low level character.

Thank you for your constructive feedback bro


First of all i would like to ask until which point you experienced the gameplay?. The no buffs = slow paced gameplay is completely invalid because there are balancing aspects for that. The classes on pvp i would like to say that are pretty amazing, even on 7v7 (s-grades +4) the balance was far better that expected. About the skills names, they don't matter much cause their stats and some of their abilities have changed.


About the quests, i would like to say that all of them, around 50, are totally new, with an interesting lore, if you actually read the dialogues and stick with them. There were more of them and the world was supposed to progress (world progress inside the same chapter), just like your character, but what was i thinking, haha. So, they are dumb and uninteresting if you don't dive in. Also the goal here was to make them "you don't get to choose in life" but well, it also doesn't work out ;d


In general, i agree with you. Such gameplay doesn't fit in 2018, i saw that. I couldn't see it before cause that wasn't my goal. My goal was to make my thing inside l2 (since i couldnt do it from scratch) and i'm proud for myself that i did it from a completely newbie state. Now i'm working to redesign some things in order to fit it to the current community :D


The project was aiming to be something solid and completely new, with meaningful progress but yea, if you dont have the budget to change the meta, stick with it, that's how it works ;p


I'm making it more pvp-oriented and fast paced (since this aspect for nowadays didn't exists), but i'm not gonna change its core values.


We will see how it goes, thank you for your support and again, thanks for your feedback!


Have a nice day :)

Edited by IpotoniC
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

@bistabil What I meant is that the dude is doing a good job with the work itself, he obviously knows his way around bugs and coding/server side modifications. 

My main gripe is with his minimalistic gameplay ideas that resemble a more limited classic-like server. 

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