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[L2j] Ancient World

Sinister Smile

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Grand Opening: 31.Jan.2018

Server Rates:

• Exp  x100
• Sp x100
• Adena  x1
• Drop x1
• Spoil x1
• Karma Drop: 40%

Enchant Rates

• Safe enchant +3/ full+4
• Max enchant +25
• Max. Enchant Weapon: +25
• Max. Enchant Armor: +12
• Max. Enchant Jewelry: +12
• Normal Scroll: 55%
• Blessed Scroll: 65%
• Ancient Scrolls: 75%

Other Information

• Max SubClasses: 2
• All classes reworked
• Added New passive skills
• Added New Active skills
• Added New Skill effects
• Full Working Interlude Geodata
• Full Working Interlude Skills
• Spawn Protection 10s
• PvP / Pk Reward System


• Level Zones
• Event Zone
• Olympiad Zone
• Newbie farm zone
• Medium Farm Zone (for Mages and Fighters)
• Hard farm zone
• Party farm zone
• Chaotic Farm zone
• 1 Solo PvP Zone
• Random PvP Zones 
• 25 Custom Raid Bosses


• TvT
• Saturday Event
• Facebook Event
• Youtube Event
• GM Event's


• Captcha Antibot
• Anti duplicate items
• Anti L2 Phx
• Secure Char



• .online
• .menu
• .vote
• .getreward
• /pincode

• /inventory
• .dressme for donators ( unique system with 5 suits)

Olympiad Info

• Olympiad grade max (A grade) weps, armors, jewerly.
• Disabled all Augments!
• Retail olympiad game
• Competition period 1 week
• Hero Every Saturday 12:00
• Olympiad start time 20:00
• Olympiad end time 00:00
• Olympiad Recall: 60 seconds
• Olympiad re-use your skills after match

Siege Info

Sieges Every week
Siege duration 2h
Spawn - 10sec after death

Server NPC's

• GM SHOP - items from No grade till A grade, misc items
• Custom Shop - S grade weps/armor/jews, custom armors, weapons, jewerly, tattoos, wings, masks
• Global Gatekeeper - Included all important zones
• Upgrade Manager - Top items ( armor, jews, weps )
• Donator Manager - You can buy all you need!
• Party Teleporter - Special teleporter which can teleport you and your mates to special zone.
• Ranking Manager - Top PvP, Pk's, Online
• Enchant Manager - Enchant your items safety to +12/16/21 for weps and +8/10 armor/jews
• Noblese Manager - Become noblese
• Clan Manager - Upgrading clan skill & level, Registrer for sieges
• Rebirth Manager - Rewarding the player with special Rebirth Coin ( it can be used for upgrading the char stat )
• Buffer - max buffs 69
• Vote Manager (invidual with special rewards)
• Char Manager - Customize your char, change your name, color, get full rec's, change class, buy augments, get noblese, clean pk, premium account for 3/7/15/30 days
• Achievement Manager - 18 Unique Achievements


Custom Items
• 2 Custom Masks ( same stats )
• Dynasty armor (1 lvl )
• Vesper blue rain ( 2 lvl )
• Dusk Weapons ( 1 lvl )
• Lindvior Weapons ( 2 lvl )
• 1-3 LvL Tattos ( Mage & Fighter )
• Little Wings
• Costumes 

Other Information:

The server is not based on vote reward system! We have unique farm system, which will make the gameplay interesting.
Unique farm and achievement system. You will get reward even when you are afk in the game! ( not from vote)
All mobs / rbs will drop special scroll's that you can use to enchant saftly your armor to +8/10 and wep to +12 / 16 / 21.
Every enchant will require different amount of enchant coins. For example to +12 you will need 1000 Blue Enchant Scrolls
For +16 you will need 1500 Gold Enchant Scrolls. For +21 you will need 2000 Red Enchant Scrolls.

If you want to see the full information you can visit www.l2ancientworld.pro/forum


New support classes:

Boosted classes:
- Fortune Seeker
- Maestro
- Duelist 
- Dreadnought
- Titan
- Phoenix Knight
- Hell Knight
- Eva's Templar
- Phoenix Knight
- Spectral Dancer
- Moonlight Sentinel
- Archmage
- Soultaker
- Mystic Muse
- Storm Screamer
- Cardinal
- Eva's Saint
- Shillien Saint

Nerfed classes:
- Ghost Hunter
- Adventurer

Reworked skills:
- Stun
- Bluff
- Surrender to wind / water / fire
- Fire Vortex
- Wind Vortex
- Water Vortex
- Dark Vortex
- Light Vortex
- Hex
- Power Brake
- Backstab
- Deadly Blow
- Lethal Blow
- Bluff
- Focus Death
- Focus Power
- Focus Chance
- Focus Skill Mastery
- Vicious Stance
- Trick
- Send Bomb
- Ultimate Evasion
- Ultimate Defence
- Mirage
- Spoil
- Frenzy 
- Zaelot
- Arcane Power
- Vampiric Claw
- Steal Essence 
- Hammer Crush
- Armor Crush
- Cancel
- Spoil

Added new active / passive skills for better balance to:

Spectral Dancer:
- Dance of Sinister

- Song of Sinister

- Propecy of Darkness

Reworked buffs:
- Elemental protection
- Resist of Water
- Resist of Wind
- Resist of Fire
- Unholy resist
- Holy Resist
- Arcane Protection
- Prophecy of Water
- Prophecy of Wind
- Prophecy of Fire
- Prophecy of Darkness
- Chant of Victory
- Chat of Magnus

Every Saturday will have different kind of events, like ( 5vs5, clan vs clan, Russian roulette, the last survivor and much more!)

Added weekly reward system
7 days different rewards!
• Monday reward: 1 Cash Coin
• Tuesday reward: 1 Upgrade Coin
• Wednesday reward: 1 Diamond
• Thursday reward: 500 gold scrolls
• Friday reward: 5 vote coins
• Saturday reward: 1 Charm Coin
• Sunday reward: 1 Achievement Coin

If you have any questions about our project you can send me PM!

Edited by Sinister Smile
  • Upvote 2
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26 minutes ago, GastOne said:

I will join.... but for me is better the Dusk Weapons (Lv2 and no Lv1).

Thank you for your replay buddy! 
About the weapons they have little difference ( by stats ). Soon i will open beta mode and if you want join to see :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Grand Opening Event
How to participate to the event:

1. Make a registration in our forum ( Click Here )
2. Like our facebook page >>> OUR FB PAGE
3. Write a comment here in this topic. ( I will participate )
4. Send PM to the administrator ( Sinister Smile ) with your char name. MY PROFILE

Rewards: The first 20 players will receive costumes for 24h and 3 randomly chosen will get permanent costume by their choice!

Important! Registrations with same IP will be removed from the event!


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1 hour ago, Celestine said:

good luck Sinister wish you the best my friend )



56 minutes ago, melron said:

Good luck sinister :)

Thank you guys!

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• Added New passive skills
• Added New Active skills
• Added New Skill effects

Some preview for these would be good,and what these skills are about.How can you expect ppl come when see such feature and don't know what it is..just sayin..



• Disabled all Augments!
• Retail olympiad game 

How is this a retail oly game, since aug system is feature of il ,and it is disabled, and max equip is a grade?


 Saturday Event

witch is?


• All classes reworked

So,where their stats/skills/damage calculate based on?..  


•Max SubClasses: 2

What's the point lowering subs to 2 ??


Hype for the very best..

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On 1/19/2018 at 6:41 PM, Vegosa said:

• Added New passive skills
• Added New Active skills
• Added New Skill effects

Some preview for these would be good,and what these skills are about.How can you expect ppl come when see such feature and don't know what it is..just sayin..



• Disabled all Augments!
• Retail olympiad game 

How is this a retail oly game, since aug system is feature of il ,and it is disabled, and max equip is a grade?


 Saturday Event

witch is?


• All classes reworked

So,where their stats/skills/damage calculate based on?..  


•Max SubClasses: 2

What's the point lowering subs to 2 ??


Hype for the very best..

Thank you for this reply, i wrote already this info in my forum but, i will add it here too, to can be seen from everyone.

Edited by Sinister Smile
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18 hours ago, Vegosa said:

• Added New passive skills
• Added New Active skills
• Added New Skill effects

Some preview for these would be good,and what these skills are about.How can you expect ppl come when see such feature and don't know what it is..just sayin..



• Disabled all Augments!
• Retail olympiad game 

How is this a retail oly game, since aug system is feature of il ,and it is disabled, and max equip is a grade?


 Saturday Event

witch is?


• All classes reworked

So,where their stats/skills/damage calculate based on?..  


•Max SubClasses: 2

What's the point lowering subs to 2 ??


Hype for the very best..

AccessDenied's clone is back . oh god.


Sinisterrrrrrrr I wish you all the best man , I hope you do well and also i'm so proud of you man. Look at you , being bossy and starting your own server . Yes pappy , yes!  Go on , have fun and boss us around. 

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3 minutes ago, protoftw said:

Sinisterrrrrrrr I wish you all the best man , I hope you do well and also i'm so proud of you man. Look at you , being bossy and starting your own server . Yes pappy , yes!  Go on , have fun and boss us around. 

Thank you, buddy!

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