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Vote Problems



Something went wrong in VoteBase::getApiResponse



can some one help me solve this? every time i write .vote comand its says somthing whent wrong need to vote again. and in logs i see this


Something went wrong in VoteBase::getApiResponse


can some one help?

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Something went wrong in VoteBase::getApiResponse

java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://api.l2topzone.com/v1/vote?token=5e14bd08d6ef4a9f42fed190db6f27b2&ip=

at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:1876)

at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1474)

at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:254)

at handler.voicecommands.RewardVote.getApiResponse(RewardVote.java:472)

at handler.voicecommands.RewardVote.hasVoted(RewardVote.java:436)

at handler.voicecommands.RewardVote.useVoicedCommand(RewardVote.java:217)

at l2f.gameserver.network.clientpackets.Say2C.runImpl(Say2C.java:154)

at l2f.gameserver.network.clientpackets.L2GameClientPacket.run(L2GameClientPacket.java:49)

at l2f.commons.net.nio.impl.MMOExecutableQueue.run(MMOExecutableQueue.java:39)

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)


at handler.voicecommands.RewardVote.tryParseBool(RewardVote.java:446)

at handler.voicecommands.RewardVote.hasVoted(RewardVote.java:437)

at handler.voicecommands.RewardVote.useVoicedCommand(RewardVote.java:217)

at l2f.gameserver.network.clientpackets.Say2C.runImpl(Say2C.java:154)

at l2f.gameserver.network.clientpackets.L2GameClientPacket.run(L2GameClientPacket.java:49)

at l2f.commons.net.nio.impl.MMOExecutableQueue.run(MMOExecutableQueue.java:39)

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)



its full error , i tryed google iit but i cant solve it.... can u help me?
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See imports its acis :P


On scale 1 to 10 how sexy and dumb you're? 

l2f is aCis import? 


About topic owner, let us smell our nails.. SSSSSS so nice smell.. Good now i smell my cute nails i can fix ur code.. 

GTFO and post your code on the requested file and line the error says...

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On scale 1 to 10 how sexy and dumb you're? 

l2f is aCis import? 


About topic owner, let us smell our nails.. SSSSSS so nice smell.. Good now i smell my cute nails i can fix ur code.. 

GTFO and post your code on the requested file and line the error says...

Uh yes i thought was net.sf :D..

Then its sunrise or something h5

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Uh yes i thought was net.sf :D..

Then its sunrise or something h5

On scale 10 to 10, How nab are you? It's one of the shared L2World sources that the idiot guy lately shared along with tale's one.

This guy simply try open a l2tales server. simple as fuck.

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package handler.voicecommands;


import java.sql.Connection;

import java.sql.PreparedStatement;

import java.sql.ResultSet;

import java.util.Map;

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import java.io.BufferedReader;

import java.io.InputStreamReader;

import java.net.HttpURLConnection;

import java.net.URL;


import l2f.commons.util.Rnd;

import l2f.gameserver.Config;

import l2f.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager;

import l2f.gameserver.database.DatabaseFactory;

import l2f.gameserver.handler.voicecommands.IVoicedCommandHandler;

import l2f.gameserver.handler.voicecommands.VoicedCommandHandler;

import l2f.gameserver.model.GameObjectsStorage;

import l2f.gameserver.model.Player;

import l2f.gameserver.network.serverpackets.Say2;

import l2f.gameserver.network.serverpackets.components.ChatType;

import l2f.gameserver.scripts.Functions;

import l2f.gameserver.scripts.ScriptFile;

import l2f.gameserver.utils.BatchStatement;

import l2f.gameserver.vote.VoteRead;


public class RewardVote implements IVoicedCommandHandler, ScriptFile


private static enum ValueType







private static final String[] COMMANDS_LIST = new String[] { "vote", "getreward", "getvote", "votereward", "voteme", "fuckvote", "rewardget", "reward", "votereward"};


// Rewards

private static final int[][] BLESSED_ENCHANTS_CATEGORY = { { 6673, 1 } };


private static final int[] PERMANENT_CATEGORY = { 37004, // Vote Rune

   1 };


 private static final int[][] MISC_CATEGORY = { { 37007, 1 }, { 37007, 2 },  { 37007, 3 } };

 private static final double[][] RANDOM_CATEGORY = { { 6577,// 1 Blessed Enchant Weapon S


   0.05 }, { 6578,// 1 Blessed Enchant Armor S


   0.05 }, { 13071,// 1 Red Soul Crystal - Stage 16


   0.05 }, { 13072,// 1 Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 16


   0.05 }, { 13073,// 1 Green Soul Crystal - Stage 16


   0.155 }, { 10480,// 1 Red Soul Crystal - Stage 15


   0.155 }, { 10481,// 1 Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 15


   0.155 }, { 10482,// 1 Green Soul Crystal - Stage 15


   0.566 }, { 14169,// 1 Top Life Stone Level 84


   1.25 }, { 14168,// 1 High Life Stone Level 84


   2.0 }, { 13073,// 1 Giant's Codex - Mastery


   3.333 }, { 959,// 1 Enchant Weapon S


   3.0 }, { 6622,// 1 Giant's Codex


   8.0 }, { 960,// 1 Enchant Armor S


   8.0 }, { 9552,// 1 Fire Crystal


   8.0 }, { 9553,// 1 Water Crystal


   8.0 }, { 9556,// 1 Dark Crystal


   8.0 }, { 9557,// 1 Holy Crystal


   8.0 }, { 9554,// 1 Earth Crystal


   8.0 }, { 9555,// 1 Wind Crystal


   8.0 }, { 9546,// 1 Fire Stone


   20.0 }, { 9547,// 1 Water Stone


   20.0 }, { 9548,// 1 Earth Stone


   20.0 }, { 9549,// 1 Wind Stone


   20.0 }, { 9550,// 1 Dark Stone


   20.0 }, { 9551,// 1 Holy Stone


   100.0 }, };


private static final long VOTE_COMMAND_REUSE = 5 * 60 * 1000L; // 5 Minutes

private static final long VOTE_PENALTY = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000L; // 12 Hours


public static final Map<Integer, Long> _votePlayerReuses = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Long>();

public static final Map<String, Long> _accountPenalties = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>();

public static final Map<String, Long> _ipPenalties = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>();

public static final Map<String, Long> _hwidPenalties = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>();


public RewardVote()


// If there is a set vote reward message, schedule it


ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAtFixedRate(new VoteAnnounceTask(), 5 * 60 * 1000, Config.ANNOUNCE_VOTE_DELAY * 1000);


// Restore from the db all the penalties of the votes, it doesn't matter if its 0. So we can do it only once at start

Connection con = null;

PreparedStatement statement = null;

ResultSet rset = null;



con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();

statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM vote_system");


rset = statement.executeQuery();



final String value = rset.getString("value");

final long time = rset.getLong("penalty_time");




// Account Name

case 0:


_accountPenalties.put(value, time);



// Ip Address

case 1:


_ipPenalties.put(value, time);



// Hwid

case 2:


_hwidPenalties.put(value, time);






catch(Exception e)





public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, Player activeChar, String params)






// No connection, no vote

if(activeChar.getNetConnection() == null)

return false;




activeChar.sendMessage("Voting is currently disabled!");

return false;



// Min lvl 40

if(activeChar.getLevel() < 40)


activeChar.sendMessage("You need to be at least level 40 to use this command.");

return false;



final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();


// Synerge - Check if voting is not blocked. If a web connection ocurrs, then the vote will be block for everyone for 15 minutes

if(VoteRead._siteBlockTime >= currentTime)


activeChar.sendMessage("There are problems with the connection to the vote site, so it has been disabled for some minutes. Try again later");

return false;



// Check player vote reuse

if(activeChar.getAccessLevel() < 1 && _votePlayerReuses.containsKey(activeChar.getObjectId()))


if(_votePlayerReuses.get(activeChar.getObjectId()) > currentTime)


activeChar.sendMessage("You can use this command only once every 5 minutes.");

return false;




_votePlayerReuses.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), currentTime + VOTE_COMMAND_REUSE);


// Getting IP of client, here we will have to check for HWID when we have LAMEGUARD

final String IPClient = activeChar.getIP();

final String HWID = (activeChar.getHWID() != null ? activeChar.getHWID() : "");


// Check the penalties of the player to see if he can vote again

if(!checkPlayerPenalties(activeChar, IPClient, HWID, true))

return false;


// Return 0 if he didnt voted. Date when he voted on website

/*final long dateHeVotedOnWebsite = VoteRead.checkVotedIP(IPClient);

if(dateHeVotedOnWebsite < 1)


activeChar.sendMessage("To claim reward, you need to vote on all banners!");

return false;



if (!hasVoted(activeChar)) {

                    activeChar.sendMessage("To claim reward, you need to vote!");

                    return false;




// Add the vote penalty to the player

addNewPlayerPenalty(activeChar, IPClient, HWID);


// Give the rewards


activeChar.sendMessage("Successfully rewarded.");


return true;


catch(Exception e)





return false;



// Thread to send to all players that didn't voted yet to vote for the server

protected static class VoteAnnounceTask implements Runnable



public void run()





final Say2 announce = new Say2(0, ChatType.ANNOUNCEMENT, "", Config.VOTE_REWARD_MSG);


final Iterable<Player> world = GameObjectsStorage.getAllPlayersForIterate();

for(Player player : world)


if(player == null || player.getNetConnection() == null)



// No offline or store mode




// If the player has an active penalty means that he already voted

if(!checkPlayerPenalties(player, player.getIP(), player.getHWID(), false))









* Gives to the player all the vote rewards


* @param player


protected static void giveRewards(Player player)


// First give the permanent item

Functions.addItem(player, PERMANENT_CATEGORY[0], PERMANENT_CATEGORY[1], "VoteReward Permanent");


// First give the vote main random reward

final int[] reward = getReward();

Functions.addItem(player, reward[0], reward[1], "VoteReward Main");


// Then give some random rewards

for(double[] item : RANDOM_CATEGORY)




Functions.addItem(player, (int) item[0], (long) item[1], "Vote Random Reward");







* Puts new penalties for the account name, ip and hwid of the player after he succesfully voted


* @param activeChar

* @param IPClient

* @param HWID


protected static void addNewPlayerPenalty(Player activeChar, String IPClient, String HWID)


final long newPenalty = System.currentTimeMillis() + VOTE_PENALTY;

_accountPenalties.put(activeChar.getAccountName(), newPenalty);

_ipPenalties.put(IPClient, newPenalty);

_hwidPenalties.put(HWID, newPenalty);


// Also store the penalties in the db

Connection con = null;

PreparedStatement statement = null;



con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();

statement = BatchStatement.createPreparedStatement(con, "REPLACE INTO vote_system(value_type, value, penalty_time) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");

final String[] values = new String[] { activeChar.getAccountName(), IPClient, HWID };

for(ValueType type : ValueType.values())


statement.setInt(1, type.ordinal());

statement.setString(2, values[type.ordinal()]);

statement.setLong(3, newPenalty);






catch(Exception e)





* @param activeChar

* @param IPClient

* @param HwID

* @param sendMessage

* @return Returns true if the player doesn't have an active penalty after voting


protected static boolean checkPlayerPenalties(Player activeChar, String IPClient, String HwID, boolean sendMessage)


final long accountPenalty = checkPenalty(ValueType.ACCOUNT_NAME, activeChar.getAccountName());

final long ipPenalty = checkPenalty(ValueType.IP_ADRESS, IPClient);

final long hwidPenalty = checkPenalty(ValueType.HWID, HwID);


final int penalty = (int) ((Math.max(accountPenalty, Math.max(ipPenalty, hwidPenalty)) - System.currentTimeMillis()) / (60 * 1000L));


if(penalty > 0)




if(penalty > 60)


activeChar.sendMessage("You can vote only once every 12 hours. You still have to wait " + (penalty / 60) + " hours " + (penalty % 60) + " minutes.");




activeChar.sendMessage("You can vote only once every 12 hours. You still have to wait " + penalty + " minutes.");



return false;


return true;




* @param type

* @param value

* @return Returns the penalty of a particular type and value if it exists


private static long checkPenalty(ValueType type, String value)







return _accountPenalties.get(value);






return _ipPenalties.get(value);



case HWID:



return _hwidPenalties.get(value);





return 0;



public static int[] getReward()


return MISC_CATEGORY[Rnd.get(MISC_CATEGORY.length)];




public void onLoad()






public void onReload()






public void onShutdown()






public String[] getVoicedCommandList()





// New Topzone Vote Reward System (API)


public String getApiEndpoint(Player player) {

        return String.format("https://api.l2topzone.com/v1/vote?token=%s&ip=%s", Config.VOTE_TOPZONE_APIKEY, player.getIP());



    public boolean hasVoted(Player player) {

        try {

            String endpoint = getApiEndpoint(player);

            if (endpoint.startsWith("err"))

                return false;

            String voted = grabValue(getApiResponse(endpoint), "\"isVoted\":", ",\"serverTime\"");

            return tryParseBool(voted);

        } catch (Exception e) {

            player.sendMessage("Something went wrong. Please try again later.");



        return false;



    public boolean tryParseBool(String bool) {

        if (bool.startsWith("1"))

            return true;


        CharSequence cs = "voteTime";

        if (bool.contains(cs)) {

            //System.out.println("Contains \"voteTime\"");

            String newbool = bool.substring(0, 4);

            //System.out.println("Bool to pass: " + newbool);

            return Boolean.parseBoolean(newbool);



        return Boolean.parseBoolean(bool.trim());



    public String getApiResponse(String endpoint) {

        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();


        try {

            URL url = new URL(endpoint);

            HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

            connection.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.76");



            connection.setReadTimeout(5 * 1000);



            try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()))) {

                String line = null;

                while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {

                    stringBuilder.append(line + "\n");





            return stringBuilder.toString();

        } catch (Exception e) {

            System.out.println("Something went wrong in VoteBase::getApiResponse");


            return "err";




private static String grabValue(String str, String open, String close) {

        final int INDEX_NOT_FOUND = -1;

        if (str == null || open == null || close == null) {

            return null;


        int start = str.indexOf(open);

        if (start != INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {

            int end = str.indexOf(close, start + open.length());

            if (end != INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {

                return str.substring(start + open.length(), end);



        return null;









its this file for votes

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the error is found in the second line of your error...


java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://api.l2topzon...p=


Contact xzone on l2topzone.com and you will solve the problem.


PS. problem was already solved. Topic can be close

Edited by xzone
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