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Npc Vs Monster



i want to make an npc that attacks monsters that come in range, i know there is a


<clan>EXAMPLE CLAN</clan>
but is there an enemy list or something that would make an npc "want to hit" a certain clan??

any ideas?
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5 answers to this question

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You must create new code. An xml for a clan and a list with enemy clans. You need a dev to do it for you it's not implemented in. Ex. like:

<clan name="xxx">
	<enemy clan="xxx" range="1500" />		
	<enemy clan="xxx" range="1500" />		
        <enemy clan="xxx3" range="1500"/>
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You're limited by the simple fact than most packs don't even register NPCs into other NPCs knownlist, making them invisible for each other (old L2JIL for instance).


If your pack got that system integrated AND got faction system integrated (clanRange / clan), you still need to code that feature, even if it's almost nothing to do it (something like 10 lines edit, mosty isAutoAttackable() change).


About a NPC, by default they got no attackable AI therefore you can forget the idea. It has to be at least 2 L2Attackable. If your NPC must be a L2Npc, then forget the whole idea, it's not doable without heavy changes of AI system.

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archangels and baium, good example, i'll look into it, thanks for the input everyone.


Locked since your problem got solved if you still have any issues feel free to pm me to unlock your thread.

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