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interlude [L2J] La2Axe


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Lineage 2 X100 Interlude SPRING START!
2020 MARCH 7 19:00 UTC+2

Premium Spring Bonus for players!
First 300 players will receive Premium Medal after second class changing and first 50 players will receive Caradine Letter after third class changing!

On Lineage2 Interlude LA2AXE.NET we guarantee:
- Stablest platform in nowadays L2 world.
- Strongest protection from DDOS attacks in market.
- Long term game without wipe.
- Comfortable game without freezes and delays.
- Daily EVENTS and PvP 24/7 everyday.
- Helpful administration team.
- And much more!


We would like you to present novelty of Lineage2 Interlude world!

Special Raid Boss Drop:
- Golkonda: BEWS 1-3 (50%), BEAS 1-3 (70%), TOP LS 76LVL 1-5 (80%)
- Shax: BEWS 1-3 (50%), BEAS 1-3 (70%), TOP LS 76LVL 1-5 (80%)
- Decabria: BEWS 1-2 (50%), BEAS 1-2 (70%), TOP LS 76LVL 1-5 (80%)
- Kernon: BEWS 1-4 (50%), BEAS 1-4 (70%), TOP LS 76LVL 1-5 (80%)

Rates Information:
XP/SP: x100
Party XP/SP: x1.4
Adena: x50
Drop: x35
Spoil: x35
Seal Stones: x1.2
Manor: x2
Quest Reward: x3 (Not for all)
Quest Drop: x10 (Not for all)
Item RaidBoss: x10
Adena RaidBoss: x2
Item GrandBoss: x1
Adena GrandBoss: x

Enchant Rates
Safe Enchant: +3 / full armor +6
Max Enchant for armor / weapon: +16
Max Enchant for jewelery: +16
Normal Enchant: 65%
Blessed Enchant: 75%

PVP Zones
1. Baium Lair and TOI 13/14 are PVP zones.
2. Valakas PVP zone near NPC "Klein".
3. Antharas Lair and near "Heart Of Warding" are PVP zones.
4. Frintezza PVP zone is in first Imperial Tomb room.
5. Queen Ant PVP zone after the bridge and near Boss.
- When you enter to zones you get violet nick( FLAG ). When you exit from zone, after 20s your flag remove.

Full working Raid / Grand Boss instances.
Cursed weapons system.
Automatic table for class change at 20, 40, 76 levels. 1st class reward: 5kk, 2nd class reward: 10kk, 3rd class reward: 30kk adenas.
Retail augmentation system.
No quest for subclass.
Skills auto learn.
Champions system.
Maximum Buffs: 32 ( +4 Divine Inspiration ) | Debuffs: 6.
Buff Time: 2 hours.
Caradine Letter in shop.
Scheme buffer.
Offline Shop from 25 level.
Everyday event: TVT.
Mana potions: 500MP / 5SEC.
Shop: up to Top B-grade.
Max clients per pc: 5.
Command: .menu

Olympiad period - one week.
Olympiad time 18:00 - 24:00.
Heroes change at saturday.
Validation period at sunday 00:05 - 12:00. On 12 hours period you have to exchange noblesse gate pass.

Join, tell your friends and begin new era of Lineage2 Interlude!

Lineage 2 X100 Interlude Spring START!
2020 MARCH 7 19:00 UTC+2


Edited by LA2AXE
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Jesus Christ! Last start was on 21 July!!! Not even whole month and you all time wipe it, trying to collect donate payments only. Even it, you with ur friends playing there... So fun and money :)

Moreover, you are so selfish that u dont care of it, didnt  change anything, just advert ur server in same topic what before.... 

And ONLINE is always fake. When it shows 340, it is 30. 

I was playing on your Axe maybe 7-8 times from 1 - 2 year when you created it.
Nothing changed.
Zero contact with admin.
Zero care about bots.
Zero care about your friends on server.

Edited by narciak
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  • 2 weeks later...

Fake online - real is some about 50

Admin plays on private characters. 


Donate and donate more- people who can almost everything and have everything

TONS of bots - almost 80% of online it is bots.
Ignore by admin


Admin 0 online in game.

Farming Oly

Cant do nothing there without a paying.

Stable server - max 1 month. Second month reopen for donate.

I was playing there 7th time, my last. So dont tell me that I dont know. /


Edited by narciak
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  • 4 weeks later...

Bonus Voting October 1-8! Have you voted yet? Vote for server in our Vote-Reward system www.la2axe.net/vote and get 40 G. Medals., 25 Medals more than normal. Voting available every 12 hours!

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2017 October 31 19:00 GMT+2! 

Halloween Bonus!
All players from October 31 till November 5 22:00 will get:
After 1st class: Scythe (Death Pole)
After 2nd class: Pirate Hat
After 3rd class: 3 Books Of Giants

On Lineage2 Interlude LA2AXE.NET we guarantee:
- Stablest platform in nowadays L2 world.
- Strongest protection from DDOS attacks in market.
- Long term game without wipe.
- Comfortable game without freezes and delays.
- Daily EVENTS and PvP 24/7 everyday.
- Helpful administration team.
- And much more!


We would like you to present novelty of Lineage2 Interlude world!

Special Raid Boss Drop:
- Golkonda BEWS 1-3 (50%), BEAS 1-3 (70%), TOP LS 76LVL 1-5 (80%)
- Shax BEWS 1-3 (50%), BEAS 1-3 (70%), TOP LS 76LVL 1-5 (80%)
- Decabria BEWS 1-2 (50%), BEAS 1-2 (70%), TOP LS 76LVL 1-5 (80%)
- Kernon BEWS 1-4 (50%), BEAS 1-4 (70%), TOP LS 76LVL 1-5 (80%)

Rates Information:
XP/SP: x100
Party XP/SP: x1.4
Adena: x50
Drop: x30
Spoil: x30
Seal Stones: x1.2
Manor: x2
Quest Reward: x3 (Not for all)
Quest Drop: x8 (Not for all)
Item RaidBoss: x5
Adena RaidBoss: x2
Item GrandBoss: x1
Adena GrandBoss: x2

Enchant Rates
Safe Enchant: +3 / full armor +4
Max Enchant for armor / weapon: +16
Max Enchant for jewelery: +10
Normal Enchant: 60%
Blessed Enchant: 70%

PVP Zones
1. Baium Lair and TOI 13/14 are PVP zones.
2. Valakas PVP zone near NPC "Klein".
3. Antharas Lair and near "Heart Of Warding" are PVP zones.
4. Frintezza PVP zone is in first Imperial Tomb room.
5. Queen Ant PVP zone after the bridge and near Boss.
- When you enter to zones you get violet nick( FLAG ). When you exit from zone, after 20s your flag remove.

Full working Raid / Grand Boss instances.
Cursed weapons system.
Automatic table for class change at 20, 40, 76 levels. 1st class reward: 5kk, 2nd class reward: 10kk, 3rd class reward: 30kk adenas.
Retail augmentation system.
No quest for subclass.
Skills auto learn.
Champions system.
Maximum Buffs: 28 ( +4 Divine Inspiration ).
Buff Time: 2 hours.
Caradine Letter in shop.
Scheme buffer.
Offline Shop from 30 level.
Everyday event: TVT.
Mana potions: 500MP / 5SEC.
Shop: up to Top B-grade.
Max clients per pc: 5.
Command: .menu

Olympiad period - one week.
Olympiad time 18:00 -24:00.
Heroes change at saturday.
Validation period at sunday 00:05 - 12:00. On 12 hours period you have to exchange noblesse gate pass.

Join, invite your friends and begin new era of Lineage2 Interlude!

2017 October 31 19:00 GMT+2!

Website: Lineage2 Interlude LA2AXE.NET


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  • 2 weeks later...

hahhhaha open server get money from donate , than close server, open and again get money from donate, and again , again, again, same shit like l2neo and l2blaze, guys if u have brain, dont play l2axe

Edited by dracula1991
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  • Posts

    • For upcoming changes, You should consider making those 3 tabs (or whatever more You will have with new games) more visible and standing out, because right it looks like all topics hidden under those 3 tabs.
    • While not particularly active over the years, I've been around for as long as I could remember, so here are my 2 cents too. On top of what has already been said, I'd like to touch on a few thing that might be improved upon. While it is easy to notice and say "there's lack of engagement" or "community has outgrown the ganre", I've seen numerous forums get forgotten and die while others continue to thrive to this day. The main issue, in my humble opinion, is that the sector has been commercialised to an unsustainable extent. When nobody is willing to share anything, even if it is just a rework of an open-sourced or already-shared resource, the sense of "community" gets deminished. Now back on the pressing matter. From what I've seen, the lack of engagement could be circumvented with a redesign and functionality expansion that would/could/should include: - a built-in chat functionality. - incentives for engagement/interaction, ideas of which I'll list as separate pointers, as not to limit your creativity. But just as an example, from a more user/human perspective, having an easily identifiable way to get into "the club of the cool kids on the block", figuratively speaking, is an incentive on its own. - separation of the reputation into reactions and reputation. One to be used to posts, such as up-vote and what not, while the other to be awarded as means of appreciation. - automated ranks with actual benefits/perks, not like the current ones providing nothing. - the ability to hide text for user/group of users, not just premium/no premium. - increased visibility of the HOT topics and the RECENTLY ACTIVE threads/posts. Can be also expanded to most liked posts, etc. ps.: I'll update my post when I have some free time on my hands.
    • There was no way I didn't refunded or delivered files. I don't see You on my conrtact list on Discord, can You send me a message or at least tell me for what project was this updater? I always resolve if I can't deliver on time or customer bailes.
    • @rlfem123  I’m a web developer, and I work with technologies like Next.js and React. In the last 10 years, L2 Rankzone is the only one I’ve seen that actually did something different. All the others seem to have the same source code with different templates. L2 Hopzone also did an upgrade and, for the front end, is using Vue.js. Regarding web development, we have reached a point where you can easily create websites using libraries or frameworks. Simply pick one and start working. You will learn as you go. Personally, I prefer to build my back-end APIs in Laravel if it’s a big project since the ecosystem offers everything. For smaller projects, I choose Go. Then I use either React or Next.js to call my APIs, depending on the case. Next.js also supports Server-Side Rendering (SSR) if you want to hide some things from the client. Additionally, CSS libraries have almost everything you need nowadays to start building quickly with browser compatibility. You can seriously build an L2 website with ranks, a good design, and even a simple login/register system in just 3 days. Here are some CSS libraries I personally work with: https://tailwindui.com/components   https://ui.shadcn.com/   https://mui.com/material-ui/ Regarding the top websites i dont thing its worth the time and effort.  Its pretty simple to build one and the market is already bloated. In addition l2 is dying so i suggest to build top sites for many games.  THe main problem is not the build process rather the marketing one. You can build the most awesome website iin terms of functionality but if you marketing is week you wont exceed 10 concurrent users. 
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