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How To Connect Site With Server

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Hello i make a tutorial how to connect a webiste with status

Online / Offline

PvP / Pk


and more..


The first step.

Open Port in your firewall


I give a link how to open port


In port you dont need create all the time new you can use it all in one create like [7777, 2106, 3306, 9014, 80, 1574, 6983, 1257]


Make a new user in your server database

In user Name use like [root]

In Host use the Website Host Like [server.host.ovh.com] ATTETION: Dont use IP because is not working.

In password use your database password like [1adf@41%1]




After create user give Privileges as like this

Select all Cans




So after finish all create with database in your server go to your Website for create info from your server host

But first send a message to your hoster website open this port [2106,7777,3306] for working the check's


    'ip_Host'        =>  'Your IP form your Host Server',
    'Data_user'      =>  'root',
    'Data_pass'       =>  '1adf@41%1',
    'db_name'   =>  'L2MyNameServerDB',


that's all. I hope help that tutorial. If you need more help send me a message.

Have a nice day.

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Well nice try with the guide but i didnt understand some things ... like 




'ip_Host'        =>  'Your IP form your Host Server',


Which ip do you mean ? 





After create user give Privileges as like this

Select all Cans


what do you mean here ? if i press add privelleges it showing me the databases and etc and then i can sellect and add priveleges to each database i should select all privelleges?

Edited by TEOGR_hItMaKeR
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you can do 100% secure from webhost if you locked cannot read or try to download your website. like HTTrack program..

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Yes select them and save and ip host you must add the ip from your host the domain you log into cpanel

again i dont understand so how is going to point to my server ? 




$config["hostname"] = "Here the ip of CPANEL or the ip of my l2 server ?";
$config["username"] = "myuser";
$config["password"] = "mypass";
$config["database"] = "My DB"; 


I tried with l2 server ip doesnt load at all then with cpanel ip it saying unable to connecto to the db 

Thanks ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. step send message to your hoster = site open 3 port
1) 7777
2) 2106
3) 3306

2. step go to your dedicated or vps and open port in firewall same port

with step 1

3. step follow the first topic if you dont know how to open send me message

i only help not setup.

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my host told me for custom ports like 7777 and 2106 I have to pay but 3306 is open by default... I opened the ports at my pc and in firewall... but I can't connect to db...

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