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high five [L2J]L2 Eternal-War


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Server info / setup;


we are using dedicated vps linux machine for our server!


Offline system for buff / Shop stores.


Daily reward for loging with command .login


Working community board with auction.


and many more...




EXP/SP - 25x

Adena - 20x

Drop - 15x

Spoil - 15x

Quest rate - x1

RB drop – 3x




Safe enchant - +4

Max enchant - +12

Normal rate 60%

Blessed rate 70%

Element Stone – 40%

Element Crystal – 30%


Server Configurations:


Subclass - no quest

Certyfikation – no quest

Max Sublacc – 3

Max Level Subclass – 85

24 buff slot (+4 divine inspiration) and 12 dance and songs slots

Buff Duration: 2h

Auto Loot

Offline Shop

Offline Buffs Shop

Auto learn skills

Heroes 2 weeks

Olympiad max enchant +6

Sieges/Territiry wars every weekend

Monster champion system

Vitality System

Global GK

NPC Buffer schame

Vote Reward

Max Clients/PC: 5




Team vs Team

Protect th King

Last Man Standing

Korean Style

Capture the Flag

Fight For Throne

Death Match

Tresure Hunt


Each month we will do pvp tournament with $$ price we reached from donation.



Edited by neilio
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best of luck man,but it kinda looks nothing more than the same mid serbers that everyone has through shared files,me gonna test beta now for test gameplay,but add smth more attractive.

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Good luck with your server :)

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community board and htmls from many npcs are exact the same with serbers played b4.it's so sad to see every mid h5 serber beign the same without eben changing the htmls.you need something to import,smth unique and add your own ideas and make it more attractive,plus on offline buffers shop some buffs +30 power,but others remain no enchanted.Fix these and update serber meanwhile..again best of luck but you'll need mroe than that..

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community board and htmls from many npcs are exact the same with serbers played b4.it's so sad to see every mid h5 serber beign the same without eben changing the htmls.you need something to import,smth unique and add your own ideas and make it more attractive,plus on offline buffers shop some buffs +30 power,but others remain no enchanted.Fix these and update serber meanwhile..again best of luck but you'll need mroe than that..

we have offline system buffer and shop . paid geodata and more... html will be changed later

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Again the same pack, so tell me whats the difference between your server and l2 liona or l2 dragon?why should we choose your server?

maybe lowered donations than the serbers you mentioned :P . anyway he told he'll make changes only can wait and see,but beta is the same with all dat serbers till now,i hope changes can take fast effect so we can see what else he can offer to players.

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maybe lowered donations than the serbers you mentioned :P . anyway he told he'll make changes only can wait and see,but beta is the same with all dat serbers till now,i hope changes can take fast effect so we can see what else he can offer to players.

I find this pack terrible, i cant even understand how players can play x20 server w/ full buffs, and other than that how can they play a server and the next month leave the server they played/farmed to move to the same server with different name and wiped xD

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I find this pack terrible, i cant even understand how players can play x20 server w/ full buffs, and other than that how can they play a server and the next month leave the server they played/farmed to move to the same server with different name and wiped xD

bcoz in a month period the serber they play becomes dead so they have to go to the next one,and since they stick and like rates they play same rates serbers.The sad thing is that many more serbers open here and there so fast and without eben changing the basics and with no advertise at all,and then fail,thats why people change serbers every weekend.

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Dunno why all servers are the same this period, ive seen masterpieces opening and get 10 players online , and every server that hasthis pack gets 1k players, and lets be real, its a pay to win pack, dunno about this server right here , but this pack needs some adjustments  fixing the adena rate on low zones, because just yesterday i joined l2 dragon for fun and again i was 68 level with d grade bow and c grade armor, thats pretty lame, also there needs to be a guide for new players how to get through this chaos, where to farm or exp cause in h5 everything is changed , you dont even know if you have to craft anymore or not , also the buffs for a mid rate should be just the main prophet buffs without ressists and 3rd class buffs basic dances and songs, so support classes can be useful , the resists thing makes it so unbalanced, i was 72lvl with soulbow on my archer on l2 dragon vs sph with am acu and dc robe and i was hiting him for 3.6 , he was doing 900 dmg on me with black ore jewels, and thats all cause of the resists, resists came in l2 as limited timed buffs , and you couldnt get all the resists ,now with 160 buff slots its really bad 

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Dunno why all servers are the same this period, ive seen masterpieces opening and get 10 players online , and every server that hasthis pack gets 1k players, and lets be real, its a pay to win pack, dunno about this server right here , but this pack needs some adjustments  fixing the adena rate on low zones, because just yesterday i joined l2 dragon for fun and again i was 68 level with d grade bow and c grade armor, thats pretty lame, also there needs to be a guide for new players how to get through this chaos, where to farm or exp cause in h5 everything is changed , you dont even know if you have to craft anymore or not , also the buffs for a mid rate should be just the main prophet buffs without ressists and 3rd class buffs basic dances and songs, so support classes can be useful , the resists thing makes it so unbalanced, i was 72lvl with soulbow on my archer on l2 dragon vs sph with am acu and dc robe and i was hiting him for 3.6 , he was doing 900 dmg on me with black ore jewels, and thats all cause of the resists, resists came in l2 as limited timed buffs , and you couldnt get all the resists ,now with 160 buff slots its really bad 


rly u talk about resist buffs at h5 ? :rage: :rage: :rage:


im maining prp at this soft, i can pvp with him alone also

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rly u talk about resist buffs at h5 ? :rage: :rage: :rage:


im maining prp at this soft, i can pvp with him alone also

i aint said remove them , i said that they should be 5 min buffs , not on buffer , so pp could also get a slot in a party 

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i aint said remove them , i said that they should be 5 min buffs , not on buffer , so pp could also get a slot in a party 

like someone want play prp at mid rate open pvp ;D


every decent party will log him at bot and rebuffs w/o party

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bcoz in a month period the serber they play becomes dead so they have to go to the next one,and since they stick and like rates they play same rates serbers.The sad thing is that many more serbers open here and there so fast and without eben changing the basics and with no advertise at all,and then fail,thats why people change serbers every weekend.

no worries we are not liona or dragon . we have ben work hard on this project like 5 months.. we bought advertisment on maxchaters  / topzone/ hopzone and we are going for more.. who even cares about html on comunity board ? relax ^ we aint stop at work

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