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high five [L2J] L2Redmoon


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U really need facts that achynerd is a retard when he scam random ppl cause he used to have l2tales database?or that he flame all servers except his boyfriends stalonkas?And even if that greedy sh1t stalonka is not behind of this server then cooperating with him is bad idea for you.


ps:is achynerd your boyfriend too?cause defending a braindead scammer like him makes you the same sh1t!

I defend noone,you speak without facts again just words,and noone defends tales.What anyone can say about it when it was the only serber with many many real online while its copies come nowhere near to its online,plus tales tell no lies and its true to players not lie others who use fake online woth everyone free botting inside,so stop calling him scam and stalonka girlfriend because you speak without facts or proofs,just words.so name a better serber than these..real.serbers not lie and fake

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U really need facts that achynerd is a retard when he scam random ppl cause he used to have l2tales database?or that he flame all servers except his boyfriends stalonkas?And even if that greedy sh1t stalonka is not behind of this server then cooperating with him is bad idea for you.


ps:is achynerd your boyfriend too?cause defending a braindead scammer like him makes you the same sh1t!

You are simple idiot,


i like how you are mad when you see my nick or tales word <3 


but  its 2k17 and you using still same words, maybe its time learn something new ? 

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You are simple idiot,


i like how you are mad when you see my nick or tales word <3 


but  its 2k17 and you using still same words, maybe its time learn something new ? 

only way to learn is to accept himself,he likes tales and this one too and he plays,yet he don't want admit that he is notthat good when big online number players are on big stage serbers

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only way to learn is to accept himself,he likes tales and this one too and he plays,yet he don't want admit that he is notthat good when big online number players are on big stage serbers

no, im sure he was donator at tales, he paid for lot of items and after tales did wipe,


now he lost virtual items for real euroski and need flame at forum ;D

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no, im sure he was donator at tales, he paid for lot of items and after tales did wipe,


now he lost virtual items for real euroski and need flame at forum ;D

all he need is to quit playing the game,he would've feel better if he had stopped,especially big stage serbers like here

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I defend noone,plus tales tell no lies and its true to players not lie others who use fake online woth everyone free botting inside

At this point,it's safe to assume that you 're a despicable brown noser with an acute form of mental retardation.

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At this point,it's safe to assume that you 're a despicable brown noser with an acute form of mental retardation.

yeah,the only thing me is am honest,if you played tales prime yu'll understand what i mean,and you argue with no facts

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Where are your facts since you love to shovel that arguement down on people's throat?

Please show me the votes(totally non bo(ugh)table),show me the Giran screenshots(clown festival),or even better then ''unique IPs'' with definitely not 4 tabs enabled.

And hold your horses.I never played tales prime because obviously im not interested playing VS AI on hunting grounds with bot parties.If i liked AI i'd be playing Diablo 3 or PoE.

Any rational person without personal gain over a server will tell you that L2 on most EU mid rates at 2016+ is a total shitpile in terms of daily gameplay with the bot platoons marching all over.

So you take your ''honest facts'' and shove up your asshole if it's not filled up already.

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Where are your facts since you love to shovel that arguement down on people's throat?

Please show me the votes(totally non bo(ugh)table),show me the Giran screenshots(clown festival),or even better then ''unique IPs'' with definitely not 4 tabs enabled.

And hold your horses.I never played tales prime because obviously im not interested playing VS AI on hunting grounds with bot parties.If i liked AI i'd be playing Diablo 3 or PoE.

Any rational person without personal gain over a server will tell you that L2 on most EU mid rates at 2016+ is a total shitpile in terms of daily gameplay with the bot platoons marching all over.

So you take your ''honest facts'' and shove up your asshole if it's not filled up already.

i played there and i saw the truth in my eyes.At least 80% of people were real not afkers or botters,me know whats happening and so if you don't like just dont play it noone force and mid rates yes are fail at eu,but not for all serebers there are good serber like prime tale was.(at least for me)

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Where are your facts since you love to shovel that arguement down on people's throat?

Please show me the votes(totally non bo(ugh)table),show me the Giran screenshots(clown festival),or even better then ''unique IPs'' with definitely not 4 tabs enabled.

And hold your horses.I never played tales prime because obviously im not interested playing VS AI on hunting grounds with bot parties.If i liked AI i'd be playing Diablo 3 or PoE.

Any rational person without personal gain over a server will tell you that L2 on most EU mid rates at 2016+ is a total shitpile in terms of daily gameplay with the bot platoons marching all over.

So you take your ''honest facts'' and shove up your asshole if it's not filled up already.

i found at some old screens from 2k14, u can  flame tales, but this online u wont see again at any mid rate.






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That's why i said 16+,and let's be honest :) Multiple router ports can be assigned to one specific port service,without even having a character online.

Querying is how ddos works on a basic level.(im pretty sure a fair amount of the 4k you showed me are zombie ones)

But Tales was good then(healthy would be a better term).

You know why?Cuz the bots were not that much like flees on a horse as nowadays.

(let's not mention the epic rb sets +10 to Danny and the idiot berserker who i dont even remember his name anymore(He was from the US)).

And i never said Tales had low online(hahaa the last ones though were complete utter failures)

I said it didn't have that exaggerated amount of online (12k+++ :fappa:  :fappa:  :fappa: online) and no corruption like the inbred borderick wants to believe.

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That's why i said 16+,and let's be honest :) Multiple router ports can be assigned to one specific port service,without even having a character online.

Querying is how ddos works on a basic level.(im pretty sure a fair amount of the 4k you showed me are zombie ones)

But Tales was good then(healthy would be a better term).

You know why?Cuz the bots were not that much like flees on a horse as nowadays.

(let's not mention the epic rb sets +10 to Danny and the idiot berserker who i dont even remember his name anymore(He was from the US)).

And i never said Tales had low online(hahaa the last ones though were complete utter failures)

I said it didn't have that exaggerated amount of online (12k+++ :fappa:  :fappa:  :fappa: online) and no corruption like the inbred borderick wants to believe.

last tales had 1.5k online at prime time, but died bcs there wasnt  big clans


since mouse had l2rise and big clans get there items for free 


w/e noone will believe me, but still if stalonka is not so lazy last 2 years, tales will be still best


but all tales work now did vampir, and stalonka is with helenka everytime 

Edited by AchYlek
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