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L2Junity Gameserver [Errors]



How can i fix the red marked errors:

1. ipconfig.xml | I tried to copy default-ipconfig.xml in eclipse Project Explorer, then re-named it to "ipconfig.xml", which has just been lead... to another error.

2. missing property for key | I simply don't understand this, i've checked the "Feature.properties" in eclipse Project Explorer and all values are listed there, so... why is that? oO

3. hexid.txt | Do i have to create this file by myself or why i cant find it in eclipse Project Explorer? x.x

4. mapregion | How this data can't be exist? x.x Is there any way to fix that?

[23:28:23] IXmlReader: Network Config: ipconfig.xml doesn't exists using automatic configuration...
[23:28:23] IXmlReader: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address:
[23:28:23] IXmlReader: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address:
[23:28:23] IXmlReader: Network Config: Adding new subnet: address:
[23:28:23] PropertiesParser: [Feature.properties] missing property for key: BuyTaxForNeutralSide using default value: 15
[23:28:23] PropertiesParser: [Feature.properties] missing property for key: BuyTaxForLightSide using default value: 0
[23:28:23] PropertiesParser: [Feature.properties] missing property for key: BuyTaxForDarkSide using default value: 30
[23:28:23] PropertiesParser: [Feature.properties] missing property for key: SellTaxForNeutralSide using default value: 0
[23:28:23] PropertiesParser: [Feature.properties] missing property for key: SellTaxForLightSide using default value: 0
[23:28:23] PropertiesParser: [Feature.properties] missing property for key: SellTaxForDarkSide using default value: 20
[23:28:23] PropertiesParser: [General.properties] missing property for key: WorldChatInterval using default value: 20secs
[23:28:23] Config: Could not load HexID file (./config/hexid.txt). Hopefully login will give us one.
[23:28:23] Config: Loaded 6 Filter Words.
[23:28:23] GameServer: ------------------------------------------------=[ Database ]
[23:28:24] BitSetIDFactory: Updated characters online status.
[23:28:24] BitSetIDFactory: Cleaned 0 elements from database in 0 s
[23:28:24] BitSetIDFactory: Cleaned 0 expired timestamps from database.
[23:28:24] BitSetIDFactory: 102912 id's available.
[23:28:24] GameServer: ------------------------------------------------=[ Scripting Engines ]
[23:28:24] ScriptEngineManager: ScriptEngine: L2J Java Engine 1.0 (Java [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
[23:28:24] ServerPluginProvider: Loaded 0 plugins
[23:28:24] GameServer: ------------------------------------------------=[ Telnet ]
[23:28:24] TelnetServer: Telnet server is currently disabled.
[23:28:24] GameServer: ------------------------------------------------=[ World ]
[23:28:24] GameTimeController: Started.
[23:28:24] World: (288 by 272 by 32) World Region Grid set up.
[23:28:24] IXmlReader: Folder C:\Users\Zagatou\git\l2junity\l2junity-gameserver\dist\data\mapregion doesn't exist!
[23:28:24] MapRegionManager: Loaded 0 map regions.
[23:28:24] ZoneManager: 19 by 18 Zone Region Grid set up.
[23:28:24] IXmlReader: Folder C:\Users\Zagatou\git\l2junity\l2junity-gameserver\dist\data\zones doesn't exist!
[23:28:24] IXmlReader: Folder C:\Users\Zagatou\git\l2junity\l2junity-gameserver\dist\data\zones\npcSpawnTerritories doesn't exist!
[23:28:24] ZoneManager: Loaded 0 zone classes and 0 zones.
[23:28:24] ZoneManager: Loaded 0 NPC spawn territoriers.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at org.l2junity.gameserver.instancemanager.ZoneManager.getInstance(ZoneManager.java:754)
at org.l2junity.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:195)
at org.l2junity.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:453)
Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: No value present
at java.util.OptionalInt.getAsInt(OptionalInt.java:118)
at org.l2junity.gameserver.instancemanager.ZoneManager.load(ZoneManager.java:408)
at org.l2junity.gameserver.instancemanager.ZoneManager.<init>(ZoneManager.java:90)
at org.l2junity.gameserver.instancemanager.ZoneManager$SingletonHolder.<clinit>(ZoneManager.java:759)
... 3 more




Edited by camolus
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Being a programmer and still u didnt get the joke  :you serious?:

to understand such kinds of jokes requires to have friends at all... which i don't have...

so i never heard that kind of joke sorry.


and acquaintances i know are similar to me more or less loners XD


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ah yeah ...protected... well but for that you don't need to be a programmer i guess.... every windows user is asked that question.. lol
my windows isnt set in english so i didn't think of that XD

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ah yeah ...protected... well but for that you don't need to be a programmer i guess.... every windows user is asked that question.. lol

my windows isnt set in english so i didn't think of that XD

You should get banned for what you said just for being in a L2J section. Not only you offend all programmers, but you don't even know what protected is.

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You should get banned for what you said just for being in a L2J section. Not only you offend all programmers, but you don't even know what protected is.

protected network etc etc ....

thats the question windows asks me when i connect  to an unknown network...

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You should get banned for what you said just for being in a L2J section. Not only you offend all programmers, but you don't even know what protected is.

I would really like to see you explain what protected is... :lol:
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