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Mass Res Problem



Hi ,


The issue is that if a bishop uses mass resurrection and the clan member is dead and also has a pet dead mass resurrection resurrect the pet first


how can i do it to res the character fist?


       some part of the code , any ideas?

        for (L2Character cha : targetToRes)
            if (activeChar instanceof L2PcInstance)
                if (cha instanceof L2PcInstance)
                    ((L2PcInstance) cha).reviveRequest((L2PcInstance) activeChar, skill, false);
                else if (cha instanceof L2PetInstance)
                    ((L2PetInstance) cha).getOwner().reviveRequest((L2PcInstance) activeChar, skill, true);
                cha.doRevive(Formulas.calculateSkillResurrectRestorePercent(skill.getPower(), activeChar.getWIT()));
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on l2skill

            if (activeChar instanceof L2Playable)
                    final L2PcInstance player = activeChar.getActingPlayer();
                    if (player == null)
                        return _emptyTargetList;
                    if (player.getOlympiadManagement().isInOlympiadMode())
                        return new L2Character[] { player };
                    final boolean isCorpseType = targetType == SkillTargetType.TARGET_CORPSE_CLAN;
                    if (!isCorpseType)
                        if (onlyFirst)
                            return new L2Character[] { player };
                    final int radius = getSkillRadius();
                    final L2Clan clan = player.getClan();
                    if (addSummon(activeChar, player, radius, isCorpseType))
                    if (clan != null)
                        L2PcInstance obj;
                        // Get Clan Members
                        for (L2ClanMember member : clan.getMembers())
                            obj = member.getPlayerInstance();
                            if (obj == null || obj == player)
                            if (player.isInDuel())
                                if (player.getDuelId() != obj.getDuelId())
                                if (player.isInParty() && obj.isInParty() && player.getParty().getPartyLeaderOID() != obj.getParty().getPartyLeaderOID())
                            // Don't add this target if this is a Pc->Pc pvp casting and pvp condition not met
                            if (!player.checkPvpSkill(obj, this))
                            if (!TvTEvent.checkForTvTSkill(player, obj, this))

                            if (!TvTCustomEvent.checkForTvTSkill(player, obj, this))
                            if (!onlyFirst && addSummon(activeChar, obj, radius, isCorpseType))
                            if (!addCharacter(activeChar, obj, radius, isCorpseType))
                            if (isCorpseType)
                                if (getSkillType() == L2SkillType.RESURRECT)
                                    // check target is not in a active siege zone
                                    if (obj.isInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_SIEGE) && !obj.isInSiege())
                            if (onlyFirst)
                                return new L2Character[] { obj };
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I just need mass resurrection to rez First the Character then the Pet because with the code above if both char/pet are dead and clan member uses mass resurrection - the box about accept resurrection is for pet so pet ressurected and characters remained dead.

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