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[L2J] L2Resurrection


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Experience (EXP): 1000x
Skill Points (SP): 1000x
Max Level: 85
Estimated time for Level-up: 10-25 min
Buff Slots: 56 + 6 Debuffs

LineageII Resurrection Enchant Rates

Safe Enchant +4
Max Enchant +20
Normal Scroll Chance 75%
Blessed Scroll Chance 85%
(If broke go back to +4)
Crystal Scroll Chance 100%
(Usable from +16 to +20)

LineageII Resurrection Enchant Rates

You can have only 1 augment:
1 Active or 1 Passive
Low Grade Lifestone Chance 5%
Mid Grade Lifestone Chance 10%
High Grade Lifestone Chance 15%
Top Grade Lifestone Chance 20%
Unique features

Main towns - Kamael(Custom City).
Working all castle sieges.
tvt event manager.
Farm Zones
PVP/PK Zones
Another features

Anti bot system

Vote Manager
shift + click to see droplist
PvP/PK color system.
Custom items

 Custom Weapons/Armors/Weapons
|Epic jewels| |Accesories|
Olympiad New heroes every weekend
Olympiad configuration like L2OFF
Balanced gameplay like L2OFF
For join olympiad battles require:
Noblesse status




A:No you don't it will take you arround  1-2 H To Be a Full Player that time does not including the Enchant


Edited by EvadeTube
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It's L2Benz, you need hours of farm to get good gear and be able to pvp. Staff is corrupted as hell helping their friends and it also has low community(15-20 might be actual players).
P.S.: The customs they are talking about are 4 different custom armors and 4 different custom weapons, plus you need like 150 votes to improve your gear from tier2 to tier3 and there's also tier4, star wars server. GL :D

Edited by mosxaras
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We have nothing to do with L2Benz plus we have lowered the farm just give it a try you won't regret it


Also we are not playing in our server we always trying to improve staff

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gm tell me why archer with full epics and bow tier 2 + 17 hit 1.7 k too nuker when nuker hit me 2.2 k each hit when i hve epics + 10 and active m def?


because those files he have are unbalanced never tested balance on gear by them also l2benz was the same server like this one nothing new nothing fixed.

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because those files he have are unbalanced never tested balance on gear by them also l2benz was the same server like this one nothing new nothing fixed.


pretty random shitty svr. noone actually playing it ... everyone sitting on town afk for votes... as usual every shit svr is like this :D:D


good gear it's all with incredible amount of votes. 


votes u get only 50 at day ! worst svr i saw in a while


oh ye plus the x3 online

Edited by the real mrapocalipto
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1. after 1 day ... website down.

2. After 2 days still website down , nobody on to fix it .

3. same files as L2Blaze ( if any1 did play will know that there was NO BALANCE AT ALL )

4. If u make PK ......u die , then on the whole L2 Map .... u wont find any mob to get rid of it ( beside farming zone ) ... and u cant use GK to teleport.

Edited by ionutzzu14
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We have done the biggest mistake by opening this project we have been working full time since then we are doing our best to improve everything we are getting a massive update for this project and to answer about l2benz we are not them I don't know what they have done but we I'll switch it around

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