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Auto enchanting for l2j servers (not completely automated) NOT "SAFE" Enchanting


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New version for enchant script, check




EDIT: Alot of you thought I was out of the cheating loop eh? Wrong!


Well this will save you loads of time, you know when you have to wait 5 seconds to enchant? You can skip that crap. I'll explain how. Notice that this guide is ONLY for L2J servers.


firstly, download l2.net.




1. make sure you download the datapack as well as the update.... so 347c and 351c (or later) and put all the files in the same folder.


2. Read up on how to login at www.ltwonet.com and login.


3. copy this script


//Change to what you want it to enchant to

DEFINE STRING ONEONE "19 22 6C 2B 10 00 00 00 00"

//CHANGE, you will need to get the first enchant packet of each weapon and replace it here
SET TWOTWO "5F A5 8B 2D 10 00 00 00 00 "
SET TWOTWO "5F A7 8B 2D 10 00 00 00 00"
SET TWOTWO "5F A6 8B 2D 10 00 00 00 00 "
SET TWOTWO "5F 96 41 03 10 00 00 00 00"
SET TWOTWO "5F 1A 42 03 10 00 00 00 00 "

PRINT_TEXT "Weapon unique packet is: <&TWOTWO&>"

    SLEEP 400
    PRINT_TEXT "Currently enchanted to: <&CURENCHANT&>"



4. Open the scripting pull down window. Select debug and dump mode. This will now give out one packet that you need for this script, I will explain how to obtain this packet, its really simple. Go to your main lineage 2 window, find a nice quiet place where there aren't many people around.... this will simplify your task, enchant a weapon, go back to the l2.net window, look down, you will see l2.net text that will look like this


11:33:51 PM :[DEBUG: 19 22 6C 2B 10 00 00 00 00  <==== this packet is not needed, its you clicking on the enchant scroll

11:33:52 PM :[select item to enchant.

11:33:57 PM :[DEBUG: 5F 1A 42 03 10 00 00 00 00  <==== this packet indicates the weapon you want to enchant... this is needed

11:33:57 PM :[Your Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.


you can identify this packet quite easily.... it will always start with 5F, it will always end with 10 00 00 00 00 and this part 1A 42 03 will be random. Copy the packet YOUR client gave you example = 5F 1A 42 03 10 00 00 00 00


now in the script, there will be the following code, paste your packet with the first packet you see in the following code.


SET TWOTWO "5F A5 8B 2D 10 00 00 00 00" would become SET TWOTWO "5F 1A 42 03 10 00 00 00 00"


and continue to paste in more packets. You can add more packet lines or delete them, thats entirely up to you and how many weapons you want to enchant.


NOTE: Always choose a different weapon to enchant to obtain the packet



SET TWOTWO "5F A5 8B 2D 10 00 00 00 00"


SET TWOTWO "5F A7 8B 2D 10 00 00 00 00"


SET TWOTWO "5F A6 8B 2D 10 00 00 00 00 "


SET TWOTWO "5F 96 41 03 10 00 00 00 00"


SET TWOTWO "5F 1A 42 03 10 00 00 00 00 "



5. Open the scripting pull down window. Select Script Editor, paste the script I posted, save as as whatever you want. (you can also edit the scripts from there)


6. Edit the following line to your liking DEFINE INT ENCHANT 18.... this means the script will enchant every weapon UP TO +18 if they started as +1, so if you want your weapon to be +10, change DEFINE INT ENCHANT 18 to DEFINE INT ENCHANT 10 and save.


7. Open the scripting pull down window, click SET MAIN SCRIPT, find the script you just saved


8. Open the scripting pull down window, click start script... wait until the script finished edit the script for the next weapon batch, repeat.




This will all become very easy and quicker then manually clicking every script. Average time to enchant a weapon to +16 is 1.5 minutes. This script will enchant a weapon to 16 in 16 seconds plus the time it took you to get the weapon packet. Once this becomes fluid to you, you will save much more time.


TIP. When you open the script window, click on the box that says "TOP", this will keep the current window on top of everything else. Quite useful


If you enchant with different scrolls then S grade, you MAY require to change the following line


DEFINE STRING ONEONE "19 22 6C 2B 10 00 00 00 00" Change the packet to the scroll you need. (it will not change)


This is mostly for high rate servers that require you to enchant alot.


enjoy the power of l2.net.


Just to let you drool a bit.... took me 41 seconds, including copying packets to enchant from 1 to 25


8:36:08 PM :[DEBUG: 19 22 6C 2B 10 00 00 00 00 
8:36:08 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:13 PM :[DEBUG: 5F 76 F9 2C 10 00 00 00 00 
8:36:14 PM :[Your Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:14 PM :[DEBUG: cleanup tick
8:36:24 PM :[Clan member PonyFaker has logged into game.
8:36:26 PM :[Weapon unique packet is: 5F 76 F9 2C 10 00 00 00 00
8:36:26 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:26 PM :[Currently enchant to: 2
8:36:26 PM :[Your +1 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:27 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:27 PM :[Currently enchant to: 3
8:36:27 PM :[Your +2 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:28 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:28 PM :[Currently enchant to: 4
8:36:28 PM :[Your +3 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:29 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:29 PM :[Currently enchant to: 5
8:36:29 PM :[Your +4 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:30 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:30 PM :[Currently enchant to: 6
8:36:30 PM :[Your +5 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:31 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:31 PM :[Currently enchant to: 7
8:36:32 PM :[Your +6 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:32 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:32 PM :[Currently enchant to: 8
8:36:33 PM :[Your +7 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:33 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:33 PM :[Currently enchant to: 9
8:36:34 PM :[Your +8 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:34 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:34 PM :[Currently enchant to: 10
8:36:35 PM :[Your +9 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:35 PM :[Currently enchant to: 11
8:36:36 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:36 PM :[Your +10 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:36 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:36 PM :[Currently enchant to: 12
8:36:37 PM :[Your +11 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:37 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:37 PM :[Currently enchant to: 13
8:36:38 PM :[Your +12 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:38 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:38 PM :[Currently enchant to: 14
8:36:39 PM :[Your +13 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:39 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:39 PM :[Currently enchant to: 15
8:36:40 PM :[Your +14 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:40 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:40 PM :[Currently enchant to: 16
8:36:41 PM :[Your +15 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:41 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:41 PM :[Currently enchant to: 17
8:36:42 PM :[Your +16 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:42 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:42 PM :[Currently enchant to: 18
8:36:43 PM :[Your +17 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:43 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:43 PM :[Currently enchant to: 19
8:36:44 PM :[Your +18 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:44 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:44 PM :[Currently enchant to: 20
8:36:45 PM :[Your +19 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:45 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:45 PM :[Currently enchant to: 21
8:36:46 PM :[Your +20 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:46 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:46 PM :[Currently enchant to: 22
8:36:47 PM :[Your +21 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:47 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:47 PM :[Currently enchant to: 23
8:36:48 PM :[Your +22 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:48 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:48 PM :[Currently enchant to: 24
8:36:49 PM :[Your +23 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:49 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:49 PM :[Currently enchant to: 25
8:36:50 PM :[Your +24 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:08 PM :[DEBUG: 19 22 6C 2B 10 00 00 00 00 
8:37:08 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:08 PM :[DEBUG: 5F 77 F9 2C 10 00 00 00 00 
8:37:08 PM :[Your Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:18 PM :[Weapon unique packet is: 5F 77 F9 2C 10 00 00 00 00
8:37:18 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:19 PM :[Currently enchant to: 2
8:37:19 PM :[Your +1 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:20 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:20 PM :[Currently enchant to: 3
8:37:20 PM :[Your +2 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:21 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:21 PM :[Currently enchant to: 4
8:37:21 PM :[Your +3 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:22 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:22 PM :[Currently enchant to: 5
8:37:22 PM :[Your +4 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:23 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:23 PM :[Currently enchant to: 6
8:37:23 PM :[Your +5 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:24 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:24 PM :[Currently enchant to: 7
8:37:24 PM :[Your +6 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:25 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:25 PM :[Currently enchant to: 8
8:37:25 PM :[Your +7 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:26 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:26 PM :[Currently enchant to: 9
8:37:26 PM :[Your +8 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:27 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:27 PM :[Currently enchant to: 10
8:37:27 PM :[Your +9 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:28 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:28 PM :[Currently enchant to: 11
8:37:28 PM :[The enchantment has failed!  Your +10 Icarus Spitter has been crystallized.
8:37:28 PM :[The equipment, +10 Icarus Spitter, has been removed.
8:37:28 PM :[You have earned 7316 Crystal: S Grade(s).

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if you want to enchant with ARMOUR enchants or C/B/A etc you'll need to change that one packet that starts with 19 xx xx xx xx xx

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i dont fin

EDIT: Alot of you thought I was out of the cheating loop eh? Wrong!


Well this will save you loads of time, you know when you have to wait 5 seconds to enchant? You can skip that crap. I'll explain how. Notice that this guide is ONLY for L2J servers.


firstly, download l2.net.




1. make sure you download the datapack as well as the update.... so 342c and 351c and put all the files in the same folder.


2. Read up on how to login at www.ltwonet.com and login.


3. copy this script


//Change to what you want it to enchant to

DEFINE STRING ONEONE "19 22 6C 2B 10 00 00 00 00"

//CHANGE, you will need to get the first enchant packet of each weapon and replace it here
SET TWOTWO "5F A5 8B 2D 10 00 00 00 00 "
SET TWOTWO "5F A7 8B 2D 10 00 00 00 00"
SET TWOTWO "5F A6 8B 2D 10 00 00 00 00 "
SET TWOTWO "5F 96 41 03 10 00 00 00 00"
SET TWOTWO "5F 1A 42 03 10 00 00 00 00 "

PRINT_TEXT "Weapon unique packet is: <&TWOTWO&>"

    SLEEP 400
    PRINT_TEXT "Currently enchanted to: <&CURENCHANT&>"



4. Open the scripting pull down window. Select debug and dump mode. This will now give out one packet that you need for this script, I will explain how to obtain this packet, its really simple. Go to your main lineage 2 window, find a nice quiet place where there aren't many people around.... this will simplify your task, enchant a weapon, go back to the l2.net window, look down, you will see l2.net text that will look like this


11:33:51 PM :[DEBUG: 19 22 6C 2B 10 00 00 00 00  <==== this packet is not needed, its you clicking on the enchant scroll

11:33:52 PM :[select item to enchant.

11:33:57 PM :[DEBUG: 5F 1A 42 03 10 00 00 00 00  <==== this packet indicates the weapon you want to enchant... this is needed

11:33:57 PM :[Your Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.


you can identify this packet quite easily.... it will always start with 5F, it will always end with 10 00 00 00 00 and this part 1A 42 03 will be random. Copy the packet YOUR client gave you example = 5F 1A 42 03 10 00 00 00 00


now in the script, there will be the following code, paste your packet with the first packet you see in the following code.


SET TWOTWO "5F A5 8B 2D 10 00 00 00 00" would become SET TWOTWO "5F 1A 42 03 10 00 00 00 00"


and continue to paste in more packets. You can add more packet lines or delete them, thats entirely up to you and how many weapons you want to enchant.


NOTE: Always choose a different weapon to enchant to obtain the packet



SET TWOTWO "5F A5 8B 2D 10 00 00 00 00"


SET TWOTWO "5F A7 8B 2D 10 00 00 00 00"


SET TWOTWO "5F A6 8B 2D 10 00 00 00 00 "


SET TWOTWO "5F 96 41 03 10 00 00 00 00"


SET TWOTWO "5F 1A 42 03 10 00 00 00 00 "



5. Open the scripting pull down window. Select Script Editor, paste the script I posted, save as as whatever you want. (you can also edit the scripts from there)


6. Edit the following line to your liking DEFINE INT ENCHANT 18.... this means the script will enchant every weapon UP TO +18 if they started as +1, so if you want your weapon to be +10, change DEFINE INT ENCHANT 18 to DEFINE INT ENCHANT 10 and save.


7. Open the scripting pull down window, click SET MAIN SCRIPT, find the script you just saved


8. Open the scripting pull down window, click start script... wait until the script finished edit the script for the next weapon batch, repeat.




This will all become very easy and quicker then manually clicking every script. Average time to enchant a weapon to +16 is 1.5 minutes. This script will enchant a weapon to 16 in 16 seconds plus the time it took you to get the weapon packet. Once this becomes fluid to you, you will save much more time.


TIP. When you open the script window, click on the box that says "TOP", this will keep the current window on top of everything else. Quite useful


If you enchant with different scrolls then S grade, you MAY require to change the following line


DEFINE STRING ONEONE "19 22 6C 2B 10 00 00 00 00" Change the packet to the scroll you need. (it will not change)


This is mostly for high rate servers that require you to enchant alot.


enjoy the power of l2.net.


Just to let you drool a bit.... took me 41 seconds, including copying packets to enchant from 1 to 25


8:36:08 PM :[DEBUG: 19 22 6C 2B 10 00 00 00 00 
8:36:08 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:13 PM :[DEBUG: 5F 76 F9 2C 10 00 00 00 00 
8:36:14 PM :[Your Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:14 PM :[DEBUG: cleanup tick
8:36:24 PM :[Clan member PonyFaker has logged into game.
8:36:26 PM :[Weapon unique packet is: 5F 76 F9 2C 10 00 00 00 00
8:36:26 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:26 PM :[Currently enchant to: 2
8:36:26 PM :[Your +1 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:27 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:27 PM :[Currently enchant to: 3
8:36:27 PM :[Your +2 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:28 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:28 PM :[Currently enchant to: 4
8:36:28 PM :[Your +3 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:29 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:29 PM :[Currently enchant to: 5
8:36:29 PM :[Your +4 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:30 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:30 PM :[Currently enchant to: 6
8:36:30 PM :[Your +5 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:31 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:31 PM :[Currently enchant to: 7
8:36:32 PM :[Your +6 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:32 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:32 PM :[Currently enchant to: 8
8:36:33 PM :[Your +7 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:33 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:33 PM :[Currently enchant to: 9
8:36:34 PM :[Your +8 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:34 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:34 PM :[Currently enchant to: 10
8:36:35 PM :[Your +9 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:35 PM :[Currently enchant to: 11
8:36:36 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:36 PM :[Your +10 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:36 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:36 PM :[Currently enchant to: 12
8:36:37 PM :[Your +11 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:37 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:37 PM :[Currently enchant to: 13
8:36:38 PM :[Your +12 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:38 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:38 PM :[Currently enchant to: 14
8:36:39 PM :[Your +13 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:39 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:39 PM :[Currently enchant to: 15
8:36:40 PM :[Your +14 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:40 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:40 PM :[Currently enchant to: 16
8:36:41 PM :[Your +15 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:41 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:41 PM :[Currently enchant to: 17
8:36:42 PM :[Your +16 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:42 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:42 PM :[Currently enchant to: 18
8:36:43 PM :[Your +17 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:43 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:43 PM :[Currently enchant to: 19
8:36:44 PM :[Your +18 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:44 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:44 PM :[Currently enchant to: 20
8:36:45 PM :[Your +19 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:45 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:45 PM :[Currently enchant to: 21
8:36:46 PM :[Your +20 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:46 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:46 PM :[Currently enchant to: 22
8:36:47 PM :[Your +21 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:47 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:47 PM :[Currently enchant to: 23
8:36:48 PM :[Your +22 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:48 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:48 PM :[Currently enchant to: 24
8:36:49 PM :[Your +23 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:36:49 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:36:49 PM :[Currently enchant to: 25
8:36:50 PM :[Your +24 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:08 PM :[DEBUG: 19 22 6C 2B 10 00 00 00 00 
8:37:08 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:08 PM :[DEBUG: 5F 77 F9 2C 10 00 00 00 00 
8:37:08 PM :[Your Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:18 PM :[Weapon unique packet is: 5F 77 F9 2C 10 00 00 00 00
8:37:18 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:19 PM :[Currently enchant to: 2
8:37:19 PM :[Your +1 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:20 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:20 PM :[Currently enchant to: 3
8:37:20 PM :[Your +2 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:21 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:21 PM :[Currently enchant to: 4
8:37:21 PM :[Your +3 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:22 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:22 PM :[Currently enchant to: 5
8:37:22 PM :[Your +4 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:23 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:23 PM :[Currently enchant to: 6
8:37:23 PM :[Your +5 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:24 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:24 PM :[Currently enchant to: 7
8:37:24 PM :[Your +6 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:25 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:25 PM :[Currently enchant to: 8
8:37:25 PM :[Your +7 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:26 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:26 PM :[Currently enchant to: 9
8:37:26 PM :[Your +8 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:27 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:27 PM :[Currently enchant to: 10
8:37:27 PM :[Your +9 Icarus Spitter has been successfully enchanted.
8:37:28 PM :[select item to enchant.
8:37:28 PM :[Currently enchant to: 11
8:37:28 PM :[The enchantment has failed!  Your +10 Icarus Spitter has been crystallized.
8:37:28 PM :[The equipment, +10 Icarus Spitter, has been removed.
8:37:28 PM :[You have earned 7316 Crystal: S Grade(s).

i dont find 342c to dowload -.-
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