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Interface.xdat Editor // Is It Possible Preview Changes?


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I'm using Xdat Editor to tweak my High Five interface.


The biggest problem I've got is checking how my changes affect the interface. Is there a way to preview the changes? Or 'refresh' the interface from the game without the need to restart it completely?



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I'm using Xdat Editor to tweak my High Five interface.


The biggest problem I've got is checking how my changes affect the interface. Is there a way to preview the changes? Or 'refresh' the interface from the game without the need to restart it completely?




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I'm using Xdat Editor to tweak my High Five interface.


The biggest problem I've got is checking how my changes affect the interface. Is there a way to preview the changes? Or 'refresh' the interface from the game without the need to restart it completely?



I can't even launch the bloody thing. Java god damn errors lmao.

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