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classic [L2J] L2Order vs Chaos


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windows deffender block the patch.


Add l2 directory to windows defender exception list, its because we got dll that sends mac to server and some anti virus softwares recognizes any connection attempt as a virus.


And the fun continues :)


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why i cant log in?

creasted account,deleted old system,i press ID and pass and nothing happens...


If you still need support contact us via PM on our forum/facebook, but I think its most likely you got temporary blcoked due to too many attempts and it should already be working fine.


And today is a new day with new fights!

Fighting right below of Baium's feet:


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So, Order side won the PvP, but didn't manage to kill Baium within the timeframe, they need more manpower!!!

Are you going to be the one to help them? join now: http://l2ovc.com





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so on , the hype on the server just goes off .. withing the time , the admin implementing somethings he just made balance (die) and make archers outside of the pvp making everyone be (mages/tyrants/gladis/daggers) .. good job , keep doing the good work !

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so on , the hype on the server just goes off .. withing the time , the admin implementing somethings he just made balance (die) and make archers outside of the pvp making everyone be (mages/tyrants/gladis/daggers) .. good job , keep doing the good work !


look what im saying and look the pictures , u can just look on jaycutter how's he going full S grade and others are going just A armor and B .. the balance is real !

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