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high five [L2J]Lineage2Tales


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Well as I already said, look at RPG club: after several months, when the online drops below certain level and donations become non-existent - at the point where Stalonski would normally just close the server - admins on RPG club simply merge 2 server into 1, creating one with decent population which they keep up even when it's not too profitable. I remember there was a merge of Ruby and Cartel but IIRC it stayed up for a blink of an eye because it turned out it didn't start pouring enough cash into Stalonski' pocket.

idk if you are retarded or what ;d


why someone should care about fucking l2 at fucking 2k16 when it fucking 13y old game about if server is online 1 month of fucking 3months lol ;D 


at tales u got full equip after 1-2 days of game, whats point play it more than 1 month? u will get bored after 1 week 


also rpg club is something different , they opening low rate / mid rate, bcs they got l2off files, so they can make servers and after merge it



but image stalonka files at low rate ;d 

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Well as I already said, look at RPG club: after several months, when the online drops below certain level and donations become non-existent - at the point where Stalonski would normally just close the server - admins on RPG club simply merge 2 server into 1, creating one with decent population which they keep up even when it's not too profitable. I remember there was a merge of Ruby and Cartel but IIRC it stayed up for a blink of an eye because it turned out it didn't start pouring enough cash into Stalonski' pocket.

Lf Gm who spending money and time opening l2 server without donations just to make ppl happy :D
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Lf Gm who spending money and time opening l2 server without donations just to make ppl happy :D


I'm not saying they just make it 'to make people happy', of course there's money involved; it's about having the decency to provide players what they want after they give you the money. Some admins just treat players like dairy cows - when they're done milking them they just wack 'em and buy another ones. I don't understand why people let Stalone abuse them like that.

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for sure it was more, just when i saw there is bad equip, i didnt even log it


anyway this still work for me (since im not still banned hwid at mythras, u dont even know how it work ;D )


log mythras achylek please

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since im most popular h5 boter, scammer, etc u think sg ban is more smart than me?

here rekterino video for u  // sorry for lags   39days pc w/o rr :/ 


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Wtf is this xD :you serious?:

its lithuiana guy ;D we learned him czech words and after he joined ts and flame every czech guy ;D


somewhere at youtube is me and messinka when we speak lt ;D but idk where 

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  • 3 weeks later...

missing u brah


Now try the same on l2e-global.com for example, wont work at all, seems like admins on that stupid server enabled only mac ban, but with smarguard thats not the only possible variant to ban hwid. on l2e-global.com full protection enabled, and nothing will help you bypass it. 


Not even virtual machine with completely spoofed network interface helps to bypass that shit.

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Now try the same on l2e-global.com for example, wont work at all, seems like admins on that stupid server enabled only mac ban, but with smarguard thats not the only possible variant to ban hwid. on l2e-global.com full protection enabled, and nothing will help you bypass it. 


Not even virtual machine with completely spoofed network interface helps to bypass that shit.

this way worked at all h5 serbers, idk about eglobal, me no play gf 

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