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Wolfgias3Na Aka Accessdenied Vs 12O Pi8Iko


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Etuxe na akousw ena apo ta  polu wraia tragoudi tou 12ou kai ka8ws to akouga eipa na dw ligo ta comments kai vrika auto edw :D 

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English? I want to laugh too!

12os pithikos>12monkey aka akis is a rapper,he is talking about reality mostly and he is maybe most famous rapper in Greece said u choosed to live with plastic dreams (message to whores) accessdenied comment that he made himself god and judge only others "we all have plastic dreams" gg. 

It's message to you fucking whore Szakalaka and AccessDenied trying to protect u understand ??

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But your last sentence.. troubles me

12os pithikos is a greek rapper from those rapper who make people believe that they earn no money and they only "rap" for our good. And in every rap he speak for him self that he is clean and pure and live in streets

while we are the spoiled that we never taste hard life and we have fake dreams and we are fake inside us so in other word like he is the god, and i wrote that


he consider himself god while we have plastic dreams, no that FUNNY but its the biggest truth on his video's comments

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