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[L2J] L2Crabbed


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Well hellu :)

Lying / non skilled greek admin of a doomed "project" that continuously lied and tried to fool players.

He  delayed his server opening around 4 months after announcing , canceling and then announcing and canceling new Grand Openings around 10 times.

He was supposed to quit the scene and split from his  "partner" ColVille after the last failure they had together.
Long story short that "split" never happened since even in their last "prelude" projects (only difference with wargate was the name) they were both of them there even though the lies about Colville being alone and Dev quitting never stopped.
I mean if you did really quit you would not keep trying to ddos or talk shit about other servers 2/3 years after your last attempt failed :)

Part of the staff after a point was also their friend Komple who was also a player in the first Wargates and had the "priviledge" of owning an edited kamalul trickster, yet little georgie speaks of corruption, lol.

I still remember some nice chats you started with me in game speaking about trading weps that we picked  because you didn't want that tier in the server so fast or how you were casting celes on tanks in sieges in order for the pray to be completed because you were too clueless to fix the fucking pray being interrupted from BDs' aggro.
Oh , i almost forgot , ALL THESE, while our genious here was studying in UNI (by now you should have your degree and you're prolly working for NASA ).
Some say that he was sleeping 3 hours a day and 5 on the weekends.

All in all a good admin , honest , hardworking with knowledge of the game and a really good Developer.

He and xdemakos are fighting for the 1st place in our "Who's the biggest clown of a <real admin>" list , as well as the 1st place in the list "Who is the most mature / proffessional L2 Admin, ΝΟΤ".
Real admin , i highlight that because that was the description that they used. :)




Xdemas aka "LIAN BANGED MY SISTER" aka CLOWN  aka Primes #1 fan.
Lying / non skilled greek admin of a doomed "lolject" as well. He also lied and fooled his players and only cared about $$.
Rumors say that things that were reported on the first AE that we played are still not fixed. This should 've been like 3 years ago if i'm not mistaken which is very likely with all those retarded pride packs we've all played in these years.
After a few weeks maybe even slighlty more than a month and since an update that was supposed to come , never came, i basically exposed the retard on his own forum and quitted his crap and never again wasted time on that crap.
After that he is joining almost every forum of other servers that we might play , he creates alt accounts with retarded names like "IMARETARD" (well he is but still) and he basically flames me and my clan and ocassionally the server as well as any player who might try to talk to him.

He trashtalks in general and blames EVERYONE else for the pride community nowadays saying shit like "there are good servers and skilled admins like dev or himself but the retarded community cannot appreciate".

What a fucking jockster this guy is , blaming a community for being retarded , toxic and more and yet he is "chasing" a clan that basically killed his server a few years ago because he is still in pain of it.
He uses lines like "Primes will never play on AE pvp again , they are forever banned, they are the cancer of this community (that's true tbh) , they only join servers to then close them , they are the worst ....." blah blah blah.
I really could not fucking care less what this clown or any other one of you says about us.
Only proves who is really at fault for the community being the way it is and exposes your lies and you fucking apes for what you are.
Ofc you cannot understand that but it's there for everyone to see.

Highly proffessional and mature behaviour , only shows how the "real admins" are.
Last but not least he is supposed to be a TOP LINE  dev , who is supposed to be able to code better than Elliot in Mr.Robot .
Even though stuff we reported from the AE that WE played at some years ago , are still not fixed , he is a crazy good dev and everyone else is trash compared to him.
Ofc that is his very own opinion :)

Rumours say that trick is still being worked on in AE eks dee dee :) 



Normal players and reasonal people will never waste their time on imbeciles like you  because you already proved and not just once or twice but more than 5 times each , how unskilled , clueless, bad in every aspect, crooks ,liers and dollar hoes you are.

Yet you 're still so fucking ignorant to have the nerve to talk about another server failing 2 times.
You can multiply the failures of crabbed by 2 and you still wont reach the number of times each one of you has failed on his own.
You never cared about players , the community or offering a good game.
You only cared about making $$ and lucky you there are a lot of retards who paid you money.


Both of you two pieces of trash can go fuck your own mothers and then go die in some hole somewhere.
You will do us all a favor.
You are BY FAR, the two WORST, pieces of SHIT this community has ever seen and you still talk as if you have the right or priviledge to do so.

The only thing that deserves mention and happened in any of those 2 failures was the creation of Primes which happened in the 1st wargate. You helped create your own nightmare georgie :)

@Lians Kouniados feel free to thank your bestie anytime now !!

Certainly the community is as bad as it gets but this is caused mainly by  fucktards like you and in order to be completely honest this community NEVER had a good/stable server to gather on, so stfu.


Crabbed was bad , both times , that's why it died like i hope both of you retards will soon but at least they never promised anything and never delivered.
They simply didn't promise.
There was no corruption , even though not many clans were playing to be honest but still there was no1 too suspicious or anything.

They actually listened to players reports and suggestions even though most were never implemented they still listened to quite a few and did work on them.

All your projects were EPIC FUCKING FAILURES.
Both of your pieces of crap as well as Crabbed.
None of you has the right to school or bash anyone else but it's not the Italo who is commenting on other server topics and joining forums.
It's you two clowns so for the last time , stfu , go fuck your mothers and then feel free to die asap.
No1 believes your shit anymore anyway plus if you continue trust me i will become your personal L2 Policeman and you will  receive so much salt and cancer that you won't be able to move from the weight of it.
I mean you're funny and all but for real, the same joke , after the first 2 years , it becomes boring.

So, stfu , and go die somewhere in peace :)

The only ones who can judge all of you fucktards are the players , you have NO fucking right to speak or have any opinion.
You are all trash so act like trash and DONT SPEAK.

Trash don't so you shouldn't either.

Edited by Primezero
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2 hours ago, Primezero said:

Lying / non skilled greek admin of a doomed "project" that continuously lied and tried to fool players.

He  delayed his server opening around 4 months after announcing , canceling and then announcing and canceling new Grand Openings around 10 times.

He was supposed to quit the scene and split from his  "partner" ColVille after the last failure they had together.
Long story short that "split" never happened since even in their last "prelude" projects (only difference with wargate was the name) they were both of them there even though the lies about Colville being alone and Dev quitting never stopped.
I mean if you did really quit you would not keep trying to ddos or talk shit about other servers 2/3 years after your last attempt failed :)

Part of the staff after a point was also their friend Komple who was also a player in the first Wargates and had the "priviledge" of owning an edited kamalul trickster, yet little georgie speaks of corruption, lol.

I still remember some nice chats you started with me in game speaking about trading weps that we picked  because you didn't want that tier in the server so fast or how you were casting celes on tanks in sieges in order for the pray to be completed because you were too clueless to fix the fucking pray being interrupted from BDs' aggro.
Oh , i almost forgot , ALL THESE, while our genious here was studying in UNI (by now you should have your degree and you're prolly working for NASA ).
Some say that he was sleeping 3 hours a day and 5 on the weekends.

All in all a good admin , honest , hardworking with knowledge of the game and a really good Developer.

He and xdemakos are fighting for the 1st place in our "Who's the biggest clown of a <real admin>" list , as well as the 1st place in the list "Who is the most mature / proffessional L2 Admin, ΝΟΤ".
Real admin , i highlight that because that was the description that they used. :)


Truth been told :) 


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Speaking the truth and sucking cocks are two very different things.
Royal never did such a thing at least with the worst c/l of all times , ME, but you certainly did :)
You paid me 5 full tier 1 armor sets on the 2nd wargate i think it was in order for me to return a tier 3 weapon that you added "by mistake" to Palibati and which was useless to be honest.

You really are such a stupid fucking retard , you could wipe the item but no , you came to me , SUCKED MY DICK like a good bitch and gave me what i asked in order for me to give you the wep.
I can also give numerous other events where you sucked cocks like when you were begging me in pms to ask Tsetos to stop shouting your real name georgie or to stop him from speaking that way to you because you are a person and you have feelings as well.

I played for 5 days?

Did your server close that fast?
I really didn't remember, i mean i thought your first attempt lasted longer , i didn't even know what you are back then so it was normal that i gave you more time to prove yourself.

Also the only reason i quit your fucking excuses of servers was and always have been your incompetence and how fucking bad your shit was.
I even tried to help you fucktards as well not just crabbed , both you AND lians kouniadako but you were never about offering something good and now you bash those who are for listening to me and other community members.

I have NEVER been banned in ANY game in my life and i certainly never have or will in anything related with you , lmao.
You never had the balls to ban players let alone the leader of Primes.
You could not even ban Tsetos who was spamming in the shout "GIWRGO MISAHLIDI GAMW TH MANA SOU".

Sorry E :)


Now go suck some other cocks to edit or delete my topic so that your name will be removed because sucking my cock will certainly not help you this time.

I warned you MANY , many times, don't bite what you can't chew or you will fucking choke.
Now choke on that dick like a good bitch and SHOT YOUR FOKING MOUTH.



Edited by Primezero
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7 minutes ago, Primezero said:

Speaking the truth and sucking cocks are two very different things.
Royal never did such a thing at least with the worst c/l of all times , ME, but you certainly did :)
You paid me 5 full tier 1 armor sets on the 2nd wargate i think it was in order for me to return a tier 3 weapon that you added "by mistake" to Palibati and which was useless to be honest.

You really are such a stupid fucking retard , you could wipe the item but no , you came to me , SUCKED MY DICK like a good bitch and gave me what i asked in order for me to give you the wep.
I can also give numerous other events where you sucked cocks like when you were begging me in pms to ask Tsetos to stop shouting your real name georgie or to stop him from speaking that way to you because you are a person and you have feelings as well.

I played for 5 days?

Did your server close that fast?
I really didn't remember, i mean i thought your first attempt lasted longer , i didn't even know what you are back then so it was normal that i gave you more time to prove yourself.

Also the only reason i quit your fucking excuses of servers was and always have been your incompetence and how fucking bad your shit was.
I even tried to help you fucktards as well not just crabbed , both you AND lians kouniadako but you were never about offering something good and now you bash those who are for listening to me and other community members.

I have NEVER been banned in ANY game in my life and i certainly never have or will in anything related with you , lmao.
You never had the balls to ban players let alone the leader of Primes.
You could not even ban Tsetos who was spamming in the shout "GIWRGO MISAHLIDI GAMW TH MANA SOU".

Sorry E :)


Now go suck some other cocks to edit or delete my topic so that your name will be removed because sucking my cock will certainly not help you this time.

I warned you MANY , many times, don't bite what you can't chew or you will fucking choke.
Now choke on that dick like a good bitch and SHOT YOUR FOKING MOUTH.



Awww ti glukas poy eisai otan ginesai triggered ahahah na'sai kala moy anebases th dia8esh prwi prwi Kai sobara egw den ekana kanena report esu ekanes Kai moy afairesan to reply. Kserw etsoukse polu alla <3 

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The only one triggered here is you georgie.
Nobody else.
I'm just exposing your lying sorry ass to everybody , that's all.
You're lacking way too much salt to be able to trigger me boy, know your place you ignorant fuck.

It's nice to see you using Greek , you do that EVERYTIME you're mad or triggered and pass the point where you can be calm and keep lying.
When you're at the point where all you can do is speak nonsense and flame you're always using Greek.
I suppose that's what you mean when you're saying that i lifted your spirit.
Where is the logic in me reporting you , you dumbfuck?
I want  you to reply so i can keep making a fool out of you ,i'm really enjoying and laughing with all this lol.
Plus if you were robbed of your reply option then how the fuck did you reply?????  
I mean i don't have anything to lose or be judged for here.
I'm just a player , you are an "admin" , not me you dumb fuck.
You , Lians' kouniados and the italian retard.
You fucks are being judged here , not me , not my clan or any other player for that matter.
When you try to speak to me try to use what little brain you have left and think before you type and post your nonsense boy.
Now be a good bitch and stfu.

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Omfg back to english.

What you said only proves that i'm using facts and arguments to discuss and bash your fucking ass while you speak nonsense and have nothing to say in order to counter me.
Dude, for real, just STFU.

The more you talk the more i will toy with you.
And i'm not even trying too.
Everything that you say is simply another nail in your coffin. You're THAT stupid that you cannot understand this reality.
When you say something, anything,  you're only giving me a chance of ridiculing your sorry ass even more.

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On 11/30/2017 at 5:56 PM, Dev said:

Same happened with my server and wargate. You just couldn't type the word. What does this mean that Dav in 2010 was afraid of me ? I don't think so ! Btw hayze admin is not scared from you I'm telling you nobody will join you back I bet 100 € from the corrupted donations I received under the table. If I lose you will see them on your PayPal account. And then fortunately you will be able to pay for your host staring at all the amazing job you done and seeing 1 player online like atm (yourself).



Grand Opening Friday 15/12 @21:00 GMT +2
Join early in order to receive our many invitational events rewards.
Bring your friends and build you clan and get our clan invitational event rewards.
Discover and enjoy our updated farmzones , currency and gameplay.
Daily gathering - invitational events for the first few days.
New updates and content coming as well as many new never seen before custom features.
L2 Crabbed RELOADED , your next PvP Experience.

Waiting for you as well,dear giorgi

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6 hours ago, Twostepsaway said:

Grand Opening Friday 15/12 @21:00 GMT +2
Join early in order to receive our many invitational events rewards.
Bring your friends and build you clan and get our clan invitational event rewards.
Discover and enjoy our updated farmzones , currency and gameplay.
Daily gathering - invitational events for the first few days.
New updates and content coming as well as many new never seen before custom features.
L2 Crabbed RELOADED , your next PvP Experience.

Waiting for you as well,dear giorgi


Sustain your community for duration over 1.5 + months and transaction will be made. No worries I keep my word.

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6 hours ago, Primezero said:

Omfg back to english.

What you said only proves that i'm using facts and arguments to discuss and bash your fucking ass while you speak nonsense and have nothing to say in order to counter me.
Dude, for real, just STFU.

The more you talk the more i will toy with you.
And i'm not even trying too.
Everything that you say is simply another nail in your coffin. You're THAT stupid that you cannot understand this reality.
When you say something, anything,  you're only giving me a chance of ridiculing your sorry ass even more.


Toy me more please 

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I am toying with you , what exactly do you mean?? :')

I think you're confused :)


The moment when you wanna play smart but your english won't help you.
Eks dee.


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33 minutes ago, Primezero said:

I am toying with you , what exactly do you mean?? :')

I think you're confused :)


The moment when you wanna play smart but your english won't help you.
Eks dee.


Yes it iz

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On 11/30/2017 at 5:56 PM, Dev said:

Same happened with my server and wargate. You just couldn't type the word. What does this mean that Dav in 2010 was afraid of me ? I don't think so ! Btw hayze admin is not scared from you I'm telling you nobody will join you back I bet 100 € from the corrupted donations I received under the table. If I lose you will see them on your PayPal account. And then fortunately you will be able to pay for your host staring at all the amazing job you done and seeing 1 player online like atm (yourself).




4 hours ago, Dev said:


Sustain your community for duration over 1.5 + months and transaction will be made. No worries I keep my word.

Did i missunderstand somehow your englando ? 

I'm telling you nobody will join you back+Sustain your community for duration over 1.5 + months.
No clue,how could i sustain a server if nobody would join back,somehow now you understand that you lost already.
What's wrong with you nowdays?


Let MKTG to me :) 

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I was only wondering , How can someone still be a kiddo  especially after so many years, btw Dev your server failed like hell , you were giving items to players (same way you gave items to me :* ) And since then you became just another keyboard warrior  flaming any pride style server , oh boy my server was da best , i dont even know what you can achieve by spaming each server's topic , Your mouth works faster than your brain and thats the main problem ,why are you still a kid? i mean i was 15-16-17 when your wargay server was up and im now 25 , havent you grow up at all? 

#luvyaDev #WeStandWithDev 

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