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Achyle usual flamer in every post...talks sh1t about every server without trying it, and plays on the most sh1tty ones (vercetti servers) lmao...ridicolous..get a life plz. Btw I tested this server on beta and I can say it's real l2off,I made a lot of tests,from many classes skills to farm zones, I will play here and my CP too, don't lose time listening to nolifer kids and try this server, the first real l2off server from years...really worth it.

Edited by jinmaster
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Achyle usual flamer in every post...talks sh1t about every server without trying it, and plays on the most sh1tty ones (vercetti servers) lmao...ridicolous..get a life plz. Btw I tested this server on beta and I can say it's real l2off,I made a lot of tests,from many classes skills to farm zones, I will play here and my CP too, don't lose time listening to nolifer kids and try this server, the first real l2off server from years...really worth it.



its not even close to l2off files lol 


and he didnt bought it for 770$ for 400on, its free from google 


and beta so empty ;d

Edited by AchYlek
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Guys you are just crying, u are here just to waste time and flame, u didn't even try the fixes, speaking just to put sh1t on the server, get something real to do,maybe a life. I logged on beta and there were 20-30 ppl around, and I personally don't care if there will be 400 on or 4000000. Online number doesn't make the server better or worse, and your ridicolous Tales confirms this Achylek... if a server is worth playing,it doesn't need 10 million people to be enjoyed. Bb now

Edited by jinmaster
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for sure l2off wanna be server is best for 100-400 real playa



u wont kill even 7rb ;D

Npc stats adapdet on online so you will kill 7rb.




its not even close to l2off files lol


and he didnt bought it for 770$ for 400on, its free from google


and beta so empty ;D

mr.obvious and ? advext is not using l2off files ? :)))))))))))))))

Someone please tag here Danis from advext...

Edited by avoegio
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