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Dupe Protection For All L2J Version - Working Fine But It Need Improvements



Hi guys,


I created a dupe protection that is working quite well but I need some helo to improve it. As you can see below, I modified the gameserver.model.itemcontainer.inventory.java to remove all item from character bag if a dupe session is identified and also ban all accounts that have the same IP as the duping account. I need to know is how  can I implement a kick process after ban the user.



I copy and past all restore() class from iventory.java below

public void restore()
		Connection con = null;
		int BanStatus = 0;
		int char_id;
			con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
			PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT object_id, item_id, count, enchant_level, loc, loc_data, custom_type1, custom_type2, mana_left, time FROM items WHERE owner_id=? AND (loc=? OR loc=?) ORDER BY loc_data");
			statement.setInt(1, getOwnerId());
			statement.setString(2, getBaseLocation().name());
			statement.setString(3, getEquipLocation().name());
			ResultSet inv = statement.executeQuery();
			L2ItemInstance item;
			while (inv.next())
				item = L2ItemInstance.restoreFromDb(getOwnerId(), inv);
				if (item == null)
				// Bug get empty items when double session is created
				if (L2World.getInstance().findObject(inv.getInt("object_id")) != null)
					_log.log(Level.WARNING, "Item: " + item.getObjectId() + " Has Duplied on World And Cannot be Load");
					BanStatus = 1;
				if (getOwner() instanceof L2PcInstance)
					L2PcInstance player = (L2PcInstance) getOwner();
					if (!player.isGM() && !player.isHero() && item.isHeroItem())
				// If stackable item is found in inventory just add to current quantity
				if (item.isStackable() && (getItemByItemId(item.getItemId()) != null))
					addItem("Restore", item, getOwner().getActingPlayer(), null);
			/* ---------------------- Ban account --------------------------- */
			if (BanStatus == 1)
				Connection BanCon = null;
					BanCon = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
					// PreparedStatement statement2 = BanCon.prepareStatement("update accounts set accesslevel =-100 where login in (select account_name from characters where charid = ? )");
					PreparedStatement statement2 = BanCon.prepareStatement("update accounts  acc , characters ch, accounts ac2   set ac2.accesslevel = -100  where acc.login = ch.account_name  and ch.charid = ?  and acc.lastIP = ac2.lastIP ");
					statement2.setInt(1, getOwnerId());
					int BanSQL = statement2.executeUpdate();
					char_id = getOwnerId();
					_log.log(Level.WARNING, "BANNED MAIN ACCOUNT THAT IS USING THE CHAR_ID : " + char_id);
				catch (Exception e)
					_log.log(Level.WARNING, "Falha ao banir usuario: " + e.getMessage(), e);
			/* ---------------------- end Ban account --------------------------- */
		catch (Exception e)
			_log.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not restore inventory: " + e.getMessage(), e);

12 answers to this question

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Posted (edited)




I'm complete stupid in java.. I just did this dupe protection just analyzing part of code and copying and pasting. I tried to follow your suggestion but the eclipse says: player cannot be resolved .  



Edited by criticalrio
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Optimize the SQL in statement2... and player cannot be resolved because it only exists in the if statement. :lol:

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The code is working... The char get banned but he needs logoff to feel it.. I would like to implement a command to kick or logoff after run the statement2. I verified that the class L2pcintance.Java call this inventory restore. I created a new sql statement to check if they char is banned then player.logoff() but this logoff didn't happens.. That's the point here.. How can I logoff the account in matter?

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The Rev I using doesn't not have this protection yet.. I am using a old l2j Freya version and the server owner don't want to change it... Can you guys send me the solution we have on marker now? I didn't find anything... That's the reason I am "reinvent the wheel".. Btw I tested several others versions and it is pretty easy to hack and dupe..

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The Rev I using doesn't not have this protection yet.. I am using a old l2j Freya version and the server owner don't want to change it... Can you guys send me the solution we have on marker now? I didn't find anything... That's the reason I am "reinvent the wheel".. Btw I tested several others versions and it is pretty easy to hack and dupe..

You finish the code? 

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No.. I gave up.. It was banning but not kicking from server once it was only handling the ban on db level.

 L2Peniel It has this protection you were trying to do. It works 100% there. I tried to buy it but he did not accept

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