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As an professional .NET Programmer, i want to say few things.


Java to C#

I read many of your comments that are talking about simple porting from Java to C#, so it still suck!. I could say that i agree with you. However, byself, C# offers many benefits that make it better even if it is simple copy/paste to other language.


C#, byself is about 34% faster than Java and in MANY cases can be 200%+.


You can achieve much better/faster/stable lineage 2 server with changing some parts. Like Database communication, Networking etc. These processes can be much much faster in C# and it is not big work.


As about DDOS,


Don't joke yourself. Even C++/ASM Server will crush after a high DDOS Attack. Nowdays nobody use "exploits" of your code to take down your server.


Before few years where java had many security issues, we could say that C# can beat exploiters... Now, 2016, both languages offers you security (even with bad code).

Edited by Kappalol
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As an professional .NET Programmer, i want to say few things.


Java to C#

I read many of your comments that are talking about simple porting from Java to C#, so it still suck!. I could say that i agree with you. However, byself, C# offers many benefits that make it better even if it is simple copy/paste to other language.


C#, byself is about 34% faster than Java and in MANY cases can be 200%+.


You can achieve much better/faster/stable lineage 2 server with changing some parts. Like Database communication, Networking etc. These processes can be much much faster in C# and it is not big work.


As about DDOS,


Don't joke yourself. Even C++/ASM Server will crush after a high DDOS Attack. Nowdays nobody use "exploits" of your code to take down your server.


Before few years where java had many security issues, we could say that C# can beat exploiters... Now, 2016, both languages offers you security (even with bad code).


Stop with this absurd bullshit, C# isn't 30% or 200%+ faster than java, java gains metal performance after warm-up thanks to JIT. The only overhead thereafter is the exception handling that the language provides by its nature which adds another procession layer ontop of the needed calculation, but oh wait, both languages do the same don't they? Unlike C++ C# doesn't get rid of the exception handling overhead same as java so they are bottlenecked by the same overhead.


Now get your shit straight from a real pro and you should trust me on that since I am a fluent C/C++, Java programmer that also has thousandsof lines of code in C# and Python:


No language is faster, every language sacrifices performance on a field to gain on another, saying that C is slower than java simply because its slower on a complex algorithm is utter bullshit. The designers behind these languages sacrificed features or performance to gain it somewhere else.


C# is not bad, but its not good, it tries to do what Java does but only on platforms that support .NET (windows only) don't tell me about Mono or wine they are both virtual and the overhead makes it slow as fuck. C# exists for marketing reasons in favor of Microsoft, it binds programmers / users to its own frameworks, platforms and tools -> PROFIT.


OF COURSE I am not that stupid to claim that C# sucks, its a good tool but well too pseudo-hyped from its programmers

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Java is actually leaching features that C# had for ages.


Lambda expessions is LINQ that C# had forever,

Try with resources was using that C# had forever.


They are different languages. Also C# can run natively without a VM running on the pc with .NET CORE.

Java still needs JRE to run.


It is a fact that Java and C# are very different and if someone wants to be someone then the last 4 years show that java wants to be C#, even though that wasn't the case 4 years ago.


Nice shitstorm, if you say anywhere that Java or any "Java" is leaching features programmers are gonna laugh at you. Java follows a simple and elegant design pattern, the developers and designers behind it want a straight-forward language with not many features/eye candies yet capable of implementing solutions for very complex problems. As I said before, features and performance may be sacrificed for the sake of the language's policy but I am pretty sure you didn't get that.


C# is very huge compared to Java, yet Java can do anything C# can, I am not gonna keep up arguing this, its gonna be like NVIDIA vs AMD conv.


About .NET CORE, I don't know what this is and I am not gonna google search this, if I want native code I will choose WIN32 C/C++ and I'm probably even gonna deliver faster than some .NET CORE wannabe. Probably .NET CORE packs a minimal and light VM into the executable or on the .NET libraries that come with windows updates and has real time hotspot. Same things exist for Java since ages and they suck, java was never meant to run on metal, the guys behind Java are C programmers.

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There is no maybe. There are facts and benchmarks. Check it for yourself.


I'm not the one comparing one language to another and trying to convince everyone about how better my lang is.


I have several app on google play and they are written in java and several app in app store written in Objective C and Swift.


I use the write tool for the write job and whatever fits the needs of the situation when im working on a professional level.



BTW something to check




Ofc benchmarks are not real life scenarios and you will obviously have performance bottlenecks but that 1.2m req/sec cannot be ignored.


Stack Server Req/sec Load Params Impl Observations

ASP.NET Core on Kestrel perfsvr 1,174,881 32 threads, 256 connections Middleware class, multi IO thread CPU is 100%

ASP.NET Core on Kestrel perfsvr2 (Linux) 928,023 32 threads, 256 connections Middleware class, single IO thread


(Keep in mind im a web developer and that's what i am concerned about)


Don't give me benchmarks, don't make me say for a 3rd time that I REALLY know that there are cases that one language outperforms the other even if they are on the same level... C# is greatly favored over Java because C# runs on its home platform, the windows and its specially optimized for it. Now try some Linux benchmark, Java can still be slower on some cases but not on the same ratio it does on WIN.

Edited by xxdem
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Are you blind? "ASP.NET Core on Kestrel perfsvr2 (Linux) 928,023 32 threads, 256 connections Middleware class, single IO thread"


Ah fuck it why am I even spending my time with you. You know everything and no one else knows a thing anyway.


Didn't read, not wasting my time with benchmarks

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The last thing i am is butthurt. Your replies on the other hand sound so ignorant and butthurt, that im enjoying every little bit of your pathetic crybaby behavior.  >:D  >:D


yeah, whatever 

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  • 3 months later...

Some updates over the weekend from Mart.


  • Added empty class packet RequestSkillCoolTime missing and throwing exception after EnterWorld (0x9D)
  • Update LastAccess atribute from character table on EnterWorld (using UpdateCharacter service) [Removed LastAccountAccess since it was never used]
  • Using LastAccess now to auto select char after login, based on latest valid selection (need rework)
  • Changed some Console.WriteLine to log4net logger
  • Changed GameServer/LoginServer to Async methods (removing "while" eternal loop, old methods as comments, don't know possible bugs caused by async)
  • Other minor changes
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Weekend update

  • Fixed equip and unequip functionality
  • Added //spawn "mob name" and //spawn "id" functionality.
  • Now all NPCs are being spawned on server startup. They have no AI tho :(



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