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Our Last Party Standing event is over.


BlackList CP was the winning party.


There were only few parties participating on the event and the execution wasnt great.

Despite these BlackList CP got the rewards as we promised (see screen below).

Thank you all for participating on our event.








Wts a lot bugs :D fail gm team/corrupted clans..dead server

corrupted clans? thats something new... did you mean corrupted gms?

if your party isnt strong enough to win an event you can always pm the winners and beg them for advices.


i dont think L2Grasf is dead, we had a great first week and we are targeting for more !


have a nice day.




corrupted clans? thats something new... did you mean corrupted gms?

if your party isnt strong enough to win an event you can always pm the winners and beg them for advices.


i dont think L2Grasf is dead, we had a great first week and we are targeting for more !


have a nice day.

 only online you got is bots


 only online you got is bots

indeed, 400 votes per day from bots.

get real, if u cant handle x50-drop H5 servers move to lol-interlude-pvp servers.


exactly, on l2grasf there were NEVER more antharas/valakas etc than the dropped ones from epics.


no secret donations, everything is open to the public.

nice server u got :) helping ur friends, good job :D fail serber

Posted (edited)


100-200 ppl max.

keep ban ppl hehe

So according to you admins have to let every douchebag playing on their servers and not ban anyone just to get a bit higher online.

So smart... How didnt any admin notice it so far?

Offer this guy a GM position !!


ps. if i recognize your crest you belong on the emoquiters who left after losing the money from the Last Party Standing event?

Edited by kavvadi

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