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aepvp had 400 -500 ? i remember on  the first opening ? he had online  counter at site  ^^ show us all the time more than 300++..but when the server was off the online counter was stucked at 160? or 180 cant remember..all the fucking times! he forgot to edit this i think ;p so prelude and aepvp did the same t hing about online thats why napster calm ur tits :P


You are higly retarded, and I hate lowlife pests like you.


I've explained many times why L2AEPvP has no online counter, here I go again exclusively for retards like you.

  • Ingame / Website online can be faked even by 12 year old developer (Whats the point of adding numbers if they are so badly confidential?)
  • Most serious MMOs out there don't have an online counter
  • Doesn't fit to our server's policy.
  • Its unethical towards the players.

You're so retarded that you need something that the admin can fool you arround, you're a fucking pest that believes Tales server has 20k online because thats what it says on the website, but a very smart developer like me knows that a server can't hold more than 1,600 online at the same time, you're just a fool that puts hopes on online counters that have absolutely nothing to do with reality.


L2Prelude did that, he had 90-110 online on its opening and we got proofs for that, a fake fucking counter. A lie right into you're retarded face so whats the point of using something SO ABUSED and UNETHICAL in my fucking server?


As for the ooooold Aerogaming online counter, I remember that you where saying the same thing back then when I had to put it down, but you misserable cunt don't know that it was put down for security measures since there was a big exploit ingame that 1-2 players knew a glitch to spawn Relic Accesories in their inventories. Even if the glitch had nothing to do with the online counter, when such security vulnerabilities are found ypu have to fill all the security holes, and the online counter was a big one.

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bla bla bla the only different from you and dev is that u know how to code nothing else , both of u use the same lies about administrator and online counter relax its 2k16 get over it and grow up

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Guys why u have to be mad?? 
I do not care about is it real Colville or Dev is under that Prelude server or i dont know... 
If any kind of random guy can develop a nice stable server and most important stop all corruptions on it.. that can be a nice playable server .. 
By the way if u say about 400-500 on ppl on start on AEPVP .. i can proove that because i was one of the first guys who logged in and i saw just ppl creating chars and going in .. maybe they werent 400-500 but 200-300 for sure.. By the way if that random admin who gonna make the server is nice developer and smart guy he can handle and make the server nice to play and FUN to play with 100 ppl ..
Every fucking servers is going down because of 
fail edition on custom items, pre-op classes (mages,titans,archers and dagggers for every fucking time)
and fail gm team (thats not a ADMIN fail because he gonna start trusting a guy and make him GM and he gonna corrurpt in it so fuck it)
one of my friends says: u can gather or pay a nice developers to make/fix or even test everythink on the server but if u run a server and u wanna make a money on it (like everyone likes) u can handle it alone.. u can just gather some gms for events and for that stupid botter w/o items privi) every donations goes to main ADMIN.. 
but there always gonna have stupid admins who gonna be eager for money and make that fails..
L2 Prelude, how i see in it, till now its okey.. Just too much useful shops in giran (sure, calculated in online number on alt+b  ) selling dumb items just stays afk why.. ? or just if he goes offline shop remove that guy from online list on alt+b.. theres a lot of mages because they are op already with t1 but can handle them.. 
By the way @Trance im waiting for your server to test it .. i hope it wont fail.. because im member on your forum since the start so u had and u have a lot of time to make it great :) so GL.


And sorry for english gram.

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Guys why u have to be mad?? 

I do not care about is it real Colville or Dev is under that Prelude server or i dont know... 

If any kind of random guy can develop a nice stable server and most important stop all corruptions on it.. that can be a nice playable server .. 

By the way if u say about 400-500 on ppl on start on AEPVP .. i can proove that because i was one of the first guys who logged in and i saw just ppl creating chars and going in .. maybe they werent 400-500 but 200-300 for sure.. By the way if that random admin who gonna make the server is nice developer and smart guy he can handle and make the server nice to play and FUN to play with 100 ppl ..

Every fucking servers is going down because of 

fail edition on custom items, pre-op classes (mages,titans,archers and dagggers for every fucking time)

and fail gm team (thats not a ADMIN fail because he gonna start trusting a guy and make him GM and he gonna corrurpt in it so fuck it)

one of my friends says: u can gather or pay a nice developers to make/fix or even test everythink on the server but if u run a server and u wanna make a money on it (like everyone likes) u can handle it alone.. u can just gather some gms for events and for that stupid botter w/o items privi) every donations goes to main ADMIN.. 

but there always gonna have stupid admins who gonna be eager for money and make that fails..

L2 Prelude, how i see in it, till now its okey.. Just too much useful shops in giran (sure, calculated in online number on alt+b  ) selling dumb items just stays afk why.. ? or just if he goes offline shop remove that guy from online list on alt+b.. theres a lot of mages because they are op already with t1 but can handle them.. 

By the way @Trance im waiting for your server to test it .. i hope it wont fail.. because im member on your forum since the start so u had and u have a lot of time to make it great :) so GL.



And sorry for english gram.




I don't rush, and I don't give a shit about donations.

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you do it for the soul of your mother!


I actually do it because I want to finish a task I started 7 years ago. I left the server to somebody else; long stories.

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I actually do it because I want to finish a task I started 7 years ago. I left the server to somebody else; long stories.

when server will be ready ?  :alone:

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I actually do it because I want to finish a task I started 7 years ago. I left the server to somebody else; long stories.


bro those stories are for 10 years old kids. so you tell me that you working on a project for 7 years and you dont need a payback for this work?.  

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bro those stories are for 10 years old kids. so you tell me that you working on a project for 7 years and you dont need a payback for this work?.  




Should I bother myself replying to you or not? The development began in December, and I work on it, from time to time.

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the thing is that i will play on your server but i hate when someone tells that he do it for free and he dont care about donation cuz is totally fake.. is imposible to work on something for so long and you give it for free to the public. ofc you do care for donations and that is normal!  i apriciate more the truth than things like you say to trick 10yo kids

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the thing is that i will play on your server but i hate when someone tells that he do it for free and he dont care about donation cuz is totally fake.. is imposible to work on something for so long and you give it for free to the public. ofc you do care for donations and that is normal!  i apriciate more the truth than things like you say to trick 10yo kids


I don't have to prove you anything. Some of the players may know why I don't need donations.

I used to do it for money, taking L2J requests and so on, but that's not happening anymore. I no longer see Lineage II as a business.

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I don't have to prove you anything. Some of the players may know why I don't need the donations.

I used to do it for money, taking L2J requests and so on, but that's not happening anymore. I don't see Lineage II as a business anymore.

Exactly you have  not to prove me anything but if you dont like and you dont care for donations keep it for ur self and trust me the smart players will understood that you do not care. coming here and telling it shows that you need to make people believe that you dont care...


Is exactly the  same way that when someone do a gift to a hospital for example and then he rush to tv and tells that he do that then is obviews he do it for the fame!


but when someone do it for himself then he keep it for him ;)

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Should I bother myself replying to you or not? The development began in December, and I work on it, from time to time.

he's just proving everyone that calls him idiot true!

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Exactly you have  not to prove me anything but if you dont like and you dont care for donations keep it for ur self and trust me the smart players will understood that you do not care. coming here and telling it shows that you need to make people believe that you dont care...


Is exactly the  same way that when someone do a gift to a hospital for example and then he rush to tv and tells that he do that then is obviews he do it for the fame!


but when someone do it for himself then he keep it for him ;)


Your point is not bad either. I know that sounds childish, but believe me, it's more childish if you passed an age and Lineage II remains your only business.

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