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[Share] .res voice command - Takes one goldbar and resses you

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Go to package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers and create new file called Res.java


package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers;


import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;







public class Res implements IVoicedCommandHandler


    private static final String[] VOICED_COMMANDS = { "res" };


    public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target)


        if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("res"))


        if (!activeChar.isAlikeDead())


        activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot be ressurected while alive.");

        return false;




        activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot use this feature during olympiad.");

    return false;


        if(activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(3470) == null)


        activeChar.sendMessage("You need 1 or more Gold Bars to use the ressurection system.");

    return false;





        activeChar.sendMessage("You have been ressurected!");

activeChar.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("RessSystem", 3470, 1, activeChar, activeChar.getTarget());



        activeChar.sendMessage("One GoldBar has dissapeared! Thank you!");


    return true;


    public String[] getVoicedCommandList()


        return VOICED_COMMANDS;







Go to GameServer.java and add


import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.stats;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.Stat;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.Res;

_voicedCommandHandler.registerVoicedCommandHandler(new Res());

_log.config("VoicedCommandHandler: Loaded .res VoiceCommand handler.");


One again thanx to TheOneGandalf for ideas..


Once again thnx m8 ;)

You have done great Work ! ! ! :P



they done great work :D where is they work? lawl dont forgot to add credis!


hmm maby this is they work! ok is little code! dont tell me 1k lines is your codes ;)



So if i change the id in this line:


if(activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(3470) == null)


for the id of the item i want i will res him whit any item?



Btw good job


they done great work :D where is they work? lawl dont forgot to add credis!


hmm maby this is they work! ok is little code! dont tell me 1k lines is your codes ;)



It is all MY work...Should I give credits to myself? rofl :D

So if i change the id in this line:


if(activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(3470) == null)


for the id of the item i want i will res him whit any item?



Btw good job


No...That is a check. That code is to see if the player has any gold bars, if he does, it continues to deleting one of them and ress the player, if not, it returns false and sends a message.


If you wanna change the item needed for ress change it here


           if(activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(3470) == null)


              activeChar.sendMessage("You need 1 or more Gold Bars to use the ressurection system.");

             return false;




and here



            activeChar.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("RessSystem", 3470, 1, activeChar, activeChar.getTarget());



              activeChar.sendMessage("One GoldBar has dissapeared! Thank you!");



            activeChar.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("RessSystem", 3470, 1, activeChar, activeChar.getTarget());


Red - Item ID

Yellow - Count







If you wanna delete the item restriction just delete the blue lines


          if(activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(3470) == null)


              activeChar.sendMessage("You need 1 or more Gold Bars to use the ressurection system.");

            return false;





              activeChar.sendMessage("You have been ressurected!");

            activeChar.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("RessSystem", 3470, 1, activeChar, activeChar.getTarget());



              activeChar.sendMessage("One GoldBar has dissapeared! Thank you!");




is good idea! in pvp servers :)


so u wanna tell me that server i developed wasnt developed by me and was developed by you ? cool .. so this code was made by me and not by vago? be serious .. be serious..


so u wanna tell me that server i developed wasnt developed by me and was developed by you ? cool .. so this code was made by me and not by vago? be serious .. be serious..


What I got from here is that your last server had .res command...Fine...That was made by you or whoever else. This command is mine to be clear from now on. There probablly are similar versions of my code over net, maybe made by mafia, by maxtor or by whoever else...just stop spamming for credits...I made it END OF STORY! (mafia dont take it like Im saying this to you, I just continued what you said xD)


Awesome job and thanks for explaining the way to change the Gold Bar for something else i really appreciate your overall job at development sections.


+1 karma

  • 2 weeks later...

u wrote that i should  write this

_voicedCommandHandler.registerVoicedCommandHandler(new Res()); 

after this

_log.config("VoicedCommandHandler: Loaded .res VoiceCommand handler."); 

but i can't find _log.config and dont know where to put that, maybe u can write line o smt like that? using 2ljfree

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