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maybe their last projects was not with 3k real online but i remember few years ago L2 World was the most populated server with big online and very good/funny/enjoyable moments which at least i remember very well


Yes, the last 3 projects was a total disaster, we told kam3ran not to open and that server is not Ready yet since the gm team gather more then 100 reports but No. he want moneiki and rush openings, so we left the team - me, the system admin, the developer and we continue to fix the things seperate from them. Everything is 200 % better then before and we prepare for longterm.
Thank you for possitive comment Le9end ! Respect


Let's stay on topic no need to insult each-other (even tho i like what you said field), and i hope moderator clean all advertise and flame from achylek and his puppies.


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Edited by MeVsYou
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I confirm that Woa was one of the best servers ive played and the only reason behind is these guys! Trusted and dedicated.

Thank you!


I've heard enought, my clan is coming!

You are more then welcome!



Bring your Clan to the server and get Clan level 5, Clan skills, 30.000 Clan Reputation Points !

If the clan has more then 30 active members, they will aslo get free Clan Hall.


How it works?


You need atleast 10 players in clan to qualify for this promotion!

Simply create a clan, invite people and then post a reply here with the following data:


Name of the clan:

Nickname of the Leader:

Nicknams of Members:

Members count:


One of the GMs will log into the game once you make the reply in this post and check the clan in order to give the reputation points.

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Chat banned for a week.


Next time you will be banned.


Finaly. Thank you for cleaning. Gj

p.s if you have time to clean his flame posts will be great.

Edited by bella
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Where i can download system? And what is Grand Opening ETA?

Btw awesome project guys i love it.


We are almost ready for beta, register in forums to stay tuned.


With fake online in forum already, nice :dat:  and ingame will be fake counter, bots and many gm bots too?



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It is easy to make fake guests and if you have registered accounts to show you  that they visited website in the last 24h and that the accounts are still online even if they are offline already :D . Gl anyway with that, hope you ban atleast 1-2 bots and don`t make too much fake online and gm bots like in the past.

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It is easy to make fake guests and if you have registered accounts to show you  that they visited website in the last 24h and that the accounts are still online even if they are offline already :D . Gl anyway with that, hope you ban atleast 1-2 bots and don`t make too much fake online and gm bots like in the past.


Thank you. We are not stalonka to have 15,000 fighters.. our online counter will be always straight.

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