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Some Ready(Compiled) L2J Sources.

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Hello there.

Because many people ask me to do compile from SVN, I will give some ready sources.
I do not have the courage and the time to do it all the time separately for each guy.
It is the latest versions. (All were made today).

Let's start..

Chronicle 4 (Scions of Destiny) L2J Sources:

  • L2JLisvus Sources -> Download
    Forum of L2JLisvus Porject -> Forum
    SVN of L2JLisvus Project -> SVN

    I do not know to say much for this Project, but as I can see from the bug report, have some bugs/exploits fixed.
    Also, have many custom mods inside.
    You can check first the configs of this project. ->

Chronicle 6 (Interlude) L2J Sources:

  • L2J aCis Sources -> Download
    Forum of aCis Project -> Forum
    SVN of aCis Project -> SVN (The newest free sources).
    Changesets of aCis Project -> Topic of Changesets

    L2J aCis is a clean and stable private project. Tryskell have throw so much work on it. Many of bug/exploits are fixed.
    There are not custom shit inside. It is the only Interlude project who worth to work on it.

  • Forum of L2jNetwork Project -> Forum

    L2jNetwork project it is a new project by me & Reborn12.
    inside you will find many customs mods/npc.

  • L2JFrozen Sources -> Download
    Forum of L2JFrozen Project -> Forum
    SVN of L2J Frozen Project -> SVN
    Timeline of L2JFrozen Project -> Timeline

    L2J Frozen is a closed Project based on L2J Scoria. Inside you will find many custom mods.
    It is good for your fledgling steps on L2J Developent.

  • L2Cadmus Sources -> Download
    L2Cadmus Project -> Download
    Topic of Cadmus Project -> Topic

    I don't know something for this project. It is based L2JFrozen.
    You must careful for backdoor.

  • L2J Lucera Sources -> Download
    Topic of Lucera Project -> Topic

    Lucera project 2.0 is based on RU forks. It's a clean project with 100% Russian configs.
    Datapack 80% English, 20% Russian.

    SVN of L2JHellas Project -> SVN
    Timeline of L2JHellas Project -> Timeline

    Team of L2JHellas provide inside many interesting custom mods.

Lineage 2 - Chaotic Throne: Gracia Final Client

  • L2JServer Sources -> Download
    SVN of L2JServer Project -> GameServer SVN | Datapack SVN
    Forum of L2JServer Project -> Forum

    Developers of L2JServer has moved, on newest client "Ertheia". So, it is a closed Project.

The Chaotic Throne: Freya (The 2nd Throne) L2J Sources:

The Chaotic Throne: H5 (High-Five) L2J Sources:

  • L2JServer Sources -> Download
    Forum of L2JServer Project -> Forum
    Git URL of L2JServer Project -> Git URLof Core | Git URL of Datapack
  • L2JReunion Sources -> Core | Datapack | Scripts
    Forum of L2JReunion Project is closed.
    SVN of L2JReunion Project is Private.
    Topic of L2JReunion Project -> Maxcheaters Topic
  • L2JSunrise Sources -> Download
    Website of L2JSunrise Project -> Website | Maxcheaters Topic
    SVN of L2JSunrise Project is Private.
  • L2JU3G-L2JDev Forum -> Forum
    Topic of L2JU3G-L2JDev Project -> Topic

    Project is growing like retail H5 emulator with retail features & much more soon. The team is compose with some dev that work on L2j-Server.
    Due to inactivity of L2j-Server we are continuing all the work without performing.

Epic Tale of Aden Ertheia (Dimensional Strangers) L2J Sources:

What is L2Classic?
L2 Classic is NcSoft's way of rebooting the game, while using the latest client with all the things that it has to offer.

  • Classic Nice Team -> SVN
    MXC Topic of Project -> Topic

Leona Blackbird and the Blackbird Army, in pursuit of Etis van Etna, the Head of Embryo, hurry to Ye Sagira. When they arrive, an ambush lies in wait..

  • L2J Unity Project -> Git Url
    MXC Topci of Project -> Topic

The ancient giants have awoken and a new age has begun..

  • L2Junity Project Sources -> Sources
    Forum of L2Junity Project -> Forum
    MXC Topic of Project -> Topic

Bellow you can find some important links.
Please give a read and on this part of topic. Will help you on your steps.

Q. How I can throw the Sources on my eclipse?
A. Well, you have to go at Eclipse-->File->Import->General and press on Existing projects into Workspace. From there, you can find the location of the sources.

That's all...
Have a nice day!

Edited by 'Baggos'
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High Five is not Goddess of Destruction to begin with : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lineage_II#Content_Patches


L2J H5 is still the main project, it's not closed at all, and most effort are focus on this version for now.


Ertheia is mainly my whim, and since we left the team, there hasn't been a single update. This is early work and can't be used at all for any live server.

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High Five is not Goddess of Destruction to begin with : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lineage_II#Content_Patches


L2J H5 is still the main project, it's not closed at all, and most effort are focus on this version for now.


Ertheia is mainly my whim, and since we left the team, there hasn't been a single update. This is early work and can't be used at all for any live server.

Correct observation.. I do not know if they even work on it..

I had leave for years the Lineage II.

And yet, I do not play..

Edited by 'Baggos'
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Where i find ertheia system ? I downloaded the official game and now i need one working system to edit l2.ini

Try this..

https://forum.zone-game.info/showthread.php?t=35280 (Korea)

If is ok, let me know.. I will put it here..

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i downloaded it i edited l2.ini with my ip and i dont find l2.exe

You can edit your last post... No needed reply everytime without any reply..


Anyway... Yesterday I found here on maxcheaters topic with all client and file edit.. But i clear my cookies.. :/


Try this.. L2File Edit C4-Ertheia


Also, download this client.

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ωραιος βαγγο!

Ευχαριστώ φίλε..


Αν υπάρξει κάποιο νέο Project ή υπάρχει ήδη ένα που είναι με SVN και δεν το είδα, στείλτε μου για να το βάλω..

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