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Everything posted by ThelwHelpRePaidia

  1. You need to use the command //sethero to gain full hero access
  2. Have you tried this? <set name="is_oly_restricted" val="true" /> or oly_disabled dk what pack do you have
  3. did you check if you have another npc with the same id?
  4. do you have it in the npcgrp? with 104 id
  5. change the L2Npc to Npc if this doesnt work try and use //reload npc and see what error does the console gives you
  6. https://www.4shared.com/rar/askZU4Xqiq/StepOFdead_htm.html?
  7. Δεν ξερω για το athena δεν το εχω δουλεψει ποτε.. ναι hi5 ειναι εδω μπορεις να ριξεις μια ματια εχει event engine που δουλευει μονο testare για τιποτα μικρο bugs https://mega.nz/file/1h4mgQzb#m4_OujVM5KMxO6Z5682xXVRHb2qlhv3dFWWr7_lV5KY αν θες για pvp server ειναι μια χαρα τωρα για πιο low rate δεν νομιζω.... αν θες καποιο event engine επι-πληρωμη μπορεις να κοιταξεις για το Erlandys Event Engine εχω ακουσει οτι ειναι πολυ δυνατο
  8. δεν νομιζω να βρεις καπου κατι σαν φρεε..αν θες μια λυση βρες ενα sunrise pack που εχει shared εδω και παρε το nexus engine που εχει απο οσο ξερω ειναι οκ.
  9. You should better just give up on this and start a clean source...you are gonna see that you are wasting your time
  10. for the freya the instance is IceQueensCastle you will see it..there are IceQueensCastle,IceQueensCastleNormalBattle and IceQueensCastleUltimateBattle...btw what pack are you using?
  11. you will go to data/scripts/instances/CavernOfThePirateCaptain/CavernOfThePirateCaptain.java and find checkConditions and you will see it there
  12. i guess here is what you are looking public class FuncEnchant extends Func { public FuncEnchant(Object owner, Stats stat, double value, Condition cond) { super(owner, stat, 3, value, cond); } @Override public double calc(Creature effector, Creature effected, L2Skill skill, double base, double value) { // Condition does not exist or it fails, no change. if (getCond() != null && !getCond().test(effector, effected, skill)) return value; final ItemInstance item = (ItemInstance) getFuncOwner(); int enchant = item.getEnchantLevel(); if (enchant <= 0) return value; int overenchant = 0; if (enchant > 3) { overenchant = enchant - 3; enchant = 3; } if (effector != null && effector instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player) effector; if (player.isInOlympiadMode() && Config.OLY_ENCHANT_LIMIT >= 0 && (enchant + overenchant) > Config.OLY_ENCHANT_LIMIT) { if (Config.OLY_ENCHANT_LIMIT > 3) overenchant = Config.OLY_ENCHANT_LIMIT - 3; else { overenchant = 0; enchant = Config.OLY_ENCHANT_LIMIT; } } } if (getStat() == Stats.MAGIC_DEFENCE || getStat() == Stats.POWER_DEFENCE) return value + enchant + (3 * overenchant); if (getStat() == Stats.MAGIC_ATTACK) { switch (item.getItem().getCrystalType()) { case S: value += (4 * enchant + 8 * overenchant); break; case A: case B: case C: value += (3 * enchant + 6 * overenchant); break; case D: value += (2 * enchant + 4 * overenchant); break; } return value; } if (item.isWeapon()) { final WeaponType type = (WeaponType) item.getItemType(); switch (item.getItem().getCrystalType()) { case S: switch (type) { case BOW: value += (10 * enchant + 20 * overenchant); break; case BIGBLUNT: case BIGSWORD: case DUALFIST: case DUAL: value += (6 * enchant + 12 * overenchant); break; default: value += (5 * enchant + 10 * overenchant); break; } break; case A: switch (type) { case BOW: value += (8 * enchant + 16 * overenchant); break; case BIGBLUNT: case BIGSWORD: case DUALFIST: case DUAL: value += (5 * enchant + 10 * overenchant); break; default: value += (4 * enchant + 8 * overenchant); break; } break; case B: case C: switch (type) { case BOW: value += (6 * enchant + 12 * overenchant); break; case BIGBLUNT: case BIGSWORD: case DUALFIST: case DUAL: value += (4 * enchant + 8 * overenchant); break; default: value += (3 * enchant + 6 * overenchant); break; } break; case D: switch (type) { case BOW: value += (4 * enchant + 8 * overenchant); break; default: value += (2 * enchant + 4 * overenchant); break; } break; } } return value; }
  13. if you are working with mobius pack...yes you just need to adapt it it's not hard because it's for sunrise
  14. Here you can see and get an idea on how to import codes in your sources
  15. Here this is for H5 it's working fine https://www.mediafire.com/file/ncnn3otetgqu682/Rebirth+Engine.rar/file
  16. do you mean rebirth? when you get delevel for stats or skills?
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