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high five [L2J] Order Vs Chaos


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so nothing has changed since 1st season. all crap is same and you (admin) claimed it's all fixed and works great. heuheuehuehue. i was right, yu haven't fix anything and you're killing server again.


- RI perma stun = old story

- glady/tyr OP dmg = old story

- unbalanced teams = old story

- crap buffer = old story


healers are actually very funny story. in later days of season 1 bishops were leaving party if they were not in good enough, and joining farmed ppl. why? ofc because of unkillable players like cptscrub or whatever his name was. :P


Funny thing is how you avoid crirituqe comments....

read my posts on previous pages and i you will see how damn right you are :)

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Those things happen when servers are led by incompetent leaders, and it takes like 2 hours to balance few spells and implement a few codes. Give it 2 more weeks and you'll see just the heroes and ppl that were lucky to get some better gear aka dead server.

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Those things happen when servers are led by incompetent leaders, and it takes like 2 hours to balance few spells and implement a few codes. Give it 2 more weeks and you'll see just the heroes and ppl that were lucky to get some better gear aka dead server.


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Today, at around 19:00 GMT +2, prepare yourselves for a Frintezza OR Freya event!

As we want to test out the strength of these bosses and adjust accordingly for next time, we run this event for all players this evening, so don't miss you chance to win a Frintezza or Freya Necklace!

Adjustments will be made during runtime so you will get the kill from tonight for sure as a participating reward!


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simple question where is this 800 online expected? i can't see even 400 that was ment to play at start. hold on i can't see 50. why is that happening? oh yeah cos you haven't changed anything to be good.

Edited by jonek2k3
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First of all who said 800 expected? are you a moron? secondly online at start wasn't great because of so many people who were actually jelous of our server and decided to spend 24/7 nolifing searching for ways to attack it, now server is stable and we are climbing up again.


So either play the server or get the fuck out of my topic you double-faced people, most of you play on my server yet come here to cry and say bad stuff, and I know that for sure.


BTW just saw you also made all your posts on this forum on my topic, who the fuck are you? stupid fans... keep being jelous and try to break down the server, fat failers.


P.S. soon another event.

Edited by L2 OvC
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First of all who said 800 expected? are you a moron? secondly online at start wasn't great because of so many people who were actually jelous of our server and decided to spend 24/7 nolifing searching for ways to attack it, now server is stable and we are climbing up again.
So either play the server or get the fuck out of my topic you double-faced people, most of you play on my server yet come here to cry and say bad stuff, and I know that for sure.
BTW just saw you also made all your posts on this forum on my topic, who the fuck are you? stupid fans... keep being jelous and try to break down the server, fat failers.
P.S. soon another event.


So this is how a person that administrate a so called "successfull" server speaks to his community? Laughable. As stated in my previous posts your server is full of bugs that prevent people having a fair gameplay, and your incompetence of fixing those bugs will lead to a dead-to-be server really soon. Once you start listening to your "players" you might have success in managing a server. You should seriously look into some of those instead of doing non-sense events and ignore the critiques about the server, that i actually tried to be objective and point out what's preventing you from having a good server to play on. 

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If you'll follow our changelist topic you might see fixes and changes regarding our server instead of coming here talking nonsence and then wondering why I don't bother replying to you.

In my forum people are getting full attention, and if you were bothering to report or suggest your stuff on our forum (like it should be in the first place btw) instead of here then you might have received all answers you ever wanted already.


Sorry but there are too many attention whores over here, I won't take any of your posts here seriously at all, this is my advertising topic and that's how its going to be, want to suggest or report something? you got our forum for it.

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My posts here are visible to players that Might join your server, but after your type of trash-talk and acting high and classy might change their opinion, why should i bother registering to your forum after the way you response here shows what type of person you are, also I doubt i seek any attention in your topic to be honest. ;)

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Yea right, as if your posts are anywhere near useful to bringing new players...

And I find it funny that your post contain so much info regarding the server - means to me you played here for quite a while already - but didn't bother spending a minute registering to our forum? right...

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