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L2JSunrise Customized L2JServer Server Files 

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1 more user just upgraded to SVN upgraded user.

project grows much more faster than we could imagine.


every report got fixed alomost instant!

if you didnt got access yet, do it now .. ->  http://www.l2jsunrise.com

Edited by `NeverMore
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WebSite kinda sucks

i tried free version

rushes don't bring to enemy back

bluff bugged (effects)

shield bush bugged (remove target chance don't exist)

Shadow step bugged (bring in the char enemy and not in the near as should)

Pride of kamael enchanted shoulnd't work if you change weapon (not using rapier)

Stun's effect in general are kinda buggy and same for the refresh of them

DIsarm effect if enemy is casting a skill is buggy

If you rush on the enemy and the enemy is running you can cast a close skill (should not be like that)

Debuff formula on pets are broken

Betrayal Mark don't work

Insane Crusher range is totally broken (and shouldn't be geodata blocked)

i find this in 5 min, don't want to think if i spend more time....

Edited by legendkay
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great report, to bad that all of your reports are fixed on latest revs.

tho it would be cool to join our test server, and give us a good review , because as i saw you know quite good l2formulas and skills!\

if you are intrested let me know...

Edited by `NeverMore
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great report, to bad that all of your reports are fixed on latest revs.

tho it would be cool to join our test server, and give us a good review , because as i saw you know quite good l2formulas and skills!\

if you are intrested let me know...

If you truly fixed them good job man ;)

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2 upgraded users joined our community today.

1 compiled one, and one with SVN access.


in sum we have, 12 SVN upgraded users and 3 compiled Users, and all this half month after our project announced.


for more information please visit -> http://www.l2jsunrise.com/

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nevermind 'bout this reply.

shit, i was traveling and coudnt answer from phone! if you still want to talk about it, add me on skype!



1 more upgraded user joined our community yesterday!

project is stable and growing!

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I buy this files in the package Silver.


What i can say..


Server is stable. I no find bugs and problems.

NeverMore and vGodFather very willing to help. I no have big problems ;) (not trust NeverMore when him say *i back in 20 minutes*, him is back in 2-3 hours :P)


Very trusted people in team.


I highly recommend these files :)

This is professional files ! :)

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great report, to bad that all of your reports are fixed on latest revs.

tho it would be cool to join our test server, and give us a good review , because as i saw you know quite good l2formulas and skills!\

if you are intrested let me know...

That's why having that free version on the web might be a bad idea

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Seriously now, are people buying this crap?

The answer to your question -> 232323.jpg (let me remind you that community is closed only for upgraded users )

you wanna know why people buying like crazy l2jsunrise? because we offer 24/7 support, because everything is working like it should work, and if in anycase some1 find problem or bug we insta fix it in the next 24 hours! Thats the main reason we have this amount of customers in such a small period of time!


Also we keep working, and we are almost ready to commit for everyone new functions like buffer,gmshop,gatekeeper and much more on community board, since a lot of guys asked for it.





That's why having that free version on the web might be a bad idea

True, tho where you download it it says that it may have bugs, problems and that its not uptodate!




Project goes better than we could imagine. People asking/upgrading like crazy everyday!

We working really hard, server files seems really stable, and w/o bugs!

Who doubt can join our test server and check everything by himself.

Edited by `NeverMore
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Seriously now, are people buying this crap?

Seriously ? We are buying it because they are doing an amazing job.  You got even a small problem, you ask them, you go an answer right away.  They are doing an amazing job.  Nothing bad to say about them. Only good things.  Continue your good work guys. 

Edited by krigare1
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