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[Guide]The Best Multiclass Exploit!(High Rate Servers Reccomended)

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Let's Starting Guys!

1st Question: Den 3erete pws kanete multiclass apo ola ta class

2nd Question: Nomizete Oti Einai Adinato?

Edw 8a ta deite ola!

1)Xreiazeste Ena Sub 76++ Level Me 3o Quest(3rd Class)


1st Way!


1o Step: Pigenete Se Enan Grand Master Me To Sub 76++ Level PANTA ME 3o Quest(3rd Class)


2o Step: Patiste Add Sub Class...Epile3te Ena Sub Class Tis Epilogis Sas


3o Step: Patiste Change Sub Class Kai epile3te to sub class p exete kanei add sto Step 2


4o Step: 3anamiliste ston grand master epilegontas 3ana change sub class kai ala3te sto main class


5o Step: Prepei Na Sas Dei3i Prwta Oti ala3ate se Main/Base kai meta oti addarate to subclass(tis epilogi sas)


2nd Way!

1st Question: 8elete na stuckarete skills sto sub class?

2nd Question: 8elete na stuckarete sto sub class skills me perisotero stukc(diladi perisotera skils)

3rd Question: Anarwtiestai Pws Na To Kanete?


Let's Start

1os Tropos


1o Step: Opws eipa kai parapanw prepei na exete sub class 76 ++ lvl me 3o Quest(3rd Class).Pigenete Ston Grand Manager Me Main/Base Class


2o Step: Patiste Add Sub Class...Epile3te Ena Sub Class Tis Epilogis Sas


3o Step: Patiste Change Sub Class Kai epile3te to sub class p exete kanei add sto Step 2


4o Step: 3anamiliste ston grand master epilegontas 3ana change sub class kai ala3te sto sub class p exete me 3o Quest(3rd Class)


5o Step: Prepei Na Sas Dei3i Prwta Oti ala3ate se sub class kai meta oti addarate to subclass(tis epilogi sas)


2os Tropos

1o Step) Pigenete Me To Base class ston Grand manager (Edw Kai na min exete sub class dn peirazei)


2o Step) Patiste Add Sub Class Kai Epile3te to sub class to opoio 8a kanete level up kai 8a einai me stuck skills(Diki Sas Epilogi)


3o Step) Patiste Cancel Add Sub Class Kai epile3te to sub class p parapanw exete kanei add


4o Step) 3anapatiste Cancel Add Sub Class kante cancel auto p kanate sto step 3 kai addarete auto p exete kanei add sto step 2


5o Step)Prepei Na sas dei3ei prwta oti ginate to 2o sub dld auto p kanate add sto step 3 kai meta auto p kanate sto step 2



That's All guys!


1) O Server Prepei na exei lag i an oxi lag delay time sto sub class add/change/cancel/

2) Ola Auta Prepei na ta kanete poli grigora kai na min peite dn ginete an dn to petixete me tin 1i

3) 8elei ipomoni


Another Way Gia Na Kratise ta skils sas meta to restart!

1st Question: Otan kanete restart to multiclass xanete?

2nd Question: Varieste na kanete to idio kai to idio apeires fores?

3rd Qustion: Pisteuete oti dn boreite na kratisete ta skills sas?




1o Step) Exete Kanei Ola ta parapanw kai eiste full multi skils!


2o Step) Efoson O Server kanei remove all skils meta to rr iparxei kati p boreite na kratisete ta skills sas...Kanete Change Se Sub Class(an exete multiclass sto main)i change s base(an exete multiclass sto sub)..


3o Step)Kanete Log Off..otan 8eliste na beite o server exei kanei remove skills sto class p eisastan...


4o Step) Pigenete sto grand Master kai kante change sub class sto multiclass class sas ..


5o Step)Bump Exete Ola Ta Skils Sas!


Ola Einai Dika Mou Bug/exploit ektos o 2os tropos stuck s sub class!


Kratiste To Topic Ka8aro Xwris Spam Kai Vlakeies..An kanate spam kai tetoia 8a zitisw lock kai kaneis dn 8a borei na m zitisei help to lew gia to diko sas kalo!




Egw piga na dokimasw ton 1o tropo,alla dn douleuei apla allazei to class xwris na stuckarei ta skills.


PS:To dokimasa se L2J interlude.


prepei na to kanes poli grigora kai opws eides 8elei ipomoni kai na min leme dn pianei...

to exw testarei pantou opou exw pe3ei kai leitourgei 100%

ektos apo servers p alazoun kateu8eian to sub class time...

dld dn exoun delay

nomizw einai poli kalo omws!

dokimase 3ana!


h oi odhgies sou einai la8os h ..........................grafeis step 2 add sub class, step3 chance sto sub pou ekanes sto step 2 ... afou otan kaneis add se paei se afto to sub pws 8a alla3eis se sub pou eidh eise ?


8a i8eles alla ... ;)

koita kai ta PS eipa work s servers me delay sto subclass time....otan kaaneis add s deixnei oti dn eisai s kanena sub kai meta kaneis chane sto add...;)

PS kane to post s hide 250 posts..


inglish peoples.. please , i not know greece...


-1 From me..It's your second time...Here is a Greek Section so NO reason to post here if you are not Greek and you can't understand Greek..

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OMG doulepse se kamael

dn m les!! kai pos to ides esu re me ta 9 post s??? ego to kserw dn xreazete na exo 250 post to iksera apo palio kai to katalava

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