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classic [L2J] L2Pow


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If any moderator can move our topic to the proper section we would appreciate :D

We are still in previews.


As about the start, it was a modest one but i am aware that was influenced a lot by the website attack.

Now what we can do is to add the server in the voting sites and to keep advertising.

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Server is actually growing steady. Players are farming and getting used to our leveling and farming system (not as fast as they knew it from other servers) and everything seems good.



We still QQ to get our topic moved to Private Servers. Is not OBT anymore :D

Thx MXC staff.

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How did this happen exactly? I'm genuinely curious.




this idiot karasu adding servers on hopzone/topzone by taking their ip from beta so take care too he did it already on a lot of peple and then he send pm and laughing too :D

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this idiot karasu adding servers on hopzone/topzone by taking their ip from beta so take care too he did it already on a lot of peple and then he send pm and laughing too :D


i am not so low to do this

screw you ,you got no proofs and i have nothing to do with l2 pow


go get banned already ,and get out from our face ,you make us sick disabled kid

Edited by Karasu
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this idiot karasu adding servers on hopzone/topzone by taking their ip from beta so take care too he did it already on a lot of peple and then he send pm and laughing too :D

Uncool bro. You can clear this up with admins over Skype though. Not the end of the world.




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Uncool bro. You can clear this up with admins over Skype though. Not the end of the world.





are you blind?

hes just talking shit, if no proofs then gtfo!


well you are a robot spammer on this forum who try to get some guys on his server by spamming ur banner on every single fricking topic on mxc ,probably ur not even human ,so il just ignore you ,lol bot spammer


besides i got nothing to do with l2 pow, just seeing that many ppl got disable by hop/top cuz theyre too stupid to make new identity and pays money + work a lot on project


as i said, when i quit this game im going to make a guide just for hop/top approve 100% success rate "u get disabled only if he try to find the childest excuse or suspicion to disable you, if not then hop/top are just some bunch of smartass idiots who think they are better, the only difference between them and other ppl is the fact that the ppl has no knowledge about domaintoolsearch/main ip of computer/proxy/identity and so on"

Edited by Karasu
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