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high five [L2J] L2Cosmic


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Me too.

Fck exams.I hope when i join on the end of January,the gear gap won't be too big.


The progression of the server is quite slow. Speaking from experience, the gear gap shouldn't be too large by the time your exams are complete. Love the enthusiasm by the way.


That being said, if you help us advertise the server in your own way, then I would be happy to reward you with a starter pack of cosmic coins (our donation currency) to help your progression throughout the world of Aden for the first month at least. At my expense, of course. The same offer applies to any player. A list of items that can be purchased with CC can be found here: http://l2cosmic.com/l2-donation-prices/


Think gonna be good server with many ppl :)


You're damn right buddy. I put my blood into this project, 5 months, no sleep, wife yelling at me for working too much, leading to a sex ban. All in the name of L2, for my community, for you! ;)


All jokes asdie, your support means a lot to myself and, more importantly, to my team that has been kind enough to back me in this endeavour.


So tell your friends. And let me know how it goes :)


Good luck with your exams Eagle. Make sure to crush 'em ;)


All the best.




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Is the premium account mentioned here:http://l2cosmic.com/l2-donation-prices/

same thing as the vip status mentioned here:http://l2cosmic.com/lineage-2-general-setup/


If no what are the benefits of the prem acc?

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I thought it was clear, but for the record, VIP account and premium account are the same thing.


I will change the wording on the website when I get the chance. But I guess it can be confusing.


VIP/PREMIUM = multibox capability + access to a .offline shop. No other perks are given. It's been structured to maximize the longevitiy of our server through funding while maintiaining fairness between the donator and farmer.


It is priced at 5 euro / 30 days, not mandatory, and has no impact on the extended game play. The VIP status can be applied from within the game via the community board.


Some background info on the reason why we chose this premium:


There are basically three donation methods.

  • The first offers crazy gear/weapons for real money. Within 3 months, the donators already have acquired everything they need, so the server shuts down as the donations stop at the 3-4 month mark. I'm sure you've seen this.
  • The second is to offer rewards like XP/SP, Enchant Chance ++, and other perks like this, but this distances the donator and the farmer greatly.
  • The thid option was to provide a package that a user would like to purchase even 12 months after launch. Speaking as an old player, I love multi-boxing and the .offline system. I love playing the markets in Giran. But these aspects are not 100% mandatory and don't really impact the end game fantasy. So I imagined, what would I buy after 12 months from launch? Multi-boxing came to mind so I can buff myself with sws/bd/wc as I farm or do baium/anthy/frint/freya. People love to box, but again it is not a mandatory aspect of the game. This idea should in theory be able to keep the server alive for years. That is, if our population reaches a critical point for success.
Hope this helps.




Edited by CosmicGM
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dont talk it here ? :(((


:-beep- yeah:

I won't bite you ;D


You're free to discuss anything you wish and I will likely provide an honest response.


I have waited mid rates server without buffer for ages. Cant wait to see how much players you can gather !!! :)

Me too my friend. This is why we're here ;)



arent this files fandc files and they have 100 backdoor?

Not quite. :)



Hope this helps.




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cant wait for 2015 :)


Yea you should come to Canada and party with us on the 1st!


me2! can't wait for the Grand Opening


can't believe poeple will farm in packs with active supports, my god! :D


It should be good boys. Go tell your friends about us ;)




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You can check our FAQ on website why we went with L2J and not L2OFF.




No buffer, yes, retail buffs. No buffstore, npc buffs, or anything like this.


Quest 1x because changing the quest rates is tricky business. We feel that with so many quests, there could be an imbalance or exploit by fluctuating quest rate. Without a full picture of its influence it is best to not play with quest rewards, always a chance of incorporating imbalance as a result.


On a side note. Lots of CP's have contacted me already, a majority from those nasty greedy servers currently in power looking to get away from the donation heavy aspect and start fresh.. This is fantastic. I used to lead CPs back in the day, love the concept. If you're looking for a place to spend with ur CP be sure to contact me. This is def your server.




And keep up the enthusiasm / good work. See you at beta. Lots of buzz stirring. More than I expected this early on. :happyforever:


NOVEMBER 24, 2014. <---Private Testing, contact a GM.






i would join your server in case of having npc buffer.....i dont think the "retail buff" will approach many ppl (in my opinion)...all the rest are just op and 

great :D....


gl to your project......

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i would join your server in case of having npc buffer.....i dont think the "retail buff" will approach many ppl (in my opinion)...all the rest are just op and 

great :D....


gl to your project......


We've molded the structure of L2Cosmic to give substance to servers. So players that like playing SWS/BD/PP etc can do so on our server knowing their buffs actually matter to a group. Besides NPC buffs are a different game. They enable you to do raids you otherwise couldn't, pvp in a way that is often favored in one direction, and other nonsense. I've personally always hated this style of play. But nowadays you cannot avoid it. All the servers that offer retail-like experience are Russian. And Russian servers are more of a best of a bad situation, speaking from experience. But the EU scene, if we're frank, pales in comparison to the Russians. We're like a step behind in regards to quality, effort, and care. Until we came along ;)


At the very least with L2Cosmic, you can rest assured that our server model was designed to keep the server alive after the 3 month mark, and this revolves around the retail-like qualities. You can't have a server last more than three months if you've achieved everything in three months. There's simply nothing left to do but siege and oly at that point. Longevity is very important to us.


But you really can't please everyone. It's just how things go. I am, however, certain of three things:



  1. We will do everything in our power to bring a large crowd.
  2. We will provide our player base with excellent service.
  3. We will give you a fair-play, corruption-free environment.


L2Cosmic can open the door to change. You guys need to decide whether to walk through or feed the dogs another month ;)


And yes, we are OP. ;)


You're a smart cookie. :D




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