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high five [L2J] Lineage 2 Averia


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This is our secret marketing :dat: :dat:


That's exactly it. Just quickly cash in, then abandon the project and start working on a new one, while switching LR and MR.


You don't care about neither server itself or player themselves, you just open it to collect cash.


Shame on you, you're killing the name of private servers.

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Don't you think that it's not very good to hurt girl's feelings? :(

didnt want to hurt ur feelings, just heard that half of ur girls are fake, and shemale :D

but we can always cyber on skype, you can prove me one after another, how real girls you are :D

Edited by pto
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she pays 500+ to clan leader with 70 members.

but she gets 5k+ donations only from that 70 members

Nice way to fool people.

If you 're mad about this kind of marketing,i have only 1 thing to tell you.

Go figure out how the banking system works.

The minute you 'll F-U-L-L-Y understand  how this particular system works,if you ever-it's the most complex system on earth,the first thing that will pass from your mind is you grabbing a gun and killing every lobbyist on sight till they drop you dead.

To put it as blunt and simple as i can,if your salary is for example 700$(which is pretty average on the Eastern block),technically 5 minutes after you put your hands on them,they literally get transferred cent by cent to corps around the world.Why?Cuz you have the most pointless and stupid expenses as a consumer.And not just you.EVERY capitalist citizen on earth.Oh...which is almost the entire Earth populace.



ps:no i won't even play here in case you 're wondering.

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If you 're mad about this kind of marketing,i have only 1 thing to tell you.

Go figure out how the banking system works.

The minute you 'll F-U-L-L-Y understand  how this particular system works,if you ever-it's the most complex system on earth,the first thing that will pass from your mind is you grabbing a gun and killing every lobbyist on sight till they drop you dead.

To put it as blunt and simple as i can,if your salary is for example 700$(which is pretty average on the Eastern block),technically 5 minutes after you put your hands on them,they literally get transferred cent by cent to corps around the world.Why?Cuz you have the most pointless and stupid expenses as a consumer.And not just you.EVERY capitalist citizen on earth.Oh...which is almost the entire Earth populace.



ps:no i won't even play here in case you 're wondering.


It's more about principal, really. There's a difference when servers have donations to cover part of the operating costs (L2Citadel, RF etc.) and server which are being open just to earn cash (this Averia, Tales, ILs like Mid or Blaze etc.)


Servers like Averia and Tales are ultimately rotten in its core, because you can be 100% sure devs don't care about nothing but earning cash from you. When the cash harvest time is over, they'll let it finish it's days and open a new server that will kill the current one or simply open a new one.


I can 100% guarantee you that in less than half year there'll be same discussions right here in this topic when Averia opens a new midrate servers.


It's one's decision to play here, but everyone should know that playing here is simply creating an environment for paying players out of oneselves.

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what 2.5k, dude, piss oof already with ur bullshit, retarded czech slut. ur fail tales wont have more then 500.

yea i forget, u shared cracted adrenaline and dont use it.. 


if u was logged from first minute with it, u can see how much is online. 

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