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[help] About password on PC.

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so I have a guestion , on my PC there is s password so I cant login to my pc cuz i dont know the pass.

so i ask you all hackers ,cheaters , how can I know the password  cuz i cant login to my pc :D help pliz :D


Remove the battery from your PC for 20 minutes. Then your password will disappear.


rly? w00t the only way i know it was doing a few things whit D.O.S but if he cant remember his pass i cant think he would understand the d.o.s steps i do ;P


Dude if the battery thing dosnt work ¬¬ , just reinstall the operative system ;P the only bad of this is u will have to install all files again xD


a few things whit D.O.S but if he cant remember his pass i cant think he would understand the d.o.s steps i do ;P

tell me :>

PS: i didnt forgot pass i dont know it xcuz not I entered it :D


lol, there is a really easy way -.- don't format and shit... Start PC and press f8 all the time, a window will appear. Press safe mode - go to admin user -> control panel -> user -> remove password from the user that u forgot the password and u're ready


lol, there is a really easy way -.- don't format and shit... Start PC and press f8 all the time, a window will appear. Press safe mode - go to admin user -> control panel -> user -> remove password from the user that u forgot the password and u're ready

THANKS , you realy helped me :).


The password is written in the windows.If you manage to browse the files then you can make it.It's located somewhere in system32(I don't remember exactly) but even if you try it the code is coded.So...easiest way is to remove the battery for 20'.




Well if you set a password at windows and you forgot it just do the following:


Start your PC, then press F8 (so you will log-in with safe mode)

Then it won't ask you any password, just go to Control Panel => Find your account and remove your password easily ;)


Guys! LOL so many Hackz0rs And Haxors and Cheaters And no1 knows OphCrack??? LOOL well search on google for Ophcrack, go to official website and Download, now you just need to burn it to a CD or DVD (you can do all this in other computer), now insert the CD with OPHcrack in the Password computer, and make the Boot from CD, [GO Bios, Boot system, Boot from CD] now it will open the Program before the windows, just make Scan and will appear ALL the Passwords from All accounts you have on the Pc...


PS: i know all this cuz i fall an year of school and my parents punished me with a password on computer = EPIC FAIL! xD

Hackers Always WINS! :D



PS2: i will post a Tutorial  ;)


I gave him the answer already >.>

-.-' ist kinda stupid cuz, how he will get into Control Panel if he doesnt get into Windows AHAHAH! man he cant enter in computer = he cant go to Contro panel.... stupid answer


i have see a program that allows u to see any password on the target pc this program can boot from a cd or flopy but i dont remember it now pure winasm program

the passwords are stored in hash type in a file called SAM in C:\WINDOWS\system32\config

u can view this file if u are dual boot linux on ur pc or u can copy it with some way from a bootable cd :)

its not so easy

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