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Hello, we are independent developers who move ahead classic L2J server. 
Our history goes back to the past year, when we decided to run own server. 
Unfortunately it did not work because of a server error and there were many players that use. 
After this experience, we decided to make our own developer project, 
which will be available to the public. Now we have a big enough lead to 
other development teams. Our core has undergone a great change from the
basics to the most detailed changes. We focus on a server that has been 
optimized as much as possible and at the same time that players could 
enjoy it for what normal L2J server can not afford. We based on L2jServer + L2jUnited. Our plans for the 
future are clear. We have a wide customers not only in China but also 
throughout Europe and South America. Our core is currently only available 
for the client version of High Five. Now we have already prepared other 
versions of servers, but are not yet available. To find out more information 
about the server L2Spring Continue below.
Basic informations about server
Server is based on Java 8. For successful start server, you need to have installed MySQL database, installed Java 8. For reading and editing html, xml, xsd files use Eclipse or open these files in Notepad.
Server description
Fully configurable server with auto reloading configs.
Fully wrote  in Java 8 and support Java 8.
Server core is optimized up to 5000 players. (tested with 3500 players).
Admin interface after server loaded.
Prime shop and protection against to hack account.
Last login and IP on your account, when you log in game.
Enable support enchanted items in multisell.
Datapack and Database description
Static SQL moved to XML.
All wrote in Java, no exist jython files.
Admins commands allow to edit/reload/save/add/delete xmls from game. Like edit npc.
Features are completed up to High Five part 5.
New spawn engine with random spawns.
Multilang system for Greece, English, China and Poland player.
Fully retailed AI, Instances and quests with zones.
New HTML designs for Community Board and Admin panel.
New functions are available in community board. Like search drops and show loc.
and more you can test on free version.
We have some customs events and pvp mods for you.
Implemented Capture the Flag.
Implemented Team Vs Team.
Implemented custom races with striders.
Community Board detailed statistics of server.
Community Party Matching with filters.
Community Auction House.
Community player interface... like exp off/on, auto pickup selected items...
Fake player system with AI ! Exclusive only on our pack !
Do you want any custom thing to implement on pack? Write on skype!
How get it?
Before asking us for get last version of server. Download free share version of our product. After test our product, contact us.
Our Skype is l2springhi5 or you can contact us on email l2springemulators@gmail.com
On our contacts you can write the bug report and for get more information.
We are willing to create any further cooperation with you.
30Euro geodata
35Euro source code + geodata
We accept PayPal and Skrill
Shipped in packages, access as soon as possible. This means at least the next day after receipt of payment.
Test Server
Test server IP:
If server is offline or maintenance mod or we testing something. Just write on skype and we start last rev. of pack.
Changelist / updates to 1.9.2014
AI for FakePC
Some premium configs improvements - check in config file
Add missing annotation
Renamed Champion insidecore configs
Added missing class for load - clan
Fix wrong link path
implement RequestremainTime package implement PremiumFreeTelAntharas 
Implementation Premium Account System - Welcome Message on Login
Fix for Baium AI - premium player setting
Fix for Klen AI - premium player setting
Fix for RequestBrProductList - premium player setting - totally reworked
Fix for RequestEnchantItem - premium player setting
Fix for double consume Mana Drugs and Mana Pots * customs skills moved to skill folder
Updated configs: Improvements Baium enter for free for Premium Accounts
implement Profile set/save/ and Enter world notice
Fix Error improve shift click player
Rework for Mana Potions: * Implemented Only for Premium Account mana pots?
Updates configs. Implementing Enchant Value bonus for Premium Accounts
improve .Info Voice command , now you can see others player info when you shift click player
Premium Config UPDATE * Only Premium player can open Prime Shop?
Improvement config for High Five Feature in Freya * In Hi5 part 5 not need quest for FREYA Instance
Premium Account Improvements: * PremiumBuffShop * PremiumFreeTelValakas * PremiumFreeTelAntharas - not yet read config
Fix buffShop "In Sell List" info
Fix buffshop
AntiBuff only for Premium Account
Add profile info
Fix RebalanceHP cant effect pets and improve it , it shouldn't multi calculate
Offline shop buffs for buffers chars
npc for strider race
Strider race event
Fix Q10296_SevenSignPowerOfTheSeal html
Added new Improvements for NPC, now can be set title for all npc, like L2Server name
Tested: Enchant new custom from prev. update + offline protect from prev. update .. *
Some Improvements: * Custom enchant value * Configurable range for offline mods "if player/npc in range = return"
a little improve : remove double check and unnecessary parameters . now player can see title color change immediately.
EnterWorld Update
Fix cockTail (tested)
Add AntiBuff command
Clean no need code Fix players got stuck when they attack monster
HTMLs for 634
Core update for Q634
Implemented Killing reward
Some Fixes and support for new handlers
Clean from Not used files
Improvements for Spoil message
Added Epic command
Added Info command
Clean from old spawnlist, spawned by new script
DrChaos Update - fixed camera fix and teleport + better Ai and Camera
Datapack retail fishing tournament
Core for Retail Fishing Tournament
add FakePlayer system 
add Boss location check , when boss is too far away its spawn location it will teleport
Fixed Error for Andreas Van Halter
Fix for error while loading oly period type
Fix for error while loading castle traps
CLean from Prime Shop packet added debug for Packets. Its true/false
Fix Quest255 Wrong name Fix Network config double load
cleanup Chinese words in English Version
Fix NevitsHerald and improve code 
Some warning fixes
Reworking configs * Improve for Custom Olympiad Period
Add new Util Class "TimeUtil" for feature
cleanUp spawnlist fix wrong reload admincommands fix missing adminmenu file
Fix Skill 1543/6920 cant effect right targets
Fix Skill 985 Challenge for Fate cant effect buff on caster self (Tested)
Capture the flag - core part * Van Halter
CTF datapack part
Fix Skill 929.930.931 don't UnSummon pet
XSD support
Added support for multisell enchant item (retail like)
new function  HuntingTime System
Fire Dragon and Land Dragon Htmls fixes
Added Missing Party.properties
Administration Configs
Instances and Raids configs reworks
Some Improvements for Configs and fixes
Some configs skill moved to new config
Champion configs separations
conquerablehalls updated
Fix DropData add Missing data
Quests improving
Q344 rework htmls
Quest reworking next part..
Quest Reworking part 1
Improvements for Q00727_HopeWithinTheDarkness
Retail Like Quest 727 fixes
Added Missing htm texts for quest 727 * 727 will be rewrited soon 
Using transformations data for prevent kick/error from game when you changing class/Race
Improved Security for Queen Ant bugging.
Updated Valakas AI script. 
Implemented Klein in to the java code
Added Valakas to the Admin GrandBoss menu
Removed GrandBossTeleporters.java
Fix VanHalter 
Fix wrong effectpoint cause NPC suicide
Implemented support for BAN HWID
Fix for monster Chapel Guard
DBFactory drop ThreadPoolManager
Elixir usage in TvT - fixed
Fixed Van Halter NPC stat
Added geodata check for random walking NPCs
Item skill reuse show fix
Fix for low hp on login while players have buffs, also msg are gone DEBUG = player.isGM() in Zaken Instance
Removed not used functions and methods from Quests.java Implemented missing Say To World in Seer Ugoros
a little fixed: GM can receive double html Path
Fixed Quest 144 and tested
support delete spawn data from xml file
Fixed Fruit Cocktail wrong abnormalLevel cause player's buff can stack add 2 new config 
CleanUP Fix ChamberOfDelusion HTMLPath
improve skillSetting ,add Duration Fast Setting
Fix NPE Improve from last rev
UPDTAE sendMessage method ,Finished!!
improve sendMessage ,support multi language need rework all sendMessge; there are some example in coreMessage_example.txt。
finished add/delete spoil function
Improving security for get reward from Seven Signs
Fixed AI for Zakens Instances
Added Support AI for Lair of Antharas Bosses
Fix for Raid Bosses in lair of Antharas
ADD NPC DROP EDIT FUNCTION! Didn't finished spoil part yet 
Fix for BOSS skills: * Boss Might * Boss Haste * Boss Reflect Damage
Fix for skills: * Holiday Wind Walk * Holiday Haste * Holiday Empower * Holiday Might * Holiday Shield
Dark Clound Mansion improvements / fixes 
*Fixed mission with Walls and Horse
*Fixed Random Walking mobs on last mission
*Improvements for if player already got Contaminated Crystal. It will not give it again.
Implement skill Fall of the Dragon
Fix some button on bbs try reduce html file size ,because if it's too large ,client cant display
Improvements and fixing for Crystal Caverns * But need to finish some corrections in spawns
add gm command admin_show_sa to check Monsters have spawn animation or not
add support save Gm spawn data。need SaveGmSpawnOnCustom = true
Fixed all not worded seflEffects
add new functiong on GM Panel : add npc skill
improve Npc Editor : Add edit name and edit title functions,server will auto set usingServerSideName(Title) when GM use these function, 
Added missing spawn in Crystal Caverns xml
Fix for monsters 29104 and 29188
Implementing Baylor Circle * fixed bug with spawn anime
a little change to make sure physical skills can play full animation
a little fixed getSOID should be static , it shouldn't locked by ObjectLock UPDATE some quests rewards to Xml 
optimizing server performance . use "staticId" on static data . Tested
Fix Monster aggroRange 
Added missing spawns in Crystal Caverns * High Five update
Fix for Strong Punch for Baylor.
Fixed Dark Water Dragon * from Fafurions not drops items - fixed - tested
Fix for Dragon Claw Item * Updated to High Five
Fixed bug:Energy Replenishing Potion dosen't consume
Fixed bug:PrimeShop product count dosen't work
Fixed bug:item remaining reuse time message showed wrong time 
Fixed bbs RaceRatio 
Fixed IncreaseRates not working in a right way(complete rewrite) a tiny Improve L2Party 
Fixed bug: pickup herb sometimes stuck player (Tested)
find new bug, bugs will be fixed later




Edited by MiguelS

Your topic must contain all the information about the product. If you're selling a project (L2 Pack), your topic must contain test-server's IP - It doesn't have to be 24/7 online, but enough to be tested.



we uploaded new configs from current version (not test version in download)

We added some new useful configurations.


List of new configs:

* Configurable range distance for offline traders from NPC and PLAYER

* Configurable enchant value. Example: player can enchant from 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 etc...

* Configurable NPC/MONSTER title. Example: title for all NPC and MONSTER will be L2 SUPERSERVER

* Configurable new Strider event race

* Configurable Offline Shop Buffs. If you have buffer class, you can sell your buff as offline mod.

* Configurable Anti Grief Buff protection. Prevent for steal buffs.

* Configurable only for premium account Anti Griefr Buff protection

* Configurable only for premium account Offline Shop Buffs.

* Configurable only for premium account Free teleport to Valakas - Not need item

* Configurable only for premium account Free teleport to Antharas - Not need item

* Configurable only for premium account Prime shop

* Configurable  Freya Instances with quest or not


so be careful, new buyers This is PS, The biggest crooks and corrupt. Be VERY CAREFUL

really? have you any proof to show us? :O


if this pack is L2PS its true, very corrupt and unskilled, please put proofs to inform community !

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