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I really like the discussion about your overpowered donations that is burning in the "general section" of the l2 dex forum.


I strongly advice to grab some snacks and to read all future l2dex x7 players crying about the donate npc.

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I dont particular like the server, but i do give them credit for one thing and that is for still being up and running for more then a month, thats more then 99% on all Lineage 2 Private Server ever does. Anyone here who ever made a private server and failed in less then a month, i want you all to follow these directions.

  1. Buy a gun
  2. Load it with bullets
  3. Aim at your head
  4. pull the trigger as many times as possible and see if you can empty the clip.

j/k :)


I freaking hate starting on a server and then bye bye within few weeks, if admins can handle a server then dont freaking start one.

Edited by OperatoR
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Live streaming from Lionna ! http://www.twitch.tv/sharky2xyz
REGISTER : http://www.lineage2dex.com/#!register2l2
Get files for Lionna x7 server with huge online from : http://www.lineage2dex.com/#!downloadl2

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  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent conditions for beginners.
Start playing now and get a unique bonus at the start!


In order to attract new blood, new players and clans, we increased advertising of the project and add new bonus for beginners and new clans!
Below is all the gifts for the new players.
Have a quick start and enjoyable game!

NEW PLAYERS: Automatically receive every new player

cb5eb8795bbdc5f1ae358e0a0204f87b.png - Premium Rune(+30%) 3 days
Etc_fruit_cocktail_i01_0.jpg - Fresh Fruit Cocktail x3 for mage
Etc_fruit_cocktail_i00_0.jpg - Sweet Fruit Cocktail x3 for fighter

NEW CLAN: clan bonus is issued, after application check

Clan with more then 15 players:
clan_imperium.png - Get 5 Clan level
728584cec9a17b869b938a8e811a72f2.png - Get 5.000 Clan reputation points

Clan with more then 35 players:
clan_imperium.png - Get 5 Clan level
728584cec9a17b869b938a8e811a72f2.png - Get 10.000 Clan reputation points

Clan with more then 50 players:
clan_imperium.png - Get 6 Clan level
728584cec9a17b869b938a8e811a72f2.png - Get 15.000 Clan reputation points

To get a clan bonus, you must contact me on Skype - http://www.skype.com/favicon.icoostintm (avatar - smurf)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Search and destroy!!!

Every week, NPC killer Beatrix  visits all worlds of Lineage 2.
Certain time, she appears into the gaming worlds and kills all people of Elmore Aden.

Authorities of Lineage.ro declare reward for Beatrix head!
Player, who could find famous killer and who will destroy her, get ToDs as Reward.


More information about the mechanics of event:

Once a week,we open a worldwide hunt for Beatrix.
Finding she will not be difficult, because the announcements will alert you about her location.
But killing her is  not easy, she's very strong and treacherous, if hunters will not be enought , she will destroy them.

The main task of the participants is to be ready for fast regroup, watch for our game announcements,  find the target and destroy it!

The player that will cause a decisive blow, gets 150 ToD.

The event is not long, the approximate time is no more than 30 minutes.

During this time there will be 3 of the race, with three murders and three winners.

Dates the emergence of Beatrix in gaming worlds:
Nanna - Friday at 22:00 (UTC +4)
Legacy - Thursday at 22:00 (UTC +4)
Lionna - Wednesday at 22:00 (UTC +4)

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  • 3 weeks later...

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