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Check out these new In-Game screenshots!



1. Elves trying to defeat dark elves outside Giran. 








2. Welcome to 2nd Dimension!





3. Dimensions Writings







Edited by MMOPLAY
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Not bad, you've done so much work here.


To be honest, i wouldn't be so patient to get up to here, but gj.


I will give a try to this server ofcourse, this ai system has really made me curious ;p

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Our partnership will be announced soon!


Mark me as excited!!!

Definitely great step forward!


Anyway my question towards all these area changes - will my toaster PC handle it?

Seriously though, Im having difficulties running it with no customs, but now that I see all this stuff being added kinda saddens me :(

Edited by Herlitz
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Mark me as excited!!!

Definitely great step forward!


Anyway my question towards all these area changes - will my toaster PC handle it?

Seriously though, Im having difficulties running it with no customs, but now that I see all this stuff being added kinda saddens me :(



You won't have any problem running it.

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This is where our players are on our Roleplay Event, Read the scenario and tell us what would you do if you were one of them! 



Health: 4 Mana 8 Gold 10  Morale 2

Your health decreased by 2 points!


You take it slow in the dark, still you stumble a few time, but at least you're not shining like a lighthouse to all your enemies. Soon the cobwebs thicken...and thicken...and what's this? You find yourself stuck to one particularly beefy stand of web. You take the hood off your lantern to better appraise the situation, when you suddenly feel something heavy land on your shoulders.


"Spiders!" Reginolds yelps. His sword is out and he swings it down hard on top of you. Presently, your back is covered with greenish, oozing spider blood. The monstrously large spider is black with long matted fur. It now lies motionless on the floor.


Reginold un-hoods his lantern and plays the light on the ceiling above.

There are no more spiders, just thick webs dotted with small silky cocoons that you suspect might encase rats or other small prey. Now the immediate crisis is over, you notice you're in pain. Reginold, who has never been a lover of spiders , cut your shoulder in his zeal to kill the thing, you don't hold it against him. He meant well and it is far better to get a gouge from a sword than an injection of venom from something like that!


Reginold does his best to bandage you up and then you proceed down the hall; however , your lanterns are no longer hooded. You want a better look around and you pay particular attention to the ceiling!

Eventually, the two of you make your way to a spiral staircase going up. Having heard that going up is usually safer than going down when in creepy ruins, you decide to take the stairway, which leads into a small tower. This room is finely furnished and otherwise much nicer kept than any of the rest of the castle you've visited so far. there is a small bed (Still made!) on one end, an ornate table, and a bookshelf. On the table is an open fairy-tale book and a gold embroidered hand mirror. You pick up the mirror and inspect it.

You decide you look pretty good, all things considered. You brush cobwebs from your wavy brown hair, you smile, you are happy to see that your teeth are looking particularly good. Of course, you deserve nice, teeth since, unlike most in your home city , you take care of them. Every morning you wipe your teeth with a cloth dipped into cleaning concoction consisting of vinegar,salt, a little sand, and a small measure of your own urine. sparkly!


You are about to pull yourself from mirror and put it in your backpack when you see in the reflection a translucent skull with a thin, wispy hair just behind you. You spin around and see her. No longer a skull, it is a young girl floating a few feet in the air, her ghostly face fixed on you. Reginold sees her too, as evidenced by him letting out a little shriek and then running out, down the stairway.


"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH WHAT IS MINE!" the ghostly girl shouts. You back up and reflexively put the mirror back on the table. You have heard tales of powerful ghosts that can suck the life right out of you and wonder if this girl is one of those.


What do you do?


1. Run for stairs

2. Cast protection from the evil spell. ( 2 mana)

3. Apologize

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Maybe you wanna go finish it yourself?

sorry dude but this guy have right. is more than a month from the first time i seen that topic. and till now we dont have even a  release date.! i still w8ing for this server only because there is no other  major project out there. But seriously i get tired and bored. :D

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