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interlude [L2J] L2Outlaw Unique Custom Pvp Server [The Best Around The Network]


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  • Xp: 4000x
  • Sp: 4000x
  • Party Xp = 1.5x
  • Party Sp = 1.5x
  • Adena: 4000x
  • Karma Drop Rate: 20%
  • Safe Enchant: +5
  • Max Enchant: +25
  • Normal Enchant Scroll: 90-85-80%
  • Crystal Enchant Scroll: 85-80-75%
  • Blessed Enchant Scroll: 100-95-90%
  • after +19 the rate is decreased
  • Life-Stone Skill Chance: 1%
  • Mid Life-Stone Skill Chance: 3%
  • High Life-Stone Skill Chance: 5%
  • Top Life-Stone Skill Chance: 7%
  • You can have only one passive or active skill
  • Augmented items are tradeable
Castle & Clan Hall:
  • Castle Sieges: Every Friday (16:00, 18:00)
  • Only Giran and Aden Castle
  • Allow Teleport To Siege Town
  • Siege Length: 2hours
  • Maximum Attackers: 20
  • Maximum Defenders: 2
  • Only the Clan Halls located in Giran are working
  • Olympiad Period: 1 week
  • 18:00 - 24:00 (GMT+2)
  • Classed Participants: 5
  • Non-Classed Participants: 9
  • Dual Box: Disabled
  • Without Custom Items
  • Oly shows Points & Matches that you have played
  • Custom Oly Shop (with Gate Pass)
  • 3 times hero in row: hero skills in ur subs
General Info:
  • Auto Loot
  • Auto Learn Skills
  • Unlimited Weight
  • Subclass without Quest (Max   8)
  • Maximum number of buffs: 40+4
  • Maximum number of Debuffs: 4
  • Only 2 Clans are allowed for each Ally
  • 10 Members are needed for Clan War
  • Clan Penalty: Disabled
  • Death Penalty: Disabled
  • Grade Penalty: Disabled
  • Drop Items on the ground: Disabled
  • Warehouse
  • Wedding
  • Inventory Space: 150
  • unstuck time: 20 second
  • Spawn Protection: 10 second
  • Geodata & Pathnode


Custom Info:


  • Killing Spree System
  • Announce castle lords on enter game
  • Announce GM's on enter game
  • Announce Raid Bosses spawn
  • Raid Bosses Respawn time 12h - 24h
  • Grand Bosses for RB Jewels drops
  • Raid Bosses for Clan items drops
  • Trade, Global, Hero chat with PvP's
  • PvP Color Name & Title & Skills
  • Heal Monsters, Raid Bosses: Disabled
  • After 10 Pk you may drop up up 3Items
  • Vote Reward System hopzone and topzone
  • Aio System
  • Donate System
  • All Subclasses are in one NPC
  • Clan Reputation Item
  • Hero, Noble Item
  • Heroic Aura: 20 PvP in a row
  • Hero until restart: 45 PvP in a row
  • Scrolls, Bogs, Lifestones: Stuckable
  • Rebith System
  • Custom Items
  • Shops That you can Try our C.items
  • .deposit .withdraw command
  • .repair command
  • .online
  • .tvtjoin .tvtleave .tvtinfo .ctfjoin .ctfleave .ctfinfo .dmjoin .dmleave .dminfo
  • SS/BSS consume is disabled
  • Private store system is with gold. not with adena.
  • System that tells you how many times u have killed or have been killed by x player.
  • Champion mobs
  • Antibuff Protection
  • Grand Bosses respawning time 2 with 4 days
  • Shift+Click html droplist
  • Shows 1-10% , 10-30%, 30-50%, 50-70% and 70-100% item rate drops
  • Dress up Stores Added (You can try Custom Items)
  • Bug Report NPC
  • NPC Clan Crest
  • PvP Colour name, title, skills now at 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000
  • 50 Pvp for Trade Chat, 1000 Pvp for Global Chat, 5000 Pvp for Hero Chat (All chats have reuse)
  • Team VS Team (Automatic)
  • Capture the Flag (Automatic)
  • Death Match (Automatic)
  • Dual Box: Disabled
Top killer in TvT will not be rewarded with extra items. Jut his name in announce.(TvT)
If the TvT goes in tie both item will be rewarded.
The loser team will take a symbolic reward too
Players with 0 kills take nothing!
Every time that you score for your team you will be rewarded (CTF)
If the CTF goes in tie both item will be rewarded.
Loser team will take a symbolic reward too
Custom items:
  • Unique , Epic , Relic weapons (relic weapons have custom glows and skills that u never have seen in other server )
  • Unique, Epic, Relic armors
  • Nightmare tattoo relic
  • Accessories
  • Herbs Custom
  • Custom items to join in Grand bosses Lairs
  • Clan Reputation item
  • Noblesse Item
  • Hero Item
  • Custom Farming coins
  • Farming Zones:
  • Giran Harbor safe farm zone (for unique items)
  • Archaic Labratory (for unique items)
  • Pagan Temple (for epic & relic items)
  • Cave of Trials (for epic & relic items)
  • Primeval Isle (Drops bogs, ls, blesseds with low rate)
  • GK
  • Buffer
  • Symbol Maker
  • Pvp Pk ranking Manager
  • Augmenter / Skill enchanter
  • Server Info Npc
  • Password Changer
  • Bug Reporter
  • Wedding
  • Rebith
  • Shops that you can try custom items (3 npcs)
  • Priest
  • Bosses Live Npc

Website: www.l2outlaw.net


Forum www.l2outlaw.net/forum

Edited by CorruptedEmperor
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This is best ever idea so far looking forward to it..

I been waiting for long time to see this style of Interlude coming out...

FOR SURE -> +1 player to your server >:D

Thank you legatas,if you want to help us,Like our Facebook page,Share it & register in our forum,so we can grow up our community!

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