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Updating a champion like Heimerdinger requires all the rigor of the scientific method. Given his upcoming PBE launch, more and more evidence from the experimentation is surfacing.

The first major discovery proved the mass previously known as Heimerdinger’s brain is actually hair. After what must have been days of cutting, styling and shaping, Heimerdinger returned to his lab to experiment with his new do.


With his hair density significantly reduced, Heimer implemented a long languishing invention: the D.I.N.G.R., a neural-engaged robotic arm. This schematic shows the arm of the D.I.N.G.R. lying in wait for Heimerdinger’s supercharged grey matter to raise the apparatus and launch a bevy of rockets and grenades at the enemies of science and progress.

But Heimer can’t call anything an upgrade if his turrets aren’t included. Whether sporting original ‘Dinger, Piltover Customs, Alien Invader or entering the Blast Zone, there’ll be no mistaking these death devices for ye olde pitching machines.





Source: http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/page/lab-report-reinventing-revered-inventor


Heimerdinger new quote sound: http://images.wikia.com/leagueoflegends/images/d/d3/Heimerdinger.attack11.ogg

Edited by Gries

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